madkao 2004/11/16 03:00
SCFtw2 2004/11/16 03:15
>>Opinion of a passing-by #A
yogibear89 2004/11/16 06:14
Public Trial Opinion #1
It's still foggy, accusers please, why stuttering...
If Dragon Princess’s statement about “...sleep nude....” is true, well, Mr. myata should’ve known better. As a young man educated in the US, sexual harassment is a serious indictment. Usually in US, you “sure can” flirt with ladies you like, and there is no law against it. If the lady expressed the displeasure, you must stop immediately or facing grave consequences. I guess “Dragon Princess” also educated in US and are pretty aware of her right under the protection of the law. I guess in Taiwan, the situation is a lot of different.
Since, that incident is happened on the Internet, that US law is not enforceable and render it invalid. Almost anything goes here and even I, without exception, sometimes follow the flow.
It is also seems to me that we are all somewhat comrades or even friends, should we bend the “jungle law” a bit? and asking the offender to say at least “sorry, I would never do it again..” ? Of course, it’s all up to Mr. Myata, and I also don’t believe drastic measures are necessary, Why? Cause we all have heard the words that had been said by many, “Don’t stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen! ”….
WangFan 2004/11/16 09:44
>>私了, 還是鬥爭大會?
myata 2004/11/16 10:11
麥芽糖, 另開新欄回答了.
WangFan掌櫃的評語, 與我選的標題, 只差三個字.
madkao 2004/11/16 10:23
likolalo那則帖子衹有兩段,需要我說是哪一段嗎??? SCFtw2 2004/11/16 03:15
SCFtw2 燈不點不亮 話不說不明 請你不用吞吞吐吐 吞雲吐霧......... 我是想 不只有你問的我 來棧的網友中 也會有人想知道 你指的〔那則帖子〕是? 你指的〔衹有兩段,需要我說是哪一段嗎?〕?
中文舊約聖經中 有個人物叫〔該隱〕 我認為 你不〔該隱〕 孔夫子曰 子為父隱 父為子隱 我認為 你也不〔該隱〕
我才起床呢 即先回復你.............
myata 2004/11/16 10:40
To: SCFtw myata 2004/11/16 10:02
不管你三頭六臂, 小人, 就是小人! 就是你, 跟著roc168, 和sq2298, 搞得[網棧服務台]隱藏.
狂老的邀請, 是一回事. 你要亂搞, 把麻棧, 變成下個[網棧服務台], 我可是不會讓你得逞.
好好貼文, 麻棧歡迎.
別處與人吵架, 沒頭沒尾的, 到處貼, 請看慕亞的規定, 我會執行.
最後: 對我有意見, 進[圈子]去貼! 其他地方, 我都會把你刪掉. 現在, 把規矩定下來了!
麻棧好風水, 有你來了, 開始有臭味, 比滴嗓還差勁!