The water is wide 河水寬闊 原唱:Connie Dover康妮多佛 歌手:藤田惠美
The water is wide, I cannot cross over 河水寬闊,我無法過河 And neither have I wings to fly 我甚至也沒有飛翔的羽翼 Give me a boat that will carry two 給我一艘雙人的小船 And both shall row, my love and I 吾愛和我,將一起划槳渡河 I leaned my back against an oak 背靠在一棵橡樹上 Thinking it was a mighty tree 我以為它是一棵強壯的樹 But first it bent, and then it broke 但樹身先是彎曲,然後折斷 Just as my love proved false to me 如同我的愛已證明是虛假的 There is a ship that sails the sea 一艘航向大海的船隻 It's loaded deep, as deep can be 它極盡所能載滿貨物,吃水極深 But not so deep as the love I'm in 卻不像我陷溺其中的愛那樣深 I know not if I sink or swim 不知道我會沉下去還是悠游其中
Oh, love is handsome, love is kind 噢,愛是美麗的,愛是仁慈的 Love is a jewel when it is new 當愛仍新穎光鮮,它像珠寶一般 But when it's old, it grows so cold 但當它老去,它會逐漸冰冷 And fades away like morning dew 然後,像朝露般消失無蹤 圖案音樂歌詞來自網路 若有侵權請預先告知 立即刪除 謝謝 |