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五代隱形戰機F-35, 不如四代黃蜂? 美國防部凸槌案例!

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老丐昨天, 才憂心忡忡地寫了篇報導: 日本出雲號下水, 只等美國閃電二號垂直起降攻擊機F-35! (麥芽糖)

沒想到, 今天就看到了一個美國自己的分析:

五代隱形戰機F-35, 不如四代黃蜂F-18?

這篇分析, 把美國所謂最先進, 最雷鋒, 最浪費錢的先進戰鬥機計劃, 簡直是揭穿了國王新衣!

美國的國防部, 浪費納稅人血汗錢, 真是被抓包抓到沒辦法!

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賣日本: 把他們的神風特攻隊斷頭!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

賣日本: 把他們的神風特攻隊斷頭!



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輸給四十歲的 F-16



The Daily Beast

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媒體再報: F-35, 不如四代黃蜂!


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The F-35 Can't Beat The Plane It's Replacing In A Dogfight: Report

The F-35 Can't Beat The Plane It's Replacing In A Dogfight: Report

The F-35 performed so dismally in a dogfight, that the test pilot remarked that the it had pretty much no place fighting other aircraft within visual range. The F-35, which the US Air Force, Navy, and Marines are expected to rely upon, in addition to the air arms of militaries across the world for…

Foxtrot Alpha

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There's nothing like America's most expensive weapons system ever

Business Insider 
f35 family skitch
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) All three Lockheed Martin F-35 variants at Edwards Air Force Base, California. 

America's most expensive weapons system ever built is on track for "initial combat use" by September 2016.

Business Insider recently toured Lockheed Martin's massive production facility in Fort Worth, Texas, where the three F-35 Lightning II variant aircraft are designed and manufactured.

The $400 billion and counting F-35 program has so far delivered 140 of the anticipated 2,443 jets to the US Department of Defense and five aircraft to foreign military buyers.

Here is a look at the unique capabilities of the F-35 variant aircraft:

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f35 skitch
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The lightest of the jets is the F-35A:

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one more time
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35B is in the middle at 14.3 feet tall and weighs 32,300 pounds.

The F-35C is the tallest and the heaviest:

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new skitch again :(

(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35A and F-35B have the same wingspan and nearly the same length:

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wingspan again
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) F-35A 

Designed for the Navy, the F-35C features longer wings to create drag for the jet to slowly land on aircraft carriers:

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f35 wings
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35C has another unique wing design:

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upwards skitch f35
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35A is the only variant that has an internal gun; aside from that, the jets have similar designs:

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skitch gun f35
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

All three variants are coated with a special material to avoid radar:

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radars sktich
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35 jets have serious firepower:

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weapon bays

(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

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more weapons

(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

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missiles skitch

(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35C carries 19,750 pounds of fuel, the most fuel of the variant aircraft. All jets have the capability to be refueled in air:

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fuel f35c skitch
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

The F-35A is refueled differently:

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f35a skitch fuel
(Lockheed Martin/Amanda Macias/Business Insider) 

NOW WATCH: We Discovered The Best Part About Flying A Hot Air Balloon — And The Hardest

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閃電二號的專用航空母艦, 剛下水, 就需要一年的改善工程!



美國的國防建設, 果然是龐大!

Navy Builds Ship For F-35, Ship Needs Months Of Upgrades To Handle F-35 

Navy Builds Ship For F-35, Ship Needs Months Of Upgrades To Handle F-35 


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The Flying Swiss Army Knife Fails Again

It's been a while since we checked in with the F-35, the new strike-fighter also known as the Flying Swiss Army Knife, and a gigantic lemon from which no lemonade ever can be made. The money pit that is the F-35 program has now grown so deep that it is very possible that some of the money tossed…


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發動機夠力, 殲-20才可以和美軍的F-22分庭抗禮。


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旺報觀點-搞定發動機 殲-20才夠力






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五角大廈決定: 閃電二號預算, 再砍二十趴!

Pentagon cuts F-35 operating estimate below $1 trillion: source

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File photo of Lockheed Martin's F35 Joint Strike Fighter F-35B test aircraft BF-2 flying with external weapons

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The U.S. Marine Corps version of Lockheed Martin's F35 Joint Strike Fighter, F-35B test aircraft BF-2 …

By Andrea Shalal-Esa

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has slashed its estimate for the long-term operating costs of Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets by more than 20 percent to under $1 trillion, according to a senior defense official, a move that could boost international support for the program.


The Pentagon has been under pressure for over a year to revise its estimate of maintaining a fleet of more than 2,000 F-35s over 55 years, with industry and military officials arguing that many of the assumptions were outdated and off base.

The new estimate of $857 billion could help ensure the new plane turns out to be as affordable as advertised and comes days after South Korea determined that only a bid by Boeing Co for its F-15 Silent Eagle came in below a $7.4 billion price ceiling for its plan to buy 60 new fighter aircraft.

最聽話的南韓, 得到鷹式戰鬥機 F-15, 不買閃電二號啦!

Lockheed's F-35 and the Eurofighter Typhoon remain in the running, but Boeing's pricing marked a step toward winning the contract, according to sources close to the process. A final decision is expected in mid-September.

It was not immediately clear what impact the lower F-35 operating estimate would have on the South Korean tender, but U.S. officials said Seoul could decide to restart the competition and ask for new bids.

The Pentagon's revision reflects data about the plane's performance based on over 7,000 hours of test flights and revised assumptions about how it will be used and maintained, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The estimate was provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee by the Pentagon's F-35 program chief, Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan, the official said. A revision had been flagged in June when the Pentagon's acquisition chief said he had expected a review to result in lower operating and maintenance costs.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is the costliest weapons program in U.S. history. The Pentagon estimates it will cost $392 billion to develop and build 2,443 of the new jets for use by the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.

Lockheed is developing three models of the radar-evading warplane for the United States and eight countries that are helping fund its development: Britain, Australia, Canada, Norway, Turkey, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands.

The revision of the estimate was first reported by Bloomberg news.


The cost per flying hour of the F-35B model, which can land like a helicopter, is likely be 16.6 percent lower than the earlier Pentagon projections, Lieutenant General Robert Schmidle, deputy Marine Corps commandant for aviation, told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday.

The Marines plan to start using the F-35B for military operations from mid-2015.

A second senior defense official said the current estimate by the Pentagon's Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office put the cost per flying hour of the F-35B model at over $41,000, but the actual cost would likely be closer to $37,000.

A detailed analysis by the Marine Corps showed this would cut the plane's annual operating costs by nearly $600 million, or $12.3 billion over the next five decades, the official said.

Schmidle said the Marines would fly the planes in short takeoff, vertical landing, or STOVL mode just 10 percent of the time, far less often than the 80 percent rate factored into the initial estimates. The manning levels assumed in the initial estimates were also higher than in practice, he said.

"The Marine Corps has very aggressively stepped out in trying to find ways to decrease the operating and support costs, specifically with regard to the cost per flight hour," Schmidle said. "I wanted to challenge every assumption."

He said he was confident additional savings could be achieved in coming years through efforts by Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp to lower the cost of operating the airplane's engine, in line with trends seen on other military aircraft programs.

He said the Marines also expected to trim maintenance costs by doing up to 90 percent of the work in house, rather than farming it out to contractors. Similar efforts had resulted in big savings on the V-22, the Marines' tilt-rotor aircraft, he said.

Schmidle said the Marine Corps' analysis forecast $520 million a year in lower maintenance and operating savings once the three other planes it now uses were replaced by the F-35, a process that is currently slated to be completed by 2030.

He said the impact of mandatory Pentagon budget cuts on the F-35 program remained unclear, but said the savings expected by replacing the existing AV8B Harriers, EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare jets and F/A-18 fighters with F-35s could make the case for accelerating that process.

(Editing by Tim Dobbyn and Edwina Gibbs)

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