這是復活節的敬拜,Mike Bickle 牧師帶著他的敬拜同工Misty Edward姊妹來到我們教會,他的禱告和她先知性的歌唱觸動了我的心。
我很喜歡一部電影《耶穌受難記》(Passion of Christ),所以,我想用這觸動人心的鏡頭,與那動人心弦的歌聲配在一起,讓鏡頭和歌聲對著我們的心説話。能告訴我,你看完後的感受嗎?
以下是Misty即興唱的歌詞和Mike Bickle牧師的禱告詞(禱告詞在括號中):
Baptize my heart with Your fire . 請用烈火給我施洗
Your desire 這是你的渴望
Because I don’t want to be offended因我不願被冒犯
When it’s all coming down當四圍天昏地暗
( Here we are, Lord. 主啊,我來到你面前!
I trust your leadership, Jesus. I set my heart to trust you.
Yes,I want to be for You not against You是的,我要為你而活,決不背叛
I want to be with You where You are跟隨你,不棄不離
I pledge my leagues to Jesus我誓死與耶穌同心
I pledge my leagues to the Lamb. 我誓死連于聖羔羊。
( I set my heart to Jesus to trust you for the Lord is good.)
For the Lord is good. 因耶穌是美善的
This is my confession . 這是我的懺悔!
This is my testimony. 這是我的見證!
( Jesus is good.)
The Lord is good 耶穌是美善的
(The devil is a liar.) 魔鬼是騙子
You are wise. God, you are good. 你大有智慧!神啊,你是美善的!
(I trust your leadership. 我信服你的帶領)
I trust you completely into your hand. 我完全伏在你手中。
(I love your leadership.我喜愛你的帶領)
(I commit my spirit. 我的靈降服于你)
I commit my life into Your hand. 我將生命交付在你手中
(I commit my course. 我把命運托付給你)
(It is under Your leadership. 一切都在你的帶領下。)
My past, my future into Your hand. 我的過去和將來都在你手中
I trust You for You are good. 我信靠你,因你本為善
You are wise. 你是智慧的!
You are faithful. 你是信實的!
(Who is like the Lord? 有誰能像耶穌呢?)
(There is none like Him.無人能像祂)
(My heart is overflow with good thee. 我的心充滿了祂的美善)
You are good. Your mercy is new every morning. 你是美善的!你的憐憫,每早晨都是新的。
You are faithful. You are true. 你是誠信、真實的!
(You are fair than the old sun. 你比太陽更公平)
(This is Jesus.這就是耶穌)
This is my beloved. 這是我所愛慕的
(This is the one I loved.)
This is my friend. 這是我的朋友
(I trust your leadership. 我信任你的帶領 )
You may say: why do you love Him? 有人問:你為什麽愛祂?
Why do you trust Him when He deals you this way? 當祂修剪你,為什麽你信任祂?
When He seems so far away, why do you love Him? 當祂似乎遙不可及,你為什麽還愛祂?
(I know His eyes always on me.我知道,祂總是注視我。)
Why do you love Him? 你為什麽愛祂?
(He proves Himself good and wise. 祂證實了祂的美善和智慧)
Why do you love Him more than others?為什麽你愛祂勝過一切?
(There is none like Him 無人能像祂)
Why do you love Him 為什麽你愛祂?
(because there is no one like Him. 因爲無人能像祂)
When He seems so far away? 當祂好像遙不可及
(He is near me, His eye is on me. 但祂在我身旁注視我)
Tell me why you be love Him more than other. 告訴我,你為什麽愛祂勝過一切?
You have given your life so willingly, so freely. 你如此心甘情願將生命交給祂
You love Him so completely. 你這樣完全愛祂
(because He loves me, He gives His life for me.因祂愛我,將命傾倒)
Who is your beloving?誰是你的摯愛?
(He is Jesus Nazareth. 祂是拿撒勒耶穌)
(He is fully man, fully God. He is marvelous. 祂是完全的人,完全的神,祂奇妙無比!)
(His win is just in true . 祂得勝有餘)
Why do you love Him? 你為什麽愛祂?
I want to love Him this way. 我想要這樣愛祂。
You say He is alltegether lovely, perfect. 你說,祂完美可愛
(Perfect to all of His ways. 祂的道路完美無瑕)
Here is like a final goal. 這正如一個最終目的
(This is my confession.) 這是我的懺悔
Hay is like flame, the fire 乾草如火燃燒
(It is always on me 它一直燒在我身上)
(His eyes always upon me. 祂總是看顧我)
(He sees my heart 祂看到我的心)
( He sees my need. 祂看到我的需要)
This is my belover. This is my friend. 這是我的摯愛、我的朋友
(Jesus, Nazareth 拿撒勒耶穌)
Some said teacher. Some said prophet. 有人說祂是教師、是先知
(Who is this man? 這人是誰?)
Some said liar. They said he is not God. Some said he’s crazy, he is dead, is gone.
Some said a poet. Some called Him so many things, like a teacher , a preacher, a worker.
(Who is this man? 這人是誰?)
Who is this one?
Who is your beloving, mother all the other? 誰是你牧養大衆的摯愛?
Why do you love Him? 你為什麽愛祂?
(For He is fully God. )因祂是完全的神
Why do you love Him? 你為什麽愛祂?
(He became a man. He could redeem me. He can bring me to God freely.)
This is my beloving. This is my friend. He is altogether lovely.