11/05 KenpiWorm Monthly Game
Venue : Chang-An Golf Course
Time : 0645 Hrs
Confirmed participants ......
- Raymond & Sharon
- Tequila & Sara
- Chen Ji Rey & Ingle
- Lee ShihMing & Sophie
- Yang ShunSheng & Irene
- Jonathan & Pan Huilu
- Jerry & Grace
- Addams & Family Du
- David Zheng & Chou WeiShi
- Eric & Amanda
Those who have yet to confirm your participation, pls do so early as
Amanda needs time to arranage the green fee vouchers. I hope you guys
learn to appreciate all the effort that goes into organising these games; it
is not easy. Amanda can testify to it and what to say when I am doing it
all by myself for the love of the game as well as for lthe ove of all those
playing couples who would have a chance to play together as a team. So
confirm early as we will stop all confirmations by this week.
I will partner you with Addams since his wife will be away for about two
months due to a knee operation.
Here, we will also like to wish FLORA a speedy recovery as we will miss
your presence and laughter ...... more than we would miss Addams' ...
hahahaha ...... Addams, how about that? Angry? Disappointed? Sad? This is a good stimulus to start you on a new week. It is always quite difficult
to start a week after a wonderful weekend, isn't?
Confirmed participants ...... - Raymond & Sharon - Tequila & Sara - Chen Ji Rey & Ingle - Lee ShihMing & Sophie - Yang ShunSheng & Irene - Jonathan & Pan Huilu - Jerry & Grace - Addams - David Zheng & Chou WeiShi