Every hole will be NP hole with a special prize from myself and today, I have also managed to squeeze on top of what I am donating for each hole, a very special prize from Mr Jerry Lai and here is what he has to say ...... "贊助淡水藍色公路大稻埕>關渡>漁人碼頭船票18張,希望打球外也體驗乘船旅遊之美.http://www.uuboat.com/". Thanks Jerry, SunMoonLight will be a better place to play golf in, with your presence around. You are indeed a gentleman in every aspect of my perspective; truly a good sportsman who adheres to the dot of the rule, one who is a good representative of how golf should be played, a warm guy to be around with who dares the unchallenge like drinking to his stomach's delight and get DRUNK, most of all one who gives without expecting any returns and we salute you here at SunMoonLight .... glad you are one of us ...... it is always good to give and see others being happy through your givings than to expect what others can do for you ....... a shinning example to all of us here at SunMoonLight ...... so you very well know what you should do from now on when you game with me .... hahahahaha ...... anyway thanks for this big donation.
What a name ...... if translated, it means "The Blue Public Road". How can a road be built on water???????????? Very confusing ........ It should be known as the Blue Sea Lane ...... on water there is no such thing as being public ....... hey go and change the name ..... before more confusion crop up ..... and you end up doing more explanation and that can be more tiring than playing golf.
I will love to since we will all miss you for two months ..... but we would rather miss you for two months than to lose you for a long time if you go on to reschedule your operation again. It is better to have it done as scheduled than to be tempted by all these ..... for all you know Addams may a big winner in December .........
If you do not understand what I had written, it is not important. The most important thing is this, "贊助淡水藍色公路大稻埕>關渡>漁人碼頭船票18張,希望打球外也體驗乘船旅遊之美.http://www.uuboat.com/".
Just remember 18 pieces of ferry tickets for the SunMoomLight's December game is enough.
Now do you understand?