回應16~35. End
2007-09-23 12:08 | 葉愚
輕五兄與諸位同好的回應, 令小弟獲益匪淺, 然而諸位也提到此間緣由追索不易. 當初與朋友聊天, 一時興起, 提了個頭, 希望拋磚引玉, 未料寶玉紛至, 小弟還沒研讀完哩.
籠統說來, 大家都同意中亞遊牧民族擴張過程中, 吸收融合了許多不同民族, 也受到移居地強權的影響, 想要釐清誰源自哪裡確實不易, 可能也一直不會有定論. 討論中, 我也忽略了二件事. 其一, 東漢末年以來北方遊牧民族次第南下, 民族融合, 史書記載歷歷, 但一二千年以後, 中國人自己也無法區分誰是鮮卑匈奴後代, 遑論缺乏詳細文字記載的西遷部族? 第二, 中亞遊牧民族遷移應該是朝東西二方向進行, 而非只受到中國抵抗而西遷. 若如此, 則中國人與東歐及俄羅斯諸部當有關聯 - 由中亞民族串起的血緣與文化交流.
雖然如此, 匈牙利人的姓名順序仍然是一個令我著迷的問題. 幾乎所有的遷移到歐洲的部族都拉丁化或希臘化了, 匈牙利人自身也屢經融合, 與Hun也不見得直接有關, 為何姓名順序在歐洲獨樹一格? 此外, 俄羅斯人的middle name必定是其父親first name暱稱(例如父名Alexander, 子女middle name必定是Alexi)是否源自遊牧民族習俗? 還請諸位同好先進多多指教!
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-21 18:25 | SCFtw2
Are there 男女朋友s on this webpage? ^_^
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-21 15:23 | xx
清官難斷家務事, 家務事包括夫妻吵架, 男女朋友負氣鬥嘴....
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-21 10:34 | SCFtw2
Is there somebody talking about her love affairs? There seems always too many male rats around. It's a pity.
2007-09-20 20:41 | QQ
this may be among the worst ways to solve personal emotional troubles .
死魚昨天「也是」從早哭到晚,不誇張,已經這樣忍耐了他還說我是「low degree of self-control」………
2007-09-20 20:28 | QQ
thread (as a rule a "friend" in real world),
It shows low degree of self-control.
this may be among the worst ways to solve personal emotional troubles
當一個人可以覺得「無餽於心」而天天上網交談而讓另一個人覺得自己實際上是被「活埋」的時候,她跑出來,絕對不是「the worst ways」,並且也不是「 low degree of self-control」--在她極度的自制之下,而她已經忍耐很久,很久很久………,卻換來這男人說「as a rule a "friend" in real world」…………
那一天,我不認同袁瓊瓊把私人情感的事放上網路討論,他罵我不知道袁瓊瓊有多傷痛,說被自己心愛的男人全面否定是怎樣的感覺--可是換成我被否定,我變成了「low degree」的!我變成了不該在大家講「正經」場合的地方講這些話的!!
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-20 20:01 | t
To SCFtw2:
"當強敵一死 這三大政教力量 就致力消滅 Huns 留下來的所有能證明其存在過的證據遺跡"
This is a point made in a documentary on Attila I saw last year (I forgot the name). It interviewed a few archaeologists and researchers in this area and seemed credible.
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-20 17:36 | SCFtw2
Somebody tends to ignore the widely-followed table manners, generic or specific, of the website or thread he is hosting or joining, grumbling about his suffering in his personal life and ascribing it to a specific poster of the website or the thread (as a rule a "friend" in real world), and in so doing inviting fight in public locale. It's not a good habit. It shows low degree of self-control. There are a bunch of approaches to take revenge on or to get even with other people, and this may be among the worst ways to solve personal emotional troubles. When one is taking such chance, he forgets that it's not a fair play nor a due process. The description and argumentation presented are actually one-sided and often misleading. In case that accused poster has decided to cease arguing in the real world, he will be severely bothered. If there is still chance to save the case, the opportunity will be thus lost. It's a pity in any sense.
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-20 11:28 | xx
因為當天老早就回去休息, 不再上網, 所以老原留言版最後一個晚上的留言內容並我未看到, 也不清楚當晚到底發生什麼事. 等到隔天早上就發現留言版不見了, 什麼也看不到.
怎麼突然間跑出一隻可憐的小"魚", 魚兒又怎麼會遭了殃? 魚兒又為何要申冤嗎? 謎!
因為不知道, 所以愛莫能助.
2007-09-20 11:21 | QQ
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-20 07:05 | 老銀
2007-09-20 00:40 | QQ
On the 匈奴
2007-09-20 00:34 | SCFtw2
On the 匈奴
1. The phonetics of the various calling terms to this people in Chinese classics, the spelling of the calling term to this people in ancient Roman literature, and that in ancient Greek literature, are sufficiently corresponding to allow for the ethnic identity of this nomadic people.
2. Even so, 匈奴(and the corresponding Western names) is a collective term for a group of ethnically-related nomadic peoples that had lived in that time and space. Similar cases are found in later Tujue and Menggu since the flag of the empire would have gathered ethnically-related peoples and these sister peoples were all called by one and the same name after they so called themselves for the fame and glory of the empire.
3. The offspring of Attila and the offspring of the Huns are different concepts. What's more, the ancestors of the current Finno-Ugric language peoples were not necessarily among those ancient horseback warriors fought in Europe under Attila's flag.
4. To conclude, for the present day, the offspring of the Emperor Attila is hard to determine while the offspring of 匈奴 (= the Huns) abounds. ^_^
2007-09-20 00:31 | QQ
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-20 00:14 | QQ
「Anyway, the war is over and people are now looking forward to……」
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-19 23:56 | SCFtw2
"當強敵一死 這三大政教力量 就致力消滅 Huns 留下來的所有能證明其存在過的證據遺跡"
1. Do you have any evidence or hint indicating or pointing to this theory? Or this is simply your hypothesis or conjecture?
2. After Attila's sudden death, the loosely-organized nomadic empire soon collapsed because of its internal power conflicts and its vast geographic range. Afterwards, the remnants scattered over the vast area covering eastern Europe and northwestern Asia, and the current Finno-Ugric language people (the Finns, the Estonians, the Karelians, the Magyars, etc.) are among them.
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-19 23:18 | SCFtw2
To 老銀:
I jumped in because I happened to know about that "Seeking inward" of the News Talk webpage of the China Times. Anyway, the war is over and people are now looking forward to consulting your memoir regarding the homeland literature "battle". ^_^
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-19 23:11 | t
Attila 跟 Hun 是否是匈奴之後 或者是否是現代匈牙利人的祖先 大約是懸案了
Attila 當初兵威震動全歐 不論東羅馬或西羅馬帝國 都多次受其亡國的威脅 梵蒂岡教廷也是靠著Attila猝死的巧合才建立起基督教最高權威的地位
所以當強敵一死 這三大政教力量 就致力消滅 Huns 留下來的所有能證明其存在過的證據遺跡 比對岸的文化大革命 或本地的去中國化 更為徹底 後人要考證什麼大約都難了...
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-19 22:21 | 輕五
1. 是火冒三丈
2. 這一樣是用倫理求取轉圜的空間。指的是舊法非不可取
3. 各自均成體系的安定 - 指的是民生
回應: 葉愚
2007-09-19 22:08 | 小五
劍橋大學國際史哲學博士王曾才大師說中世紀歐洲,東歐匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯南部,過來是蒙古到中國東北,一片無垠大草原。除了提供適合游牧民族進行屬於她們擅長的戰爭方式、型態,還有貿易。DR.T提及農業國家,「中外」都也懂得用貿易「快速」取其所需,維持各自均成體系的安定。 SCFtw2說:「…they would go more and more "civilized" meanwhile since things would go more and more complex and the results can accumulate.」j我讀到meanwhile,同時。我們國中就知道,東漢初年匈奴分成南北兩支,南匈奴附漢,和帝永元三年竇憲破北匈奴。北匈奴跨窩瓦河,征服東哥特人,造成西哥特奔羅馬,不久日爾曼入侵。北歐蠻族又『同時』移入德境。我想沒那麼順溜,但總之這麼東奔西跑,王曾才說:「其實日爾曼僅只一部族,亦包括其他人Cimbri、Franks、Goths、Vandals…」他們越過羅馬人的萊茵河防線,向帝國滲透,三世紀漸多,四世紀尤甚,成了帝國傭兵、農夫與商人,王曾才說:「『本質上』(羅馬或異族),並無大差別」只是城市土地的差別、開不開化(識字是其中之一)的差別。我想用王大師這點來呼應這點Dr. T的「on a broader sense」。到了現代,誰能說他是百分之百的突厥儿?匈奴人?