七年前,在一個特殊的時空情境,在2001-5-13,我編定兩片自燒音樂CD選輯《Songwriter-Singer: Don McLean (1945-)》。這是娛樂。
2001年三月,由“the Recording Industry Association of America”與“the National Endowment for the Arts”合辦的行內票選活動給出了一份兼顧唱錄歌手的“Songs of the Century”的排名,前五名依序是:〈Over The Rainbow〉(Judy Garland唱)、〈White Christmas〉(Bing Crosby唱)、〈This Land Is Your Land〉(Woody Guthrie唱)、〈Respect〉(Aretha Franklin唱)、〈American Pie〉(Don McLean唱)。長達八分鐘半的〈American Pie〉的作者是Don McLean。美國民歌復興之父Pete Seeger (1919-)很早就讚譽McLean為『the best songwriter since Bob Dylan』。Pete Seeger所曾經追隨過的美國傳奇遊唱歌手Woody Guthrie (1912-1967)是〈This Land Is Your Land〉這首美國“地下國歌”的作者。
Don McLean在1945年十月出生於一個紐約市附近的中產家庭,從小喜歡唱歌,曲目膨脹的速度驚人,十二歲時曾經跟一位歌劇歌手學過聲樂,十五歲開始自學吉他,在高中校園裡就以彈唱娛眾出名,進了一所小規模的私立大學,課餘趕場(主要在咖啡廳),大學畢業之後就應Pete Seeger之邀上了一條“官船”為Hudson River的環境保護而遊唱。
雖然從沒上過作曲課,singer Don McLean至遲在大學時代就已經開始試著寫歌 -- 曲詞一手包辦 -- 自己唱。Songwriter-singer Don McLean在1968年私人錄製了他的第一輯歌,這一輯試聽錄音在被三十四家唱片公司打回票之後終於被一家小廠牌接受,在1969年六月正式錄製,發行則在1970年四月,銷路很差。McLean的第二張專輯錄製並發行於1971年下半年,從這輯錄音裡抽出的單曲〈American Pie〉和〈Vincent〉在1972年初都達到全球性的超級大賣,這帶動了專輯的走勢,Don McLean於是立刻成為國際超級巨星。
McLean從一開始就是現場個人彈唱的能手。美國流行音樂界的吉他大師Eric Clapton曾經公開讚揚McLean是『a picker par excellence』。McLean所有的唱片錄音裡的吉他伴奏譜和主調吉他演奏都出於一己之手。他的嗓音澄淨甜美然而絕不軟弱,咬字吐音之精緻在英語(男)歌手裡如鳳毛麟角,詮釋表達功力一流。在二十世紀的最後二十年裡,McLean經常灌錄五十年代及更早的美國流行歌和耶誕歌,都銷得很好。作為一部超級現場點唱機,他的曲目在四十歲前後就已經增加到三千首左右。
1973年的葛萊美獎Record of the Year項目有兩個大熱門競爭者,其一是Roberta Flack所唱的〈Killing Me Softly With His Song〉-- 這位能以現場歌聲殺女孩子的男主角是McLean,另一是Perry Como所唱的〈And I Love You So〉-- 這首歌的作者是McLean;得獎的是前者。〈And I Love You So〉早已成為(英語國家)婚禮曲目中的經典之一,而它最受喜愛的唱錄版本至今仍舊是McLean的1969年首唱版。阿姆斯特丹的梵谷博物館自1973年開館以來就每天在進門處播放McLean唱的〈Vincent〉。音樂風格與McLean南轅北轍的美國寫歌-唱歌超級巨星Stevie Wonder把〈Vincent〉列為十首他最喜歡的歌之一。
McLean迄今寫了兩百多首歌,上面提到的三首衹不過是他歷來最出名的創作而已。茁長自美國文化傳統,songwriter Don McLean是美國精緻文化和嚴肅文化的驕傲,然而三十年來McLean在美國的人氣始終比不上在英國。美國世俗的承認來得很遲:白宮的千禧年音樂會邀請McLean出席表演、他的母校Iona University在2001年授予他名譽博士學位。
『It's a strange career I've had, I'm less successful than some people think I ought to be and more successful than other people realize. As far as music today is concerned, I fit in nowhere - and everywhere.』『I'm a soloist by nature, not a group person.』『I've never repeated myself musically. Each song is one-of-a-kind, on a subject I haven't written about before, excluding love songs. But hopefully I give those a different handle too.』這是McLean的夫子自道。
Songwriter-Singer: Don McLean (1945-)
All tunes, lyrics, banjo-playing, acoustic-guitar-playing by Don McLean unless otherwise indicated
Disc 1:
1. General Store / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 2) 2:58
2. Tapestry / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 4) 3:42
3. Orphans Of Wealth / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 6) 4:34
4. Three Flights Up / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 7) 5:48
5. And I Love You So / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 8) 4:15
6. Bad Girl / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 9) 3:38
7. Circus Song / Don McLean, 1969 (1st album, song 10) 4:48
8. American Pie / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 1) 8:35
9. Till Tomorrow / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 2) 2:14
10. Vincent / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 3) 4:00
11. Crossroads / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 4) 3:39
12. Empty Chairs / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 6) 3:26
13. The Grave / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 9) 3:13
14. Babylon / Don McLean, 1971 (2nd album, song 10) 1:42
15. Bronco Bill's Lament / Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 2) 3:39
16. Oh My What A Shame / Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 3) 3:30
17. If We Try / Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 4) 3:37
18. The More You Pay / Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 5) 2:55
19. The Pride Parade / Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 10) 4:33
Disc 2:
1. Mountains O’ Mourne / Don McLean, 1973 (Irish Trad., 4th album) 4:31
2. Love O Love / Don McLean, 1973 (American Trad., 4th album) 0:47
3. Bill Cheatham + Old Joe Clark / Don McLean, 1973 (American Trad., 4th album) 3:47
4. Over The Mountains / Don McLean, 1973 (American Trad., 4th album) 3:16
5. Happy Trails / Don McLean, 1973 (Music & Lyrics [1950]: Dale Evans, 4th album) 1:13
6. Winter Has Me In Its Grip / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 1) 3:21
7. Homeless Brother / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 3) 4:24
8. The Legend Of Andrew McCrew / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 5) 6:03
9. Wonderful Baby / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 6) 2:05
10. You Have Lived / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 7) 3:43
11. Tangled / Don McLean, 1974 (5th album, song 9) 3:40
12. The Statue / Don McLean, 1977 (6th album, song 2) 3:20
13. Redwing / Don McLean, 1977 (American Trad., 6th album) 1:11
14. When Love Begins / Don McLean, 1977 (1977 film “Fraternity Row”. 6th album, song 7) 3:32
15. Color TV Blues / Don McLean, 1977 (6th album, song 8) 3:56
16. Building My Body / Don McLean, 1977 (6th album, song 9) 3:14
17. Fashion Victim / Don McLean, 1991 3:15
18. 1967 / Don McLean, 1991 4:23