Gross Score ....
1st Place ....... Tequila/Sara (71) One box of Dunlop Tour JD Ball
2nd Place ...... Jerry/Selina (74) One box of Pinnacle Exception Ball
3rd Place ...... Lee SM/Sophie (75) One piece of sovenir mug
Nett Score ....
1st Place ........ Jerry/Selina (74-4.6=69.4) NT$2200/-
2nd Place ....... Tequila/Sara(71-0=71) NT$1800/-
3rd Place ........ Lee SM/Sophie (75-2=73) NT$1400/-
4th Place ........ Chiang CK/Vivien (81-8=73) NT$1100/-
5th Place ........ Raymond/Sharon (77-2.4=74.6) NT$900/-
6th Place ........ Chen JR/Ingle (78-2=76) NT$700/-
7th Place ........ Eric/Amanda (80-3.7=76.3)
8th Place ........ Addams/Flora (83-3.9=79.1)
9th Place ........ Jonathan/Pan HL (83-2.7=80.3)
I know why ..... there are better looking men to compare in a group
picture whereas there is none in your private picture ...... ahhhhh I got
you here ........... this is why you intentionally forgot to post it up on the
site. Come on, be more confident of yourself, your look, your swing,
your physique, your club, your body, your aim, your power, your
judgement, your touch, your ............ your everything. There is always
a cause why you are not playing to your potential ......... it is up to you to
go and find it; as friends, we can say this much. You have too seek the
cause and the cause shall fix you right. It is just Reverend Zheng-Yuan's
life; she found her purpose in life and she pursue it till she finds it. Finding it
has indeed helped her lighten and brigthen people's lives around her. The
same goes to you, finding the cause shall lighten and brighten Flora's life
as well as the lives of everyone at SunMoonLight and KenpiWorm when
we need you ........ isn't it a good analogy?
Be enlightened, my friend.
It seems that you do not understand Jerry well
enough ..... I do not call him XiLaoKau for no reason .
...... now you understand???
He is a cunning old fox .... maybe we should call him
XiLaoKau and LauWuLi .....