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- 王維 (Wang, Wei ) (699 - 761)

桃源行 Song of Peach Tree Spring
漁舟逐水愛山春 兩岸桃花夾古津
坐看紅樹不知遠 行盡青溪不見人

山口潛行始隈隩 山開曠望旋平陸
遙看一處攢雲樹 近入千家散花竹
樵客初傳漢姓名 居人未改秦衣服
居人共住武陵源 還從物外起田園

月明松下房櫳靜 日出雲中雞犬喧
驚聞俗客爭來集 競引還家問都邑
平明閭巷掃花開 薄暮漁樵乘水入

初因避地去人間 及至成仙遂不還
峽裡誰知有人事 世中遙望空雲山
不疑靈境難聞見 塵心未盡思鄉縣

出洞無論隔山水 辭家終擬長游衍
自謂經過舊不迷 安知峰壑今來變
當時只記入山深 青溪幾曲到雲林
春來遍是桃花水 不辨仙源何處尋

~ 王維 ~
My fishing boat sails the river, I love spring
in the mountains.
Peach blossoms crowed the river on both banks
as far as sight.
Sitting in the boat, I look at red trees and forget
how far I've come.
Drifting to the green river's end, I see no one.

Hidden paths winding into the mountain's mouth.
Suddenly the hills open into a plain
and I see a distant mingling of trees and clouds.
Then coming near I make out houses, bamboo groves
and flowers
where woodcutters still have names from Han times
and people were Qin dynasty clothing.
They used to live where I do, at Wuling Spring,
but now they cultivate rice and gardens
beyond the real world.

Clarity of the moon brings quiet to windows under
the pines.
Chickens and dogs riot when sun rises out of clouds.
Shocked to see an outsider, the crowed sticks to me,
competing to drag me to their homes and ask
about their native places.
At daybreak in the alleys they sweep flowers from
their doorways.
By dusk woodcutters and fishermen return,
floating in on the waves.

They came here to escape the chaotic world,
Deathless now, they have no hunger to return.
Amid these gorges, what do they know of the world?
In our illusion we see only empty clouds and mountains.
I don't know that paradise is hard to find,
and my heart of dust still longs for home

Leaving it all, I can't guess how many mountains
and waters lie behind me,
and am haunted by an obsession to return.
I was sure I could find my way back, the secret paths
How could I know the mountains and ravines would
I remember only going deep into the hills.
At times the green river touched cloud forests.
With spring, peach blossom water is everywhere,
but I never find the holy source again.

- Wang, Wei -

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