I know him so well 我如此了解他 歌手:Elaine Paige & Barbara Dickson 伊蓮佩姬 & 芭芭拉狄克森 Nothing is so good it lasts eternally 好景總是不長在 Perfect situations must go wrong 完美的事情終究會出錯 But this has never yet prevented me 但這不會阻止我 Wanting far too much, for far too long 一直想得到更多 Looking back, I could've played it differently 回頭想想,我原可做不同的處理 Won a few more moments, who can tell? 贏得更多的時間,誰能預料? But it took time to understand the man 要了解這個人需要時間 Now at least I know I know him well 至少現在我了解他 Wasn't it good?( Oh, so good ) 這不是很好嗎?( 噢!好極了 ) Wasn't he fine?( Oh, so fine ) 他不好嗎?( 嗯!他很好 ) Isn't it madness 這是不是有點瘋狂 he can't ( won't ) be mine 他不能( 將不 )屬於我 But in the end he needs a little bit 但到了最後 more than me, more security 他比我更需要安全感 ( He needs his fantasy and freedom ) ( 他需要幻想和自由 ) I know him so well 我是如此了解他 No one in your life is with you constantly 生命中沒有人會永遠與你相伴 No one is completely on your side 沒有人會一直站在你這邊 And though I move my world to be with him 儘管我將全世界搬過去他那兒 Still the gap between us is too wide 我們之間仍然存在著一道鴻溝 Looking back, I could've played it differently 回頭想想,我原本可以用不同的做法 ( Looking back, I could've played things some other way ) ( 我原本可以用其他的方式去做 ) Learned about the man before I fell 在我失足以前,知曉這個人 ( I was just a little careless, maybe ) ( 也許是我太不小心 ) But I was ever so much younger then 但當時我太年輕 Now at least I know, I know him well 如今,至少我了解他
Didn't I know how it would go 難道我不知道會這樣? If I knew from the start 早知如此 Why am I falling apart? 我怎會摔得粉身碎骨? It took time to understand him 了解他需要時間 I know him so well 我是如此了解他 圖案音樂歌詞來自網路 若有侵權請預先告知立即刪除