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Part 1


Let's start from the beginning.  Here is my story.

My husband and I have been married for 13 years after 8 years of dating. We have four wonderful children. February 2003, he went to China to look for business opportunities so all of us could have a better life according to him. He stayed there for about five months and came home in July.

I noticed something was not right as soon as he got home, but could not pin point what. He was pointing all kinds of things I did wrong, and I was constantly in tears for the first week. I had this feeling that he was only physically here but not emotionally.

I finally asked him after a week time and he told me there was this little 20 years old he had been with all this time while he was there. She did not know he was married at that time. He said she was just for fun and nothing was going on. He just wanted to have safe sex while he was overseas. He would never do anything to hurt our family.

Two week later, I received the cell phone bill and found out he had been calling her every single day since the first day he got back. I confronted with him, and he said because if he did not made the phone call, the girl would call him because she missed him very much. She really loved him. Therefore, He needed to call her everyday to make her happy. Several days after, the girl somehow found out my husband was actually married. And of course my husband needed to be on the phone even more because he needed to comfort the girl.

He scheduled to return back to oversea in September for couple of months and He told me things would be different this time because now the girl knew he was married. He told me just leave the things this way and let everything ran it own course.  He also told me both of them knew this relationship would not last. He told me not to worried. This girl would be in another China and he would not allow anything or anybody comes to the States and breaks our family. He loved our kids and our family very much and would never divorce me or marry any other girl.

I was really confused at that time. I loved my husband very much. Should I behave like the rest of the Chinese wife and pretend nothing had ever happened and just let it go or should I act like an American wife and demand all my right?

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Part 3


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Part 3


The first thing I needed to take care was my husband’s most important need - Sexual Fulfillment.  I found out I had hard time making love to him now because on the back of my mind, there was this little voice telling me I might not be doing a good job.  My body had changed so much after having four kids, especially after my twin pregnancy.  I had lost most of my weight.  But I was not as firm as I used to.  So I went to gym couple times a week to tone up my muscles.

But one thing that bothered me the most was the comment he made during our loving making on the first night he returned home.  He said to me “Gee, you are loose”.  I did not give it too much thought at that particular moment.  However, after I knew about this girl, I knew exactly what he meant.  So now there was this little voice on the back in my head constantly telling me that I did not give him enough pleasure because I was not tight enough.

I asked him about it, and he told me just to some exercise to firm it up.  But I knew it was not that easy.  I did some more research and was serious considering a surgical procedure called “Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation” by Dr. Matlock.  I went to see him after my husband left, and after a long consideration, I had the procedure done while he was away.  I did not tell him about the surgery of course.  And He was in a very big shock when he returned nine months later.  He could hardly get in!  And he could not leave me alone during his entire two-week stay.  So…the rest was history!

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Part 2


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Part 2


I started to do a lot of research on the subject of Infidelity.  I found out most of the Chinese men all of the same dream of living like a Chinese Emperor, had a very good and understanding wife, and also had several mistresses on the side. To them, wife was wife. Nobody could change that. And all the mistresses had to play by his rule and could not interfere with his family.


We were both from the Taiwan, but we also had the same western value since we had been living in the state for more than 20 years. We were very open to each other about almost everything. When he lived in the state, even though he had this fantasy about living like an emperor, he knew it too well that it would never happen. But things were different now because he now lived in an environment that Bigamy and external marriage affair were common and acceptable. I thought that’s where the problem was. The girls were very aggressive, especially to people from overseas.

I was tore into two pieces. One side of my brain was telling me I should just let him do what ever he wanted because he had promised that he would protect me from all the harms. But the other side of the brain told me I should not have to share my husband with someone else even though she was living in another country.


He told me he was kind of lost and did not know what he was doing while he was there. The temptation was too great. And after what had happened these past few months and see how much he had hurt me, he knew what to do when he returned this time. He told me he needed time to sort things through and fix this big mess.

Then I came across some marriage books talked about “His needs and her needs” and “Divorce Buster – The 180 degree”.  These books pointed out that a wife needed to fulfill her husband’s four most important needs, otherwise, he would be likely to find somebody else to fulfill it.  (Please see my other posts for information on these).


I took the suggestion from the book and started to learn to play golf since the sport was his passion. And I started to pay more attention to myself and joined the gym and exercised three times a day. However, I did not tell him all these things. It would make a much bigger impact for him to discover the changes him selves.  It was difficult to compete with all those beautiful women who were only half of your age.


So, I told him I was willing to let it go. However, I did take the suggestion and told him that I would not ask about his life while he was away, therefore, he could not ask about my life either. And he was like…”What do you mean? What are you planning to do?” So I knew at that time the plan would work wonderfully. His life had been too secured for too long. It was high time for him to experience some insecurity and put some spices back into our lives.
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