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Why is the serpent eat dust?為什麼蛇的食物是土?BY CHRIS

baby blue

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord said to the serpent : because you have done this, you are cursed above all animals , and above every living thing of the field; upon your belly you shall go, AND YOU SHALL EAT DUST ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.

Greetings friend, last week I promised that I would tell you why the serpents's food was dust . Seeing that  I have never once seen a snake eat dust . I wonder what God was really saying here?   Well adam's flesh was formed from the dust of the earth.

Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life; and man became a living being.

Did you notice that he didn't recieve life until he recieved the breath of God , Then he became a living being. before he recieved the spirit of God he was dead .

Threre are still many people today who say i'm a christian yet they are missing the fruit of life, love , joy ,peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness, WHY?

The serpents food was dust,  flesh came from dust , satan feeds on our flesh , every time we give in to the lust of the flesh we feed and strengthen him in our life , did you know that a good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit, and he who feeds satan with his life gives him that authority in which he fed him , and he who feeds God JOHN 4:34 by doing his work , led by his spirit recieves that authority in which God has given him to do ,

John 6:27-29"Do not labour for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eturnal life, which the Son of man will give to you. for on him God the Father has set his seal".Then they said to Him."What must we do , to be doing the works of God?"

Jesus answered them, "this is the work of God that you believe on the one whom He has sent".

If you dont know Jesus and you are tired of feeding satan with your flesh pray this prayer with me,

Father God I ask you to forgive all of my sins , I believe jesus died and rose from the dead and took my place on the cross, Jesus come into my heart and change my life and fill me with your Holy spirit I recieve you now as my Lord amen

Chris L.

baby blue

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創世記 3:14 耶和華  神對蛇說:因為你做了這事,就必在所有的生畜和田野的活物中受咒詛,你要用肚子行走,一生都要吃泥土。

大家平安。聖經說蛇吃泥土。我可就從沒看過蛇吃土。我很好奇神到底想和我們說什麼。但我們知道亞當是神用塵土所造的。創世記 2:7,耶和華 神用地上的塵土造成人形,把生氣吹進他的鼻孔裡,那人就成了有生命的活人。你有沒有注意到亞當一直到神把生氣吹進他的鼻孔裡,他才是一個有生命的活體。今天在很多基督徒的生命中,你看不到愛,喜樂,平安,忍耐,仁慈,良善,信實,還有溫柔。為什麼呢?

蛇的食物是泥土,我們的肉體又為塵土所造。原來撒旦的食物是從我們而來。每一次當我們犯罪的時候,魔鬼就更有了力量一些。好樹是不會結壞果子的,壞樹也結不出好果來。 所以當我們犯罪的時候,魔鬼增加力量的當時,我們也給了它在我們生命中的權柄。那我們的食物是什麼呢?約翰福音4:34,耶穌說:我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,並且完成他的工作。

約翰福音 6:27-29 不要為那必朽壞的食物操勞,卻要為那存到永生的食物操勞。就是人子所要賜給你們的。因為人子是父 神所印證的。眾人又問耶穌:那我們應該做什麼呢?耶穌又回答:信神所差來的,就是做神的工了。


親愛的父 神,我懇求你原諒我的罪。我相信主耶穌基督為我的罪被釘死在十字架上,並從死裡復活。我懇求主耶穌進到我心裡來,改變我的生命,並請求聖靈充滿我。感謝主!阿們 !!

BY CHRIS L                              翻譯:BABY BLUE

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