◎ 魏國金
Chinese medicine may be effective in battling certain symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, and lessening side effects from the drugs used to treat the condition, according to a new study.
Researchers at Hong Kong Baptist University said Gouteng, a traditional Chinese herb used to treat hypertension, helped patients better communicate and made them less prone to depression and sleeping difficulties.
Parkinson’s is a progressive motor-system disorder which usually affects people over the age of 50, although it can strike earlier, often causing severe symptoms including body trembling, stiffness and loss of balance.
The condition is usually treated with a drug called levodopa, which the brain converts into dopamine to relieve the symptoms, but it can also cause nausea and hallucinations.
The Baptist University study found that patients who took Gouteng together with levodopa experienced fewer side effects from the drug while showing a marked improvement in their communication skills.
Li Min, an associate professor who led the study, said the findings could also help boost the profile of Chinese medicine. Li said that she expects the herb would start being used to treat the disease after the second phase of the study in 2013.
condition︰在此為名詞,指疾病、症狀,也可用為動詞,指使健康、使處於適當狀態。例句︰Thinking conditions your brain.(思考使你的腦子發達。)
prone to︰片語,有…傾向的、易於…的。例句︰She is prone to be late for work.(她上班往往遲到。)
convert into︰片語,使轉化、使轉換。例如︰convert defeat into victory(轉敗為勝、逆轉勝。)