歌手:Billy Gilman比利吉爾曼
有些小孩有,有些小孩沒有 Some kids have and some kids don't 我們之中有人不禁會想:為什麼? And some of us are wondering why. 媽媽晚上從來不看電視新聞 And Mom won't watch the news at night 有太多的新聞報導會令她哭泣 There's too much stuff that's making her cry. 我們需要一些協助 We need some help 就在這地球上 Down here on earth 成千的祈禱者,上百萬的祈求 A thousand prayers, a million words 有一個聲音會被聽見 But one voice was heard.
一間房子,一個庭院,一戶鄰居 A house, a yard, a neighborhood 在你可以騎新腳踏車上學的地方 Where you could ride your new bike to school. 完美世界裡的父母親們 A kind of world where Mom and Dad 依然篤信黃金法則 Still believe the golden rule 但人生並不是那麼簡單 Life's not that simple 就在這地球上 Down here on earth. 成千的祈禱者,上百萬的祈求 A thousand prayers, a million words 有一個聲音會被聽見 But one voice was heard
一個聲音,簡短的言語 One voice, one simple word, 心靈明白該訴說什麼 hearts know what to say 一個夢想可以改變世界 one dream can change the world 堅定信念,直到你找到自己的方向 keep believing till you find your way 昨天,我走路回家時 Yesterday while walking home 看見紐伯瑞橋上有個小孩 I saw some kid on Newbury Route 他從背包中拿出一把手槍 He pulled a pistol from his bag 然後丟到河裡 and tossed it in the river below 感謝他的幫忙 Thanks for the help 在這地球上 down here on earth 成千的祈禱者,上百萬的祈求 A thousand prayers, a million words 有一個聲音被聽見了 But one voice was heard. 有一個聲音被聽見了 One voice was heard 有一個聲音被聽見了 One voice was heard
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