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女兒復仇: 母親慘痛教訓, 美損失花木蘭!

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

美國陸軍, 損失了一位可能的花木蘭!

算帳以後: 美國陸軍罪有應得!

這位女孩, 想投筆從戎: 陸軍會付她上學的費用, 她也想從軍報國.

當她告訴她媽媽, 她的決定. 媽媽告訴她, 自己的慘痛教訓:

二十八年前, 她也從軍, 被輪姦. 她提出控告, 卻被陸軍有系統地壓抑, 她投訴無門, 離開陸軍!


老丐不知道她怎麼辦到的. 總之, 這個故事, 她和母親的照片, 上了CNN.

當然: 她是不準備進入陸軍了. 陸軍好像也沒有啥辦法, 把她怎麼樣!

小姑娘, 有種!


君子報仇, 二十八年不晚!


Daughters and moms now consider rape before applying to military

By Michael Martinez, CNN
updated 4:27 PM EDT, Sun June 16, 2013
The rape of Sherry Kurtz, left, while she was in the Army made her daughter, Shabren Kurtz-Russ, change her dream of enlisting.
The rape of Sherry Kurtz, left, while she was in the Army made her daughter, Shabren Kurtz-Russ, change her dream of enlisting.
  • Woman quits plans to enlist when she hears how her Army mom was raped
  • Conversations with parents, recruiters now include discussion of sexual assaults
  • Military says preventing rape is a priority
  • With numbers of attacks rising, questions remain

(CNN) -- Shabren Kurtz-Russ wanted to join the military to start a family tradition. Her mother and father served in the Army. And now she sought to enlist in the Army National Guard.

She would follow classmates into the service. She considered active duty, too. The military offered an exciting future -- plus college money.

She spoke to her mother, Sherry Kurtz, about the plan last year. That's when a dark family secret, only hinted at earlier, was revealed: Her mother told her she was gang-raped in the Army in 1985.

Worse, the military stonewalled her mother's effort to seek criminal charges, Kurtz alleges. Traumatized and betrayed, Kurtz had left the Army.

Her daughter was horrified.

"It was just like unbelievable, and I was disgusted," Kurtz-Russ said. "I didn't really know too much about what she went through. I understand why her and my dad said absolutely not (to her enlisting)."

Kurtz-Russ, now 20, won't be joining the armed forces, she said. Ever.

Her mother, now 46 and living in Ohio, is relieved.

"There's no way," Kurtz said of her reaction to her daughter's desire to enlist. She had just self-published a book about her experience. "I just told her that history has a way of repeating itself, and I wasn't going to let history repeat itself on her."

Their mother-daughter exchange is among the more extreme -- but not necessarily uncommon -- kind of conversation unfolding between parents and their children this high school graduation season.

Get used to women or 'get out,' Australia's army chief says

'A crisis and cancer'

The heartfelt talks -- which have a profound impact on military recruitment -- are amplified by how Congress and the Pentagon grapple with a growing crisis surrounding revelations of rape and sexual harassment in the armed forces. Equally disturbing is how so few of the crimes are even reported in the military, according to recent statistics.

Leaders at every level in this institution will be held accountable for preventing and responding to sexual assault.
Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, Defense Department

Even one of America's most prominent POWs and advocates for women in the military, Sen. John McCain, expressed deep reservations about enlistment in a recent conversation with a parent.

"Just last night a woman came to me and said her daughter wanted to join the military and could I give my unqualified support for her doing so. I could not," McCain said earlier this month during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on military sexual assaults. "I cannot overstate my disgust and disappointment over the continued reports of sexual misconduct in our military."

McCain agreed with testimony about how sex offenses are "a crisis and cancer that threatens the fabric of our military."

The latest Pentagon estimates indicate a 37% increase in sexual assaults to 26,000 cases last year. Only 9.8% of those were reported, with the bigger picture being obtained through a confidential survey sent to serving troops. There were 238 convictions overall, the Pentagon said.

Those figures come as one proposed law would reform military justice by removing prosecution of sex offenses from the chain of command and giving it to experienced military prosecutors, as Britain, Canada, Israel, Germany and Australia now do, according to a spokesman for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York.

Women make up almost 15% of the about 1.4 million enlistees, officers, cadets and midshipmen in the military, according to Department of Defense figures.

In the past 10 years, the number of women in the military has fluctuated around the 200,000 mark, down from the high of 215,156 in 2004.

Pentagon leaders and their 13,800 recruiters have made tackling the issue of sexual assault a priority in their efforts to enlist 280,000 young men and women annually for active and reserve forces, said Defense Department spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen.

"The leadership of this department has no higher priority than the safety and welfare of our men and women in uniform, and that includes ensuring they are free from the threat of sexual harassment and sexual assault," Christensen said. "Leaders at every level in this institution will be held accountable for preventing and responding to sexual assault in their ranks and under their commands."

General suspended for alleged failures in reporting, investigating sex abuse

But advocates of rape victims are skeptical.

If the U.S. military wants to stop sexual assault in the U.S. military, it will stop ...This has to be mission critical to them.
Shelby Quast, women's advocate

Military sexual trauma -- the term for rape as well as sexual assault and harassment -- goes unreported because victims must report the offense to their commanders, not an independent prosecutor, and victims fear losing their jobs or reputation, the advocates say.

While the Pentagon says rape prevention is a policy priority, Shelby Quast, senior policy adviser for Equality Now, an international human rights group that focuses on girls and women, questions whether that happens in practice.

"Unfortunately there's a lot of things out there" in the world regarding abuses against women, Quast said, "and I can't say it's the worst, but it's just a terrible betrayal. You signed up to say I'm willing to fight and willing to die but you didn't agree to be raped by your fellow soldiers.

"If the U.S. military wants to stop sexual assault in the U.S. military, it will stop," Quast added. "We know they can change culture and policy, and they have. This has to be mission critical to them."

Quast recently had her own mother-daughter talk about enlistment. She describes herself as "a military child;" Quast's father was an Air Force pilot declared missing in action after being shot down in 1966 over North Vietnam.

But when her daughter expressed interest in joining a college ROTC program after graduating from high school this month, Quast urged against it. Her daughter decided against joining.

Opinion: Soldiers and sex -- can men evolve?

Wanting to force change from the inside

Sarah Strachan of Florida, however, was enrolled in her high school's JROTC program, and next month she'll enter the Army -- even after enduring being groped by boys in the JROTC's storage room, she said.

I really didn't want her to join because I see how they treat women, but I would never hold her back.
Dianne Strachan, of her daughter

Her high school didn't take her -- or her mother's -- complaints about the groping seriously, both women said.

Strachan, 17, now wants to help reform the military from the inside: She wants to bring rapists and harassers before a court martial and put them in prison.

"I want to do intelligence in the military or military police where I can investigate these types of things and bring justice to the people who do it, because they never do" bring them to justice, Strachan said. After her military service, she might become an FBI agent investigating sex crimes, she said.

Her mother, Dianne, 46, is afraid for her daughter in the Army, but knows Sarah has a strong will. Once, her daughter even knocked one overly aggressive boy to the ground, even though she's 5-foot-4 and 102 pounds, the mother said.

Dianne Strachan said she can only support her daughter's decision. She believes her daughter is trying to live up to her father, divorced from the family, who was in the Army National Guard, she said. The family also has a son, 23, in the Army.

"I really didn't want her to join because I see how they treat women, but I would never hold her back from doing something she wants to do," said Dianne Strachan, a medical transcriptionist.

The rape crisis hasn't deterred Kayla Wright, 20, from wanting to enlist, but it has influenced which branch of service she plans to join.

Any job you go to could have sexual harassment. It's not just the military.
Elizabeth Maglicco, Navy recruit

Wright won't join the Navy because her husband, also 20, is now being medically retired from that service and has warned her that sexual assault is "more likely to happen on a ship because there's more men to women" and "it's not like you can get off a ship and get away from it," she said.

"I told him I wanted to join the Navy, but he was adamant" against it, she said, referring to her husband.

The couple, married last year, plan to move from San Diego, California, to Phoenix, Arizona, where her family lives and she'll enlist, she said. Her brother is in the Army, she added.

"The Air Force, they treat you the best," Wright said.

Elizabeth Maglicco, 18, of Port Vue, Pennsylvania, isn't afraid of the Navy: She'll report to its basic training just north of Chicago next month.

McCain's comments don't faze her. "He didn't want young women to join until this is all settled," Maglicco said. "I don't think obstacles should get in your way.

"Honestly, any job you go to could have sexual harassment. It's not just the military," she added.

The Navy chief petty officer who recruited her "told us not to put up with it and have zero tolerance for it," Maglicco said. "So him talking to us made me feel a lot more comfortable, because there are guys out there doing the right thing."

When Maglicco was 15 and began considering enlistment, her mother was worried. Her daughter is too naïve, too trusting, seeing only good in people, said Elizabeth Richel, 40, a certified nurse's assistant.

Her daughter, who graduated from high school this month, actually signed up 11 months ago. In fact, because her daughter helped the Navy recruit two boys, she will enter the Navy with a promotion.

"She knows I'm not very happy about it. It's more out of concern that things can happen," Richel said. "I don't feel good about any of the military branches. They're hiding a lot of it, they're covering it up."

Chambliss' controversial comments on sexual assault

Pride to pregnancy to persecution

The "rape culture" in the military, as Kurtz puts it, is something she's facing head-on.

She self-published a book about being gang-raped and used personal journals she's kept since the 1985 event: "The 'M' Word: My Story of Being Gang Raped in the Military." The "M" word refers to military sexual trauma. She wrote the book as an homage to other women and men raped in the military, some of whose lives ended violently.

As a teenager, Kurtz was proud to enlist, even dreaming of becoming an officer, but seven months into her service, several soldiers raped her at age 19 on the U.S. Army base in Kaiserslautern, Germany, she said.

Her assailants drugged her, and the rape left her pregnant. She had an abortion.

For 11 months, she demanded her chain of command file charges, but she suffered reprisals, she alleged.

"Every week I went up there, they said they're still investigating and I was getting a lot of retaliation at the time, and demoted," she said.

When asked for a comment Thursday, the Army said it couldn't immediately respond to Kurtz's alleged rape because research involves seeking records from nearly 30 years ago.

But Army spokesman Lt. Col. S. Justin Platt added Friday: "Army leaders are committed to -- and accountable for -- eliminating sexual harassment/assault incidents by creating a climate where soldiers feel safe from this threat and a climate stigma free pertaining to reporting."

In 2006, the government found the military's Criminal Investigation Division records regarding Kurtz's 1985 case, and those documents allowed her to receive 100% disabled veteran benefits for the post-traumatic stress disorder she suffers from the assault, she said.

To this day, she said, she cannot trust people. She has been through more jobs than she can count, she said. She and her daughter's father, whom she met in the Army, parted ways when the daughter was 2 years old. She hasn't been able to date anyone since and now attends support programs with other women who have been raped in the military, she said.

"People say we're demeaning our country and our service. That's not it," Kurtz said. "We love our country and our service."

But, she said, "possibly being raped" shouldn't be part of the job description.

Opinion: Military rape prosecutions won't work

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保護軍隊的面子: 美國讓將軍認較低罪名, 避免性罪狀!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢


美國政府, 保護軍隊的面子!

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina (Reuters) - The United States has agreed to drop charges of sexual assault brought against an Army general in exchange for him pleading guilty to lesser charges including "mistreatment" of his accuser, a junior officer, the general's lawyer said on Sunday.

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

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美國女兵遭男友殺手, 「海綿寶寶墓碑」被墓園要求拆除!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢



美國28歲女兵金柏莉(Kimberly Walker)今年二月遭男友痛下殺手不幸喪命,她的家人為了讓她一路好走,特別選了她生前最愛的「海綿寶寶」模型做成墓碑,原本表示可以安置的墓園,如今卻要求家屬拆除,墓園方面表示由於「海綿寶寶墓碑」與歷史悠久的墓園格格不入,因此才會提出要求。

金柏莉死後,家人選擇將她葬於辛辛那提的「春天樹叢公墓」(Spring Grove Cemetery),為了懷念她,家人特別以她最愛的海綿寶寶為基底,花費2.6萬美金(約78萬台幣)打造一個穿有軍裝、又刻有她名字的「海綿寶寶墓碑」,只是墓碑才在本月10日放上去,沒想到家人卻在本周一接到墓園來電,表示需要拆除「海綿寶寶墓碑」。

根據《華盛頓郵報》指出,墓園負責人蓋瑞(Gary Freytag)坦承,「這是我們工作人員的錯,他失誤批准海綿寶寶墓碑可以豎立,但我們事後認為這和擁有悠久歷史的墓園不搭。」墓園方面也表示會和家人會面討論,並允諾會負責新墓碑的費用。


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令人髮指: 女人被強暴後, 還要被起訴?


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

很難想像現在在那個國家, 女人被強暴後, 還要被起訴? 

美國雖然在全世界宣揚美式民主, 人權…

而事實上, 歧視逼迫婦女, 迫害宗教自由, 最獨裁的國家, 並不是反美陣線中國北韓或古巴, 而是美國在中東最忠實的產油王國盟友們。

過去現在未來, 美國的底線與最基本的核心價值, 從來不是民主人權。是石油。
遭性侵反被扣罪 挪威女獲阿聯特赦





【2013/07/23 聯合報】http://udn.com/

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Power By udn.com 

Dubai ruler pardons Norwegian woman convicted after she reported rape
A Norwegian woman who was sentenced to prison after reporting she was raped in Dubai has been given a pardon, Norway's Foreign Ministry said Monday.
 · about an hour ago · 
  • Rulan Bnh and 10 others like this.
  • Tim Young 您這一針刺出很多血
  • Andy Lee Tim, 這論點不新, 美國國內檢討的聲音也很多。
  • Mark Lee 不難想像,她應該慶幸不是本地人,不然下場是以家族榮譽蒙羞被殺,這是回教地區民眾的理所當然的看法,美國人要介入文化的黑暗面只會引起更大的反彈,這位小姐最後的結果應該是獲䆁驅逐出境
  • Andy Lee 問題是, 美國一向就是喜歡干預別的國家「文化內政」的。

    那天這些產油國的國王們不聽話了, 美國多半又會打著「民主自由」大旗去支持反叛軍了。(其實這招已經用爛了)

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