A wife makes herself irresistible to her husband by learning to meet his five most important emotional needs.
1. Sexual fulfillment. His wife meets this need by becoming a terrific sexual partner. She studies her own sexual response to recognize and understand what brings out the best in her; then she shares this information with him, and together they learn to have a sexual relationship that both find repeatedly satisfying and enjoyable.
滿足的性生活‧ 讓自己成為一個非常棒的性夥伴。學習著認識自己的敏感地帶,知道如何將自己帶領到高潮,然後與他分享這資訊,且兩人一起學習如何讓每一次的性關係都是滿意且令人愉快的。
2. Recreational companionship. She develops an interest in the recreational activities he enjoys most and tries to become proficient at them. If she finds she cannot enjoy them, she encourages him to consider other activities that they can enjoy together. She becomes his favorite recreational companion, and he associates her with his most enjoyable moments of relaxation.
休閒活動的伴侶‧ 讓自己對他最喜歡的休閒活動感興趣,並設法讓自己成為各中好手。若自己真的無法對那項活動產生興趣,則鼓勵他選擇其它你們倆人能一起享受的活動。這樣你將成為他休閒活動的最佳伴侶,而他也將與你分享他最快樂及輕鬆的時光。
3. Physical attractiveness. She keeps herself physically fit with diet and exercise, and she wears her hair, makeup, and clothes in a way that he finds attractive and tasteful. He is attracted to her in private and proud of her in public.
外在美‧ 注意飲食及運動,讓自己保持美好的外表,無論是髮型、化妝、及服飾,都以能吸引他的品味為主。私底下他為妳著迷,公共場合上他為妳驕傲。
4. Domestic support. She creates a home that offers him a refuge from the stresses of life. She manages the household responsibilities in a way that encourages him to spend time at home enjoying his family.
家庭的支持‧ 讓自己為他創造一個家,提供他一個用來解除生活壓力的避難所。妳用心的經營,讓這個家保持整齊乾淨溫馨,使他願意花更多的時間,留在家裏,享受天倫之樂。
5. Admiration. She understands and appreciates him more than anyone else. She reminds him of his value and achievements and helps him maintain self-confidence. She avoids criticizing him. She is proud of him, not out of duty, but from a profound respect for the man she chose to marry.
傾慕之心‧ 讓自己比任何人都了解他、感激他。妳提醒他他的價值與成就,並且幫他維護及保有他的自信心。盡量避免批評他。妳為他而感到驕傲,並不是因為妳是他的妻子,而是對自己選擇結婚的男人,由內心發出的深刻敬愛及傾慕。