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閃電二號 F-35 JSF 可能開始量產 試飛

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

星期天, 老丐難得休息, 在家裡當園丁: 拔草種花!

採菊東籬下, 沒有悠然見南山. 只覺得: 經過了一個星期的天災人禍, 覺得自己在家裡, 與世無爭, 是很難得的幸福!

果然, 天際傳來怒吼, 把老丐的白日夢給擊碎了!

Here's Your New Wallpaper: A Pitch Perfect Photo of an F-35

這個虎嘯, 低沉, 比熟悉的 F-22 禿鷹, 稍微輕, 卻也很沉重. 絕對不是 F-18 黃蜂, F-15 鷹式戰鬥機, 或是 F-16 小鷹, F-14 雄貓可以比較的. 倒是與前一陣子, 禿鷹練習航空母艦降落的聲音, 頗為相似!

老丐離飛機公司有段距離. 但是, 當年聽到禿鷹首飛, 也就是在後院. 果然, 不久就看到黃色的原型機!

美國剛才抓到炸彈客, 卻處心積慮, 窮兵黷武!

人類的浩劫, 還長久得很!

f35 weapons

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殲20加速量產 數量直追美F-22(187)


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

F-22 - 187

中國新聞網30日刊登軍事評論員陳光文撰文指出,中國海空軍擁有大約1700架戰鬥機、攻擊機和轟炸機等作戰飛機,數量規模僅次於美軍的現役戰機。目前雖以二代和三代戰機為主力,隨著四代戰機逐漸量產,到2020年時殲-20的數量將直追美國F-22,註定會是一個劃時代的事件。 據美國《國家利益》雜誌網站28日報導稱,中國海空軍中二代戰機占比為61%,三代戰機占比為38%,而最先進的第四代戰機只占1%。按照中國軍方的戰機劃代規則,現役…
Jim Mc
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Jim Mc
24 mins · 



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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

鼻用找川普,跟你們祖宗安倍買閃電二號 F-35 就好了。

三菱組建首架「閃電二號」 - 美國媒體
Mitsubishi(零戰製造廠 manufacture for the famous - Zero) built first F-35

Mitsubishi(Zero) built first F-35

The first F-35A built in Japan was unveiled at a ceremony at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Komaki South Final Assembly and Checkout facility on Monday.

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Video: First F-35 Assembled Overseas Takes Flight


Italy’s first F-35A Lightning II, known as AL-1 and assembled at the Cameri Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility, flew for the first time Sept. 7, 2015, marking the program’s first-ever F-35 flight outside the United States. (Photo courtsey Lockheed Martin)

The first F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to be assembled overseas took flight this week, the manufacturer announced.

Italy’s inaugural F-35A Lightning II, known as AL-1 and assembled at the Cameri Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility, on Monday flew for the first time in what was billed as the aircraft’s initial flight outside the U.S, according to a press release from Lockheed Martin Corp.

The milestone came just a month after a U.S. F-35B jump-jet version of the plane gulped down thousands of pounds of jet fuel from an Italian air force KC-767 tanker.

Italy expects to purchase 90 of the fifth-generation stealth fighter jets to replace its AV-8 Harriers, Panavia Tornados and AMX fighters. That figure includes 30 F-35B jump-jet models, which fly like a plane and land like a helicopter. The Italian navy, though, will have to modify its Cavour light aircraft carrier to accommodate the new jets.

The F-35 is the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons acquisition program, estimated to cost $391 billion to purchase 2,457 aircraft for the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. The Corps will begin operational flights this year — albeit with a less lethal version of the aircraft — followed by the Air Force in 2016 and the Navy in 2019.

Eight countries have committed to help develop the F-35, including the U.K., Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway. Also, Israel, Japan and South Korea plan to buy production models of the aircraft.

The F-35 last year missed its first planned international appearances, including the Farnborough International Air Show outside London, due to a fleet-wide grounding as a result of an engine fire. The order was subsequently lifted and Pratt & Whitney, maker of the F135 engine, plans to retrofit the fleet with a fix by early next year.

The Cameri facility is owned by the Italian government and operated by Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi in association with Lockheed Martin, according to the release. After beginning production of the F-35 in July 2013, the plant churned out its first F-35, the AL-1, in March, the release states. The aircraft is expected to be officially delivered to the Italian air force by the end of the year, it states.

Here’s the video of the AL-1 taking to the skies:


Read more: http://defensetech.org/2015/09/08/first-f-35-assembled-overseas-takes-flight/#ixzz3lFlHfTXo 

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美國在南海找麻煩, 澳州不挺!

如今: 閃電二號凸槌, 又貴, 澳洲不買啦!


Australian Navy Cancels Order for the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter | Defense Tech

The Australian military has decided to cancel plans to purchase F-35B Joint Strike Fighter short-take-off-and-vertical landing aircraft and place 12 of the

Defense Tech

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閃電二號 F-35 JSF 尼米茲航母試飛



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一年之後, 美國終於公布照片!

We Finally Get Our First Look At The Barbecued F-35 Nearly A Year Later

We Finally Get Our First Look At The Barbecued F-35 Nearly A Year Later

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

六架閃電二號, 成功降落航母.

Six USMC F-35Bs Land Aboard The Wasp For Critical Operational Trials

A half-dozen F-35Bs just landed on the deck of the USS Wasp (LHD-1) to begin the first shipboard phase of their operational trials. For the next two weeks, the six jets will prove they can operate aboard a Gator Navy Flattop under real-world conditions similar to those the jet will face during its…

Foxtrot Alpha

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閃電二號 F-35 JSF首位女飛行員!



閃電二號 F-35 JSF首位女飛行員!

christine mau

Meet Lt. Col. Christine Mau, the first woman to fly the F-35 Lightning II fighter jet.f35

Lt. Col. Christine Mau navigates her F-35A through the “bird bath” after returning from her first flight on Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., May 5, 2015.

The F-35 is a state-of-the-art fighter jet. Accor

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全副武裝的閃電二號 F-35 JSF


f35 weapons
f35 weapons infographic

F-35 Debut Hobbled by Flawed Software, Pentagon Tester Finds

Feb 1Mar 1Apr 1May 1Jun 1Jul 1Aug 1Sep 1Oct 1Nov 1Dec 1Jan 1150.00160.00170.00180.00190.00200.00* Price chart for LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP. Click flags for important stories.LMT:US194.712.34 1.22%

Flawed software will hobble the first of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT)’s F-35 fighters to be called combat-ready, limiting the plane’s ability to drop bombs, share data with other aircraft and track enemy radar, the Defense Department’s chief weapons tester found.

The Marine Corps plans to declare its version of the F-35, the costliest U.S. weapons system, ready for limited combat as soon as July. Software essential to delivering on the plane’s promised capabilities may complete flight testing next month, about four months late.

“What is clear is that” the plane “will finish with deficiencies remaining that will affect operational units,” Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of combat testing, said in an annual report on major weapons that was sent to Congress on Friday and obtained before its public release.

The testing report will set the stage for oversight of the $398.6 billion F-35 program by U.S. lawmakers and by allies seeking to justify the increasing cost of buying the plane. The Pentagon plans to request 57 of the aircraft in fiscal 2016, up from the 34 that were requested and the 38 that Congress ultimately funded for this year.

‘Serious Deficiencies’

Each of the Joint Strike Fighters made by Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed will have more than 8 million lines of code once fully deployed, more than any previous U.S. or allied jet.

Photographer: Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post via Getty Images

U.S. Marine Corps test pilot Maj. Richard Rusnok taxies out in his F-35B Lightning II...Read More

“Serious deficiencies with hardware and software used to develop data files” in the plane’s computers are “more numerous and serious” than those first identified in 2012, Gilmore said in his cover letter to lawmakers transmitting the report. The files are needed to identify enemy radar and “are essential to conducting effective combat operations against advanced enemy air defenses, a key reason” for developing the F-35, he wrote.

Gilmore warned that unless “immediate action is taken to remedy these deficiencies,” the aircraft’s ability to “be effective in combat is at substantial risk.”

Deficiencies in the software version known as 2B also were “identified in fusion, radar, passive sensors, identification friend-or-foe” and electro-optical targeting, even as software showed some improvement in starting the aircraft and maintaining in-flight stability, according to his report.

Joe DellaVedova, the spokesman for the Pentagon’s F-35 office, said in an e-mail that he can’t comment on the report’s broad conclusions until it’s made public.

‘Disciplined Approach’

DellaVedova said the Joint Strike Fighter program continues to follow “the same disciplined approach with software development -- we test, and when we find an issue we solve it and move on. The F-35 will do what it was designed to do: defeat today’s and tomorrow’s threats.”

The Marine version, the F-35B, flew 329 test sorties last year, 20 more than planned, he said.

The F-35 program’s top official said in an e-mail that since October it’s completed all software testing required for the Marine version to drop its weapons. “The weapons development program continues to track forward on the plan laid out” in 2010, when additional testing was added, said Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, the program’s executive officer.

While the Air Force and Navy versions of the F-35 also are being developed, the Marine fighter is the most complex because it must execute short takeoffs and vertical landings on fields and amphibious warships.

‘Great Momentum’

Lockheed Martin spokesman Mark Johnson said in an e-mail that it would inappropriate to comment on the unreleased report, “but 2014 was year of great momentum for the JSF program on all fronts.” The F-35 represents 17 percent of sales for Lockheed, the largest U.S. federal contractor.

Lockheed rose less than 1 percent to $193.06 at 11:25 a.m. after rising 26 percent in the past year.

Gilmore’s report also cited signs of progress for the F-35, which is being developed as its produced, including improved reliability that lets pilots exceed the planned number of sorties.

The F-35B flew 7.5 hours last year between “critical failures,” an improvement over the three-hour mark demonstrated in 2013, he said. The goal is 12 hours.

The program office, the Marine Corps and Lockheed also appear to have fixed deficiencies with the aircraft’s auxiliary air inlet door, propulsion system drive shaft and clutch and a “roll post nozzle” actuator, he said.

DellaVedova said reliability has improved with each lot of aircraft because the company and the program office have incorporated corrective actions “to minimize or eliminate failures.”

Northrop Sensors

Among the unresolved technical issues affecting the F-35B that Gilmore listed in the report and his cover letter to congressional defense committees:

* The aircraft’s weight when empty increased 82 pounds (37 kilograms) since August 2011 and now is within 1 percent, or 337 pounds, of its weight limit.

* A system of six implanted sensors made by Northrop Grumman Corp. (NOC) for 360-degree day and night navigation, in-flight awareness and anti-aircraft missile warnings “continues to exhibit high false alarm rates and false target tracks and poor stability performance, even in later versions.”

* Current versions of the program’s automated logistics system, which schedules aircraft maintenance, monitors in-flight aircraft condition and marshals spare parts, remains behind schedule and has deficiencies that render it “cumbersome to use and inefficient.”

‘Demonstrated Deficiencies’

Preliminary results from the latest version “show that multiple deficiencies from past evaluations remain unresolved and the system demonstrated deficiencies in new capabilities.”

Gilmore didn’t call such technical problems insurmountable, saying instead that developing and demonstrating fixes probably won’t be accomplished for months and could delay testing of the final version of software that gives the aircraft its full combat capability.

Successful testing of this “3F” version would be needed before the Pentagon makes a multibillion-dollar commitment for Lockheed to begin full-scale production, which now is scheduled for April 2019.

Gilmore recommended that the schedule be adjusted to “reflect these realities,” with the crucial software testing starting six months late and finishing in May 2019.

To contact the reporter on this story: Tony Capaccio in Washington at acapaccio@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: John Walcott at jwalcott9@bloomberg.net Larry Liebert

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