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老丐住在美國, 經常要開車. 所以, 在車上打發不少時間.

收音機的電臺, 各有特色. 老丐老了, 年輕人驚天動地的音樂聽不來, 有名嘴的電臺, 受不了! 於是, 只能聽公共電臺NPR. 饒是如此, 還是被美國言論自由, 與眾多名嘴的異想天開, 胡說八道, 搞得十分難過!

今天, 就是個例子:

司法部長 - 猴德先生 Holder, 發表演說:

我們的社會, 經濟蕭條, 人民繳稅降低, 政府收入節拘.

話鋒一轉, 又說到另外一個傷腦筋的問題:

我們有太多犯人, 關在監獄裡, 獄政的龐大費用, 是個很難以背負的沉重負擔!

下面的話, 就完全無法聽下去了: 基本上, 黑人們馬上站起來拍手: 他們有許多親戚, 朋友, 都住在裡面. 把他們放出來, 這個黑總統, 黑法務部長, 真是青天大好人!

其實, 白人也關了不少. 倒是亞裔, 西裔很稀少!

據 NPR 提供的數字: 美國的牢房裡, 養了兩百萬米蟲! 花了人民多少銀兩云云!

ㄟ! 這些傢伙, 真是臺灣名嘴的祖宗!

牢房裡關的, 都是經過律師保護, 在法院裡審理, 被判刑要關的傢伙! 為了省錢, 放他們出來? 有冇搞錯?


美國的花費很多, 軍費最大! 少去侵略人家, 就省下最大的耗費! 大錢亂花, 在家裡要放這些毛賊, 破壞社會秩序的傢伙出來?

NPR 的名嘴, 拿了部長的雞毛當令箭 ,開始發揮啦!

據說: 部長要求, 對於街頭販毒的罪犯, 降低求刑. 據說可以減少多少囚犯人數云云!

乾脆: 把毒品合法化, 收稅, 增加政府稅收, 一石二鳥. 如何? 老丐就等你們法案通過, 馬上回大陸, 種鴉片, 輸出美國. 最好還弄到英國也這樣子搞, 老丐絕對要把鴉片賣給英國佬, 以鴉片戰爭治我之道, 還治其人!

胡說八道甚麼, 老丐也沒放在心上, 繼續開車.

沒想到, 名嘴又找到個好話題, 緊追不捨!

是啥大事情呢? 原來, 是有些人, 找到監獄給女犯人結紮的報告, 大做文章!


美國是個講究"人權"的國家, 對於在牢裡的犯人, 脫褲子炒飯的人權, 非常注重! 前一陣子, 有個黑道老大, 在牢裡, 呼風喚雨: 雞姦男犯, 與女囚通姦也就算了! 還把女獄卒的肚子, 搞大了幾個! 咱們臺灣那個阿扁, 也許想申請來美國服刑, 至少: 可以跟他兒子比爽!

回頭說美國: 這牢獄之災, 基本上, 犯人是不能離開的! 如果, 肚子大了, 多少要追究. 一查嬰兒的 DNA, 誰的種? 如何發生? 絕對要爆發! 所以: 絕育節紮, 是個又顧了人權, 又免除獄方責任的兩全其美的妙計!

問題是這個施行的過程, 用了被法律禁止的方式, 也就是手術.

美國是個人權國家嘛! 雖然是囚犯, 被施行了違法的手術, 也就是侵犯人權的錯誤! 所以, 監督團體, 拼命挖, 拼命抱怨!

他們的資料, 只有受刑人.

監督團體要挖的是: 誰授權? 誰動刀? 要把侵害人權的黑手找出來!

老丐聽了, 滿地找牙!

Holder directs U.S. attorneys to seek reduced sentences in current, pending drug cases

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Thursday he has directed U.S. attorneys across the country to review and possibly refile charges in ongoing drug cases so that low-level, nonviolent offenders will not face severe mandatory sentences.

The policy change will be applied to suspects in drug cases who have been charged but not yet tried, as well as to individuals who have been convicted but not yet sentenced. The directive does not affect offenders already sentenced or serving time in prison.


Drug offenses account for nearly one in five of those in state prisons, according to national incarceration data.
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Drug offenses account for nearly one in five of those in state prisons, according to national incarceration data.

Latest from National Security

U.S. to seek reduced sentences in drug cases

U.S. to seek reduced sentences in drug cases

Attorney general says the new guidelines will apply retroactively to offenders not yet sentenced.

Iranian leader prepares for an address to the U.N.

Iranian leader prepares for an address to the U.N.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and President Obama will both be in New York on Tuesday.

FBI’s Comey focused on terrorism at home and abroad

FBI’s Comey focused on terrorism at home and abroad

In first wide-ranging interview, new director worries about the spread of terrorism.

As part of a sweeping new policy shift, Holder announced last month that, in future drug cases, low-level, nonviolent suspects would no longer be charged with offenses that impose severe mandatory sentences. The new directive marked an expansion of that effort, ordering U.S. attorneys to apply the policy retroactively.

“I am pleased to announce today that the department has issued new guidance to apply our updated charging policy not only to new matters, but also to pending cases where the defendant was charged before the policy was issued but is still awaiting adjudication of guilt,” Holder said in a speech at the annual conference of theCongressional Black Caucus.

Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon said department officials do not know how many people will be affected by the new policy. He said Holder has asked for a survey of his 94 U.S. attorneys to determine how many cases will be affected retroactively.

“By reserving the most severe prison terms for serious, high-level or violent drug traffickers or kingpins, we can better enhance public safety,” Holder said in his speech. “We can increase our focus on proven strategies for deterrence and rehabilitation, and we can do so while making our expenditures smarter and more productive.”

The Justice Department’s new policy applies to offenders with no ties to gangs or large-scale drug organizations and those whose offenses did not involve the use of a weapon or violence. Under the guidelines, the offender also cannot have sold drugs to minors or have a significant criminal history.

“Some federal drug statutes that mandate inflexible sentences — regardless of the individual conduct at issue in a particular case — do not serve public safety when they’re applied indiscriminately,” Holder said in his speech.

Holder sent a three-page memorandum explaining the new retroactive guidelines to his prosecutors on Aug. 29. The memo instructs prosecutors not to “disturb the sentence in a case in which the sentence has been imposed.”

In the case of a defendant who was convicted but has not been sentenced, the U.S. attorney has prosecutorial discretion about whether to apply the new guidelines.

The cost of incarceration in the United States was $80 billion in 2010, according to Justice officials. While the U.S. population has increased by about a third since 1980, the federal prison population has grown by 800 percent, and federal prisons are operating at nearly 40 percent over capacity.

Although the United States is home to 5 percent of the world’s population, almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners are in U.S. prisons, according to the Justice Department. There are more than 219,000 federal inmates, and almost half of them are serving time for drug-related crimes.

The new sentencing guidelines are part of a comprehensive prison reform that Holder said he wants to be part of his legacy as attorney general.

Last month, Holder announced that the Justice Department would not challenge laws legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington as long as those states maintained strict rules regulating the sale and distribution of the drug.

Supporters of the new state laws had argued that hundreds of millions of dollars had been wasted on a failed war against marijuana that has filled U.S. prisons with low-level, nonviolent offenders.

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洛兄與老丐話還是熱的, 美國媒體又拍 Obama 縱毒販馬屁


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

美國媒體又拍 Obama 縱囚馬屁:

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

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女明星女兒 家暴死亡



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Obama 大赦四十幾個毒販, 訪問監獄.




要成名, 不擇手段!

Obama makes 1st visit by sitting president to federal prison

Fox News-Jul 16, 2015
From the White House to the big house, President Obama made an unprecedented presidential visit to a federal prison Thursday as part of his ...

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

猴德先生, 在黑白螞手下, 又一倫靠夭!

美國教育界, 介定了一些惡劣行為, 直接對於壞學生, 予以重罰! 

猴德先生, 顛倒是非, 硬要扯說是對於黑人的歧視? 看他那臉上的表情, 就知道他自己瞎子吃湯圓: 曉得自己在說謊!

Gov't: Most school discipline need not mean court

Associated Press 
FILE - In this July 16, 2010 file photo, Attorney General Eric Holder takes part in news conference in Miami. The Obama administration is issuing new recommendations Wednesday Jan. 8, 2014 on classroom discipline that seek to end the apparent disparities in how students of different races are punished for violating school rules. Holder said the problem often stems from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that too often inject the criminal justice system into the resolution of problems. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File)

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FILE - In this July 16, 2010 file photo, Attorney General Eric Holder takes part in news conference in Miami. The Obama administration is issuing new recommendations Wednesday Jan. 8, 2014 on classroom discipline that seek to end the apparent disparities in how students of different races are punished for violating school rules. Holder said the problem often stems from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that too often inject the criminal justice system into the resolution of problems. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Wednesday pressed the nation's schools to abandon what it described as overly zealous discipline policies that send students to court instead of the principal's office. Even before the announcement, school districts around the country have been taking action to adjust the policies that disproportionately affect minority students.

Attorney General Eric Holder said problems often stem from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that can inject the criminal justice system into school matters.

"A routine school disciplinary infraction should land a student in the principal's office, not in a police precinct," Holder said.

But it's about race, too, the government said in a letter accompanying the new guidelines it issued Wednesday.

"In our investigations, we have found cases where African-American students were disciplined more harshly and more frequently because of their race than similarly situated white students," the Justice Department and Education Department said in the letter to school districts. "In short, racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem."

The guidelines are not the first administration action regarding tough-on-crime laws or policies of the 1980s and '90s that have lost support more broadly since then. Holder announced last summer that he was instructing federal prosecutors to stop charging nonviolent drug offenders with crimes that carry mandatory minimum sentences, a change affecting crack cocaine sentences that have disproportionately affected minorities. And just before Christmas, President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of eight people serving long drug sentences.

The federal school discipline recommendations are nonbinding. They encourage schools to ensure that all school personnel are trained in classroom management, conflict resolution and approaches to de-escalate classroom disruptions — and understand that they are responsible for administering routine student discipline instead of security or police officers.

Still, Education Secretary Arne Duncan has acknowledged the challenge is finding the proper balance to keep schools safe and orderly.

The administration said that it would attempt to work out voluntary settlements if school disciplinary policies are found to violate federal civil rights laws.

That happened in Meridian, Miss., where the Justice Department spearheaded a settlement with the school district to end discriminatory disciplinary practices. The black students in the district were facing harsher punishment than white students for similar misbehavior.

Absent a voluntary agreement, the department could go to court to provide relief for individual students, among other things.

Zero-tolerance policies became popular in the 1990s and often have been accompanied by a greater police presence in schools. The policies often spell out uniform and swift punishment for offenses such as truancy, smoking or carrying a weapon. Violators can lose classroom time or even end up with a criminal record.

In Akron, Ohio, Superintendent David W. James said a recent analysis found higher percentages of black students being disciplined in almost every category. He said he's been criticized for not suspending African-American kids seen by teachers as a threat where he didn't think action was warranted.

James said he hopes the administration's effort will provide leverage for districts with parents, teachers and communities.

"If we're supposed to be here for these kids, what we want to try to do is work with them to find alternatives, to really drill down and find out what it is we're doing that's not meeting their needs," he said.

But Jim Hinson, superintendent of the Shawnee Mission school district, which includes several cities on the Kansas side of the Kansas City metropolitan area, said the school system already does most of the things the Obama administration recommends. He said the district doesn't have a zero-tolerance policy, except for students caught carrying weapons to schools.

"For carrying a weapon to school, yeah, you should probably be in serious trouble," Hinson said. "We have a zero tolerance policy for weapons coming in."

Overall, he described the recommendations as "highly offensive."

"This blanket statement that educators are discriminating against kids across the country and law enforcement officers are discriminating as well is inappropriate," Hinson said. "If there are problem areas that need to be addressed, you address those areas."

In many parts of the country, there already has been a shift toward recognizing that school discipline polices can be discriminatory, said Judith Browne Dianis, co-director of the Advancement Project, a think tank that specializes in social issues affecting minority communities.

Associations representing teachers, principals, school superintendents and school board members agreed that a disparity exists. "Numbers don't lie. They are there," said Beverly Hutton, a former high school principal in New Jersey who is director of professional development at the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

And there have been changes in individual districts around the country.

The school district in Buffalo, N.Y., adopted a new code of conduct to reduce suspensions after a 15-year-old, Jawaan Daniels, died in a drive-by shooting in 2010 as he left school to begin serving an out-of-school suspension for wandering the halls of school.

In Fairfax County, Va., an affluent suburb of Washington, the school board voted in 2012 to soften punishments for possession of marijuana and implement new policies on parental notification. The changes followed a yearlong review that was prompted in part by the suicides of two students who had faced discipline.

And in Miami, Broward County Public Schools last November reached an agreement with law enforcement and the NAACP to create an alternative to zero-tolerance discipline policies and shut off what some see as a school-to-prison pipeline.

Daniel A. Domenech, executive director of the School Superintendents Association said his organization has partnered with the Children's Defense Fund to work with five communities to improve school discipline practices: Harrisburg, Pa.; Houston; Racine, Wis.; Elgin, Ill., and Allegheny County, Pa.

Hutton said a Council of State Governments study of 1 million Texas students was a turning point in the debate. It found that nearly six of 10 public school students were suspended or expelled at least once in the middle school or high school years. It also found that African-American students had a 31 percent higher likelihood of a school discretionary discipline action compared to white and Hispanic students.

In American schools, black students without disabilities were more than three times as likely as whites to be expelled or suspended, according to government civil rights data from 2011-2012. Although black students made up 15 percent of students in the data collection, they made up more than a third of students suspended once, 44 percent of those suspended more than once and more than a third of students expelled.

More than half of students involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement were Hispanic or black.

Domenech said, "Superintendents recognize that out-of-school suspension is outdated and not in line with 21st-century education." But, he said, federal funding for programs that address school discipline issues has been scarce.

Among the recommendations:

—Ensure that school personnel understand that they, not security or police officers, are responsible for administering routine student discipline.

—Draw clear distinctions about the responsibilities of school security personnel.

—Provide opportunities for school security officers to develop relationships with students and parents.


Follow Kimberly Hefling on Twitter at http://twitter.com/khefling


Associated Press writers Pete Yost, Nedra Pickler and Ben Nuckols in Washington, Carolyn Thompson in Buffalo, N.Y., Heather Hollingsworth in Kansas City, Mo., and Julie Carr Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report.

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢



顏寬恒指出,前總統李登輝、陳水扁都有用特赦、減刑來解決超額收容,總統馬英九已上任六年,法務部是否考慮辦理特赦、減刑來解決超額收容。 法務部長羅瑩雪表示,有人認為辦理特赦減刑有違正義,但有人認為可以解決人犯擁擠的問題,法務部會全盤考慮,在適合時間向總統馬英九建議。

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