Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kömmt aber darauf an, sie zu verändern.
Oxford English Dictionary: interpret
1. a. trans. To expound the meaning of (something abstruse or mysterious); to render (words, writings, an author, etc.) clear or explicit; to elucidate; to explain.
Formerly, also, To translate (now only contextually, as included in the general sense).
b. To make out the meaning of, explain to oneself.
c. In recent use: To bring out the meaning of (a dramatic or musical composition, a landscape, etc.) by artistic representation or performance; to give one's own interpretation of; to render.
d. To obtain significant information from (a photograph), used esp. of aerial photographs taken for military purposes.
2. a. To give a particular explanation of; to expound or take in a specified manner. Also, To construe (motives, actions, etc.) favourably or adversely. (In quot. 1709, To attribute to.)
b. To render, explain, or translate by a specified term. Obs.
3. absol. or intr. To make an explanation; to give an exposition; spec. to act as an interpreter or dragoman.
Formerly, also, in general sense, To translate.
4. intr. To signify, to mean. Obs.
Verstehen is (German for understanding and interpretation of meaning, pronounced "fehr-SHTEH-ehn", IPA: [fɛɾ'ʂteːɘn]), used as an adjective in Interpretative Sociology (verstehende Soziologie). It was brought into social science (Geisteswissenschaften) by Wilhelm Dilthey and Max Weber to describe a process in which an outside observer of a culture (such as an anthropologist or sociologist) relates to an indigenous people or sub-cultural group on their own terms, rather than interpreting them in terms of his or her own concepts.
The New English-German Dictionary:Verstehen