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老丐在餅攤, 工讀生說: 舊金山好像有飛機失事!

話聲未落, 鍵盤霹趴, 顯然已經在姑狗此事.

老丐一驚, 忙問: "啥飛機?"

"波音 777"

"糟糕! 大飛機, 不會是小事!"

也跟著上網, 只見照片, 瞭解機場關閉, 發言人謹慎!

過了一天, 確定三人死亡, 一百多人受輕重傷.

以三百多人的飛機來說, 雖屬不幸中的大幸, 還是一個讓人耽心的災難!

老丐這個門外漢, 先就不完整的資料, 旁觀者, 觀棋胡說八道一下:

飛機的尾部碰撞斷裂, 顯然進場高度不夠!

任何飛行員, 都應該知道: 高度不夠, 拉高機頭, 重新進場!

雖然花費不低, 錢總比命便宜, 就別提迫降損失了!

有目擊者說: 飛機的確在加速, 顯然是想拉高機頭補救, 卻為時已晚.

這架飛機, 是頗新型的飛機, 也沒有發生過致死意外. 怎麼會事到臨頭, 才發現高度不夠, 補救不急?

航空公司除了公開道歉, 還特別聲明: 不是機件故障!


騎驢看唱本, 事情遲早水落石出!







舊金山國際機場(San Francisco International Airport)是主要國際交通樞紐,特別是往返亞洲的班機。





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189條人命 美國製的飛機 媒體完全忽視


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢



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又是韓亞航? 比華航, 復興還慘!


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‪#‎韓亞航空‬ 廣島偏離跑道 20人輕傷】

UDN.COM|BY 聯合新聞網

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韓亞航: 波音飛機系統, 有部分失事的責任.


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

Asiana: Plane systems partly to blame in crash

Associated Press 
NTSB handout file photo shows an investigator looking at the the wreckage of Asiana Airlines Flight 214 that crashed at San Francisco International Airport

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A National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator looks at the tail section of the Asiana Airlines Flight 214 that crashed at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California in this handout file photo released on July 7, 2013. Pilots of the Asiana Airlines Inc plane were aware the plane was traveling too slowly and tried to correct it in the final seconds before impact, according to documents released on December 11, 2013 by U.S. aviation safety investigators. REUTERS/NTSB/Handout via Reuters/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: TRANSPORT DISASTER) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Boeing 777 that crashed at San Francisco International Airport had inadequate warning systems to alert its crew about problems with air speed, Asiana Airlines said in a filing with regulators released on Monday.

However, the airline also acknowledged that its crew failed to monitor and maintain a safe airspeed before the July 6 crash and failed to abort the landing in time.

In its report to the National Transportation Safety Board, Asiana said the cockpit crew believed the auto throttle would keep the plane going fast enough to reach the runway — when in fact the auto throttle was effectively disengaged after the pilot idled it to avoid an unexplained climb earlier in the descent.

The airline said the plane should have been designed so the auto throttle would maintain the proper speed after the pilot put it in "hold mode."

Instead, the plane gave no indication that the plane's auto throttle had stopped maintaining the set air speed, and a low air speed alerting system came on too late for the pilots to avoid the crash, Asiana said.

"The flight crew believed that the autothrottle system would maintain the commanded airspeed through the final approach," Asiana said.

The NTSB previously said the pilots showed signs of confusion about the 777's elaborate computer systems. The agency has not determined an exact cause of the crash, which led to the deaths of three of the 307 passengers on board.

In its submission to the NTSB, Boeing said the airplane and all airplane systems were functioning as expected prior to impact and did not contribute to the crash.

"Boeing believes that the evidence supports the following conclusion: This accident occurred due to the flight crew's failure to monitor and control airspeed, thrust level and glide path on short final approach," the airplane manufacturer said.

Asiana also blamed air traffic controllers at the airport, saying they failed to respond to the flight crew's initial request to land and responded late to a second request. That increased the pilots' workload during the approach, Asiana said.

A call to airport spokesman Doug Yakel was not immediately returned.

The airliner slammed into a seawall at the end of a runway during final approach for landing. The impact ripped off the back of the plane, tossed out three flight attendants and their seats, and scattered pieces of the jet across the runway as it spun and skidded to a stop.

Coroner's officials concluded that one of three Chinese teens who died, Ye Meng Yuan, was run over and killed by a rescue vehicle as she lay on the tarmac after the crash.


Pritchard reported from Los Angeles

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影像: 被救災車輾斃的死者明顯可見


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

Asiana victim who was run over may have been visible, videos suggest

Yahoo News

Newly released videos obtained by CBS News suggest that the 16-year-old girl who was run over by a fire truck and killed after surviving a crash on ill-fated Asiana Airlines Flight 214 might have been visible to rescue workers, contradicting earlier reports that she was covered with fire-extinguishing foam.

Ye Meng Yuan died at San Francisco International Airport in July. One video, shot from a camera attached to an emergency worker's helmet, captures footage of a firefighter shouting warnings about Ye to a driver of a rescue vehicle.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop, stop, stop! There's a body. ... There's a body right there, right in front of you," the rescue worker told the driver in one video. CBS News said it acquired the footage from someone close to Ye's family. 

In a separate video shot from a rescue vehicle, also obtained by CBS, a rescue worker can be seen directing a truck to go around Ye's body, further implying that Ye, alive at the time according the coroner, was visible.

From KPIX:

The video shows about 15 minutes after a fire rig driver was first alerted (to) Ye’s location on the ground, he ran her over. The helmet cam shows another truck also drove over Ye’s body minutes later.

Ye's family has filed a suit against San Francisco. CBS reached out to the San Francisco Fire Department, but was told it wouldn't comment, citing the pending litigation.  

Family attorney Justin Green told CBS News that Ye's family wants accountability. “They want to know why weren’t the firefighters trained, why weren’t the supervisors certified and why hasn’t the fire department come clean about what happened?”

Three people died from the crash and its aftermath; 304 survived.

Follow Mike Krumboltz on Twitter (@mikekrumboltz).

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

Southwest flight lands at wrong Mo. airport

Associated Press 
This frame grab provided by KSPR-TV shows a Southwest Airlines flight that was scheduled to arrive Sunday Jan. 12, 2014, at Branson Airport in southwest Missouri instead landed at an airport 7 miles north — with a runway about half the size of the intended destination. (AP Photo/KSPR-TV)

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BRANSON, Mo. (AP) — Federal officials are investigating why a Southwest Airlines flight that was supposed to land at Branson Airport in southwest Missouri, instead landed at another airport about 7 miles away that only had about half as much runway.

Southwest Airlines Flight 4013, carrying 124 passengers and five crew members, was scheduled to go from Chicago's Midway International Airport to Branson Airport, airline spokesman Brad Hawkins said Sunday in a statement. But the Boeing 737-700 landed at Taney County Airport, which is also known as M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport.

"The landing was uneventful, and all customers and crew are safe," Hawkins said.

Hawkins did not have information on why the plane went to the wrong airport. Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Tony Molinaro says the agency is investigating the incident.

It's the second time in less than two months that a large jet has landed at the wrong airport.

In November, a Boeing 747 that was supposed to deliver parts to McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kan., landed 9 miles north at Col. James Jabara Airport. That plane was flown by a two-person crew and had no passengers.

The website for M. Graham Clark Airport says its longest runway is 3,738 feet. Branson Airport's website says its runway is 7,140 feet long.

"The landing was really abrupt and the pilot applied the brakes really strongly," Dallas attorney Scott Schieffer, who was on the flight, told WFAA-TV. "You could hear it and you could certainly feel it."

Flight tracking website Flightaware.com said the Southwest flight landed at 6:11 p.m. Sunday. It was partly cloudy and in the high 50s in Branson at that time.

"Our ground crew from the Branson airport arrived at the airport to take care of our customers and their baggage," Hawkins said.

Flight 4013 had been scheduled to go from Branson to Dallas' Love Field. Hawkins said a plane was flown in specifically to Branson Airport around 10 p.m. to take the passengers and crew to Dallas, which flightaware.com showed landed at 11:42 p.m.

Hawkins told The Associated Press the aircraft at M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport will be able to take off on the smaller runway, and Southwest expects to fly it out "as early as (Monday) morning."

The Taney County Sheriff's Office referred all calls to M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport. Messages left for comment from M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport were not immediately returned.

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢





南非民航局表示,這架英航飛機從OR Tambo國際機場準備起飛後不久,機翼就卡在建築物中,南非民航局正就此一意外進行調查中。

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俄羅斯國內客機墜毀 機上50人全數罹難


俄羅斯國內客機墜毀 機上50人全數罹難


【2013/11/18 聯合報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 俄羅斯國內客機墜毀 機上50人全數罹難 | 國際 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS5/8302504.shtml?instant#ixzz2l3J2BB7p 
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驗屍辦公室: 名死者是被救災車輾斃!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

We have to thank the 驗屍辦公室 for their hard work which brought the truth to the world.


This might hurt the family's feeling; however, this gave everybody an answer.

I conclude that SFO airport is very badly at fault:

  1. They discarded the automatic landing assitance system for construction
  2. Their air contrller make pilots do fast and dangerous landing
  3. Even after the crash landing, 救災車輾斃 passenger!

Coroner: Teen in Asiana crash killed by vehicle

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FILE - In this July 6, 2013, file photo, firefighters, lower center, stand by a tarpaulin sheet covering the body of a Chinese teen struck by a fire truck during the emergency response to the crash of Asiana Flight 214 at the San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco. Airline pilots spend nearly all their time monitoring automated cockpit systems rather than “hand-flying” planes, but their brains aren’t wired to continually pay close attention to instruments that rarely fail or show discrepancies, industry and government experts say. As a result, pilots may see but not register signs of trouble, a problem that is showing up repeatedly in accidents and may have been a factor in the Asiana crash. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File)

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Associated Press 

SAN MATEO, Calif. (AP) — A teenager survived the Asiana Airlines crash in San Francisco only to be struck and killed by a fire vehicle rushing to fight a blaze that broke out on the plane, authorities said on Friday.

San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault said 16-year-old Ye Meng Yuan, a Chinese student, died of multiple blunt injuries consistent with being run over by a motor vehicle.

He did not say what that vehicle was, but San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White said officials believe the girl was struck by a specialized fire vehicle.

"It's very difficult and devastating news for all of us," Hayes-White said.

She said she has reached out to the girl's family through the consulate and wants to meet them.

Investigators believe the teenager was on the ground and not standing up when she was struck, Hayes-White said.

San Francisco police and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating what led to the girl being hit, but the chief said she could not comment on the probe.

She described the scene firefighters faced as "volatile" and "dangerous" with flames and leaking fuel.

Foucrault declined to go into detail on how investigators determined the teenager was alive before she was struck, but said they could tell from internal hemorrhaging.

Authorities confirmed last week that Yuan was hit by a vehicle racing to extinguish flames that broke out on the Boeing 777.

Police said she was on the ground and covered in fire-retardant foam that rescuers had sprayed on the wreckage.

Yuan and her middle school classmate, 16-year-old Wang Linjia, died on July 6 at San Francisco International Airport. The other victim, 15-year-old Liu Yipeng, died at a hospital July 12. Dozens of others were injured.

Yuan and Linjia were students at Jiangshan Middle School in Zhejiang, an affluent coastal province in eastern China, Chinese state media has reported.

They were part of a group of students and teachers from the school who were heading to summer camp in Southern California. Yuan and Linjia were seated at the back of the plane, federal investigators have said.

Meanwhile, the probe into the crash itself continues. Investigators have said the plane came in too low and too slow, clipping its landing gear and then its tail on a rocky seawall just short of the runway. 

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美媒惡搞, 韓亞航確定告訴!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢


美國人愛開玩笑, 這下子闖禍啦!

也不搞清楚: 這是韓國人耶!

如果, 開老丐玩笑, 老丐就算了! 惹韓國人? 吃不了, 兜著走? 活該!





第三起事件,更嚴重暴露美國社會對亞裔族群歧視的無所不在。隸屬福斯電視網的奧克蘭地方電視台,向「國家運輸安全委員會」查證韓亞航機師的名字時,一名接電話的實習生竟越權編造了Sum Ting Wong、Wi Tu Lo、Ho Lee Fuk和Bang Ding Ow四個假名,發音分別諧音英文的「出差錯」、「我們飛太低了」、「搞什麼鬼」和「墜機爆炸聲」;奧克蘭電視網隨後也如數照播,引起亞裔僑民的憤慨。



【2013/07/16 聯合報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 一起空難,三場道歉 | 社論 | 意見評論 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/OPINION/OPI1/8030987.shtml#ixzz2ZAfaSx2T 
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美媒惡搞機師名 韓亞航要告




KTVU第二頻道主播坎貝兒,十二日播午間新聞時稱,該台已取得韓亞航駕駛姓名,隨後唸出「Sum Ting Wong」(英文音近『出包了』)、「Wi Tu Lo」(和『飛太低』諧音)、「Ho Lee Fuk」(音近『搞什麼飛機』)和「Bang Ding Ow」(模擬墜機聲響),拿空難開玩笑的意圖明顯。



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消防車疑輾斃陸女 爭議未決


倫敦「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)網站指出,目前還不清楚,為何消防隊員會以為有人遭消防車輾過。消防局官員說,他們不能提供更多細節,因為調查仍繼續進行中。

舊金山消防隊長海斯-懷特(Joanne Hayes-White)在記者會上說:「我們的一輛消防車可能與2名受害人其中一人有過接觸。我向你們保證,我們正密切關注此事。」

【2013/07/11 中央社】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 消防車疑輾斃陸女 爭議未決 | 國際 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS5/8022939.shtml#ixzz2YltIu6gy 
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