講者:Dr. Julian Nida-Ruemelin 猶利安.尼達諾姆林 教授
前德國文化部部長 / 現為慕尼黑大學政治理論與哲學系教授
猶利安.尼達諾姆林在慕尼黑和杜賓根大學主修哲學及政治學。曾於美國及德國多所大學任教。 2001 年被任命為德國首任文化部長。卸任後任教於慕尼黑大學政治哲學與哲學系。重要著作有:《結果論批判》、《集體決定的 邏輯》及《合作型民主》等。尼達諾姆林有典型歐陸知識份子厚重特質,對民主的問題既有學者的深度又兼批判的靈敏。
主持:龍應台 教授 國立清華大學教授 / 首任台北市文化局局長
全 程 英 語 同 步 翻 譯
Message from the Lung Yingtai Cultural Foundation
MediaTek International Lecture Series
Saturday, 24 March 2007
14:00 – 17:00
National Central Library Conference Hall (20 Chungshan South Road)
Democracy: Normative Constituents, Present Challenges and Future Prospects
Is Democracy a kind of hybrid between universalist validity and particular culture? Globalization becomes a challenge to democracy when there is global competition between capital and investment, and when the financial basis of social state democracies erodes and the positive correlation of economic success and social welfare is threatened.
What are the future prospects of democracy? Dr. Julian Nida-Rüemelin will share his insights on the key elements for providing democracy a good future.
Speaker:Dr. Julian Nida-Rüemelin
Former minister of Cultural of Germany
Chair Professor for Political Theory and Philosophy at the University of Munich
Dr. Julian Nida-Rüemelin studied at the University of Munich where he obtained his PhD in Philosophy. Since 1984, he has been teaching extensively at the universities in the United States and Germany. During Schroeder’s administration he became the first Minister of Cultural of Germany in 2001. Currently he is the Chair Professor for Political Theory and Philosophy at the University of Munich.
Dr. Nida-Rüemelin’s major publications include Critique of Consequentialism, Collective Choice and Democracy as Cooperation. One of his latest publications Structural Rationality was translated into Chinese in 2006.
Moderator: Dr. LUNG Yingtai
Renowned Writer
Professor at National Tsing Hua University
Discussion in English with simultaneous Chinese translation
Registration: Online http://www.civictaipei.org
By phone 02-3322-4907
By fax 02-3322-4918