小燈泡案今日宣判,士林地方法院將被告王景玉判處無期徒刑,並未判處死刑,引發媒體批判。士林地方法院在新聞稿中指出,王景玉為患有「思覺失調症」之精神病患,但是犯案時並無刑法第19條「不能辨識其行為違法或欠缺依其辨識而行為能力」之情況,且因為其犯最後行為態度不良好,本應判處死刑;然因我國業已簽署「公民與政治權利國際公約」及「經濟社會文化權利國際公約」及「身心障礙者權利公約」...to be continued...
Susan Leigh Vaughan-Smith (born September 26, 1971) is an American convict who was sentenced to life in prison for filicide. Born in Union, South Carolina, she is a former student of the University of South Carolina. On July 22, 1995, she was convicted of the drowning deaths of her two sons, three-y...
A judge has sentenced Justin Ross Harris to life in prison for the murder of his 22-month-old son, Cooper, who died in June 2014 after Harris left him in a hot car for…