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The clever painter

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Every day the clever painter paints some pictures,and she paints people,too.

One day her friends said to her"You can draw pictures of people,and you will get a lot of money."

She wrote a paper and said"I can paint people."

One day the beautiful girl came to knock on the door.

She opened the door and the beautiful girl said"Do you paint people?"

She said"Yes,I do.You can come inside."

She painted her and she said"You can stand up and take your picture."

The beautiful girl said"Is that me?""Yes,"she said.She gave her much money and went home.

The next day,another ugly girl came here and knocked on the door.

She painted her and said"You can stand up and take your picture.

"She said"Is that me?""Yes,"she said.

The ugly girl said"No,that's not me."

The ugly girl went away and didn't gave her any money.

The next day,the ugly girl came here.She painted her again.

She said"You can stand up and take the picture."

The ugly girl said"Is that me?""Yes,"said she and she gave her much money.

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