Where have all the flowers gone ?
花兒都哪裡去了? 歌手:齊豫 Where have all the flowers gone? 花兒都哪裡去了? Long time passing 時光飛逝 Where have all the flowers gone? 花兒都哪裡去了? Long time ago 很久很久以前 Where have all the flowers gone? 花兒都哪裡去了? Gone to young girls, every one! 少女們將它們一一摘下 When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? Where have all the young girls gone? 少女們都哪裡去了? Long time passing 時光飛逝 Where have all the young girls gone? 少女們都哪裡去了? Long time ago 很久很久以前 Where have all the young girls gone? 很久很久以前 Gone to young men, every one 少女們都哪裡去了? When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? Where have all the young men gone? 年輕男子都哪裡去了? Long time passing 時光飛逝 Where have all the young men gone? 年輕男子都哪裡去了? Long time ago 很久很久以前 Where have all the young men gone? 年輕男子都哪裡去了? Gone to soldiers, every one 年輕男子都從軍去了 When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? And where have all the soldiers gone? 士兵們都哪裡去了? Long time passing 時光飛逝 Where have all the soldiers gone? 士兵們都哪裡去了? Long time ago 很久很久以前 Where have all the soldiers gone? 士兵們都哪裡去了? Gone to graveyards, every one 他們每個都躺進了墓園 When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? And where have all the graveyards gone? 墓園如今何在? Long time passing 時光飛逝 Where have all the graveyards gone? 墓園如今何在? Long time ago 很久很久以前 Where have all the graveyards gone? 墓園如今何在? Gone to flowers, every one 每個都被花兒覆蓋了 When will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? Oh when will they ever learn? 人們幾時才會明白? 圖案音樂歌詞來自網路 若有侵權請預先告知 立即刪除 謝謝 |