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台灣種族仇恨猖獗的原因:談Benedict Cumberbatch的失言

英劇「福爾摩斯」主演班尼迪克(Benedict Cumberbatch)談到非裔演員受到歧視的情形,在英國比美國還嚴重等語引起軒然大波。其中最大的問題,根據報導在於他把黑人稱為有色人種”calling black people colored”,其實英國媒體大概也不知道,black people這稱謂在美國也不太恰當,一般稱為非裔美國人或其他,這我有寫過專論。由Benedict Cumberbatch被批評且他深切道歉來看,台灣種族仇恨猖獗的原因由此可以發現:因為台灣社會充斥種族仇恨的因子,社會也沒有反省力量:就以2011年嘉義的阿里山翻車意外,陸客死傷時,嘉義市政府的詹姓社工公務員痛斥長官趕著要發放給「支那人」5千元實在給太多,「支那人果然討厭」等語為例。

當時,極端仇恨中國人的台灣許多民眾替詹姓社工公務員說「支那是常用語」 、「歷史上有用過支那」云云,詹姓公務員亦表示他沒惡意、只是KUSO,其實他當下有想到那些嗎?這批包庇種族仇恨用語的人毫無常識或其實就是說謊!都能找到這個詞的「古代用法」,怎麼不知道現今意義?Benedict Cumberbatch講了個不合時宜的colored就道歉,也沒哪個英國人無恥的拿Negro、nigger來說話,沒想到台灣遍地出現替詹姓公務員護航的人。

只要仇中,在台灣就有莫大市場,即使是非常不對的種族歧視言論也會被原諒。或許仇中的台灣人以為「只是仇中而已」, 但當歧視的因子深入這些人的基因時,以出生地判斷他人的行為就會自然而然的發生。也因如此,如檢察官看到外籍勞工聚集在台北火車站時也會驚恐呢(台南檢察官黃朝貴在臉書張貼圖文:「台北車站已被外勞攻陷,吃飯、睡覺,野餐,擠滿車站,政府再不處理,不僅有礙觀瞻,也會出亂子。」),極多台灣人更是對東南亞國家的人強烈歧視。


Blackjack 2015/1/27

英國種族歧視言論惹議 班尼迪克公開道歉
2015年01月27日 08:43





稱陸客「支那」 嘉市公務員爆爭議
【聯合報╱記者梁雅雯/嘉義市報導】 2011.04.30 03:18 am 








清朝甲午戰敗後,日本人將中國、中國人全面稱為「支那」,是日本以戰勝者姿態對失敗者的輕蔑稱謂。直至二戰日本戰敗後,經盟國最高司令部調查,確認「支那」稱謂含有蔑意,責令日本外務省不要再使用「支那」稱呼中國。但到現在日本的右翼分子仍堅持使用「支那」稱呼中國,不斷挑釁,引起中國人極端反感。中日關係極端敏感,在大陸,若再有日本人以「支那」稱中國,都將引起事端,嚴重者甚至釀成外交事件。 (記者陳東旭)


獨家〉稱陸客「支那人」! 嘉市府公務員噗浪惹議
時間:2011/04/29 19:04








Benedict Cumberbatch in race storm: 12 Years A Slave star says he was an 'idiot' for calling black people 'coloured' on US show
Benedict Cumberbatch called black people 'colored' on show Tavis Smiley
He was hitting out at lack of opportunities for black British actors in UK 
His use of 'outmoded' racial terminology sparked outrage among viewers
38-year-old Oscar nominee said: 'I'm devastated to have caused offense'
PUBLISHED: 19:31 GMT, 26 January 2015 | UPDATED: 09:29 GMT, 27 January 2015
British actor Benedict Cumberbatch has apologized after describing black people as 'colored' on US television, saying he is 'an idiot' and is 'devastated to have caused offense'.
The 38-year-old Sherlock star used the racial term during a debate on the lack of diversity on British screens on the talk show Tavis Smiley last Wednesday.
After the interview, hundreds took to social media to condemn the actor for his choice of terminology, with many branding it 'racist' and 'inappropriate'.
Last night, Cumberbatch responded by issuing an apology for his 'incorrect' and 'offensive' use of the phrase.
He said: 'I'm devastated to have caused offense by using this outmoded terminology.
'I offer my sincere apologies. I make no excuse for my being an idiot and know the damage is done.' 
Cumberbatch, nominated for an Oscar for The Imitation Game, added: 'I can only hope this incident will highlight the need for correct usage of terminology that is accurate and inoffensive.
'The most shaming aspect of this for me is that I was talking about racial inequality in the performing arts in the UK and the need for rapid improvements in our industry when I used the term.

'I feel the complete fool I am and while I am sorry to have offended people and to learn from my mistakes in such a public manner please be assured I have.
'I apologize again to anyone who I offended for this thoughtless use of inappropriate language about an issue which affects friends of mine and which I care about deeply.'

During his appearance on Tavis Smiley, a late-night talk show on PBS that features interviews on topical subjects and entertainment, the actor hit out at the lack of opportunities for black UK actors, saying they have a far better chance of success in Hollywood than Britain.
He told host Smiley that stars such as Idris Elba and David Oyelowo thrive in America more than in their home country - and pointed to films like Selma and 12 Years A Slave,
'It's an even playing field. [These actors] paid their dues for years by just doing beautiful performances,' he said. 
'I think as far as colored actors go it gets really difficult in the UK.'
He continued: 'A lot of my friends have had more opportunities here (in the US) than in the UK and that's something that needs to change.'
After, the interview, hundreds of people took to social media to condemn the actor for his choice of words.
Twitter user Shane Thomas said: 'While I'm on board with Cumberbatch's points here, it really doesn't help when he uses a term like "colored"'.
Meanwhile, a woman called Ashley tweeted: 'Benedict Cumberbatch used the word "colored" to describe black people in the year 2015, um, are we still using that word?'
And Chelsea Nicole said: 'I never liked Cumberbatch and him calling people "colored" seals the deal.'

ITV News broadcaster Charlene White also drew attention to Cumberbatch's interview on Twitter. 
She posted: 'Benedict Cumberbatch on lack of opps for black actors in UK. For me tho, undermined by him calling them 'colored'...' 
In a statement, British anti-racism educational charity Show Racism the Red Card said the term 'colored' is now outdated and has the potential to cause offence.
It said: 'Benedict Cumberbatch has highlighted a very important issue within the entertainment industry and within society. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2927166/I-m-idiot-m-devastated-caused-offense-British-actor-Benedict-Cumberbatch-issues-apology-calling-black-people-colored-television.html#ixzz3Q19sPRR2 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

'I'm devastated to have caused offence by using this outmoded terminology. I offer my sincere apologies. 
 'I make no excuse for my being an idiot and know the damage is done. I can only hope this incident will highlight the need for correct usage of terminology that is accurate and inoffensive. 
'The most shaming aspect of this for me is that I was talking about racial inequality in the performing arts in the UK and the need for rapid improvements in our industry when I used the term.
 'I feel the complete fool I am and while I am sorry to have offended people and to learn from my mistakes in such a public manner please be assured I have.
 'I apologize again to anyone who I offended for this thoughtless use of inappropriate language about an issue which affects friends of mine and which I care about deeply.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2927166/I-m-idiot-m-devastated-caused-offense-British-actor-Benedict-Cumberbatch-issues-apology-calling-black-people-colored-television.html#ixzz3Q19yEEUW 
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Benedict Cumberbatch under fire for 'coloured actors' remark
The actor was making a point about diversity in the movie industry when he made the 'out-dated' comment
By Bill Gardner5:48PM GMT 26 Jan 2015
Benedict Cumberbatch has apologised after he used the term ‘coloured’ to describe black actors, admitting he had been "an idiot".
The Sherlock actor had come under fire from anti-austerity campaigners after he used the controversial term when discussing the problems facing ambitious young actors in Britain.
He told the PBS talk show Tavis Smiley in the US: “I think as far as coloured actors go, it gets really different in the UK, and a lot of my friends have had more opportunities here [in the US] than in the UK, and that's something that needs to change.
“Something's gone wrong, we're not representative enough in our culture of different races and that really does need to step up a pace.”
His overall message was applauded by the anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card. However the campaign condemned the actor’s use of the word “coloured” to refer to people from ethnic minorities.
“Benedict Cumberbatch has highlighted a very important issue within the entertainment industry and within society,” a SRtRC spokesperson told The Independent.
“In doing so, he has also inadvertently highlighted the issue of appropriate terminology and the evolution of language. Show Racism the Red Card feel that the term ‘coloured’ is now outdated and has the potential to cause offence due to the connotations associated with the term and its historical usage.”
On Twitter, users who listened to the interview said Cumberbatch had “crossed the line”. The playlist and critic Bonnie Greer said the actor's language indicated "a mindset, a certain circle".
Cumberbatch issued a statement on Monday saying: "I'm devastated to have caused offence by using this outmoded terminology. I offer my sincere apologies. I make no excuse for my being an idiot and know the damage is done."
He added: "I can only hope this incident will highlight the need for correct usage of terminology that is accurate and inoffensive. The most shaming aspect of this for me is that I was talking about racial inequality in the performing arts in the UK and the need for rapid improvements in our industry when I used the term.
"I feel the complete fool I am and while I am sorry to have offended people and to learn from my mistakes in such a public manner please be assured I have.
"I apologise again to anyone who I offended for this thoughtless use of inappropriate language about an issue which affects friends of mine and which I care about deeply."


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