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美國也忽視軍人? 殺賓拉登海豹隊員, 抱怨遭遺棄!

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢


臺灣猛刪軍公教待遇的立法委員, 可以得意啦!

看: 乾爹美國, 也棄軍人於不顧! 這不是普通軍人. 是殺了頭號要犯 - 賓拉登, 的海豹隊員!



老丐想到: 麥克阿瑟, 下令趕走在華盛頓露宿街頭的退伍軍人! 也想到洛杉磯, 槍殺同事與子女的前警員!

原來: 全世界都是充滿忘恩負義的傢伙與政府, 美國也棄殺頭號敵人的英雄於不顧!

寫水滸傳的前人, 真是有眼光: 知道這個世界上, 忘恩負義的傢伙, 才能夠往上爬?

SEAL who shot bin Laden speaks out

The Situation Room of the White House on May 1, 2011. (Pete Souza/White House)

The U.S. Navy SEAL who shot and killed Osama bin Laden is speaking out for the first time since the May 1, 2011, raid on the al-Qaida leader's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

In an interview with Esquire, the former SEAL—identified as "The Shooter" due to what the magazine described as "safety" reasons—said he's been largely abandoned by the U.S. government since leaving the military last fall.

He told Esquire he decided to speak out to both correct the record of the bin Laden mission and to put a spotlight on how some of the U.S. military's highly trained and accomplished soldiers are treated by the government once they return to civilian life.

Despite killing the world's most-wanted terrorist, he said, he was not given a pension, health care or protection for himself or his family.

"[SEAL command] told me they could get me a job driving a beer truck in Milwaukee," he told Esquire.

Plus, he said, "my health care for me and my family stopped. I asked if there was some transition from my Tricare to Blue Cross Blue Shield. They said no. You're out of the service, your coverage is over. Thanks for your 16 years. Go f--- yourself."

The problem seems to be that "The Shooter" left the military well before the 20-year requirement for retirement benefits.


According to the magazine, the government provides 180 days of transitional health care benefits, but the Shooter was ineligible because he did not agree to remain on active duty in a support role or become a "reservist." Instead, the magazine noted, he will "have to wait at least eight months to have his disability claims adjudicated."

The SEAL also gave his account of the historic raid, including the moment he pulled the trigger and shot bin Laden.

“In that second, I shot him, two times in the forehead," he told Esquire. "Bap! Bap! The second time as he’s going down. He crumpled onto the floor in front of his bed. He was dead. I watched him take his last breaths. And I remember as I watched him breathe out the last part of air, I thought: Is this the best thing I've ever done, or the worst thing I've ever done?

"I'm not religious," he added. "But I always felt I was put on the earth to do something specific. After that mission, I knew what it was."

He also recalled watching CNN's coverage of the first anniversary of bin Laden's death.

"They were saying, 'So now we're taking viewer e-mails. Do you remember where you were when you found out Osama bin Laden was dead?' And I was thinking: Of course I remember. I was in his bedroom looking down at his body."

In September 2012, fellow former SEAL Team 6 member Matt Bissonnette published a controversial book, "No Easy Day," under a pen name about the raid, drawing the ire of both his fellow SEALs and the Pentagon.

A spokeswoman for Esquire told Yahoo News that the magazine did not pay the SEAL for the interview.

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兩年度日如年, 向媒體發聲, 以確保退休金?


狙殺賓拉登 海豹英雄自曝惹議

狙殺蓋達首腦賓拉登的美國海軍海豹部隊第6分隊隊員身份揭露,他是38歲的歐尼爾(Rob O'Neill)。圖擷自Daily Mail每日郵報(11/05)

狙殺蓋達首腦賓拉登的美國海軍海豹部隊第6分隊隊員身份揭露,他是38歲的歐尼爾(Rob O'Neill)。他決定自曝身份的決定,引發海豹部隊總部和國防部憤怒

英國「每日郵報」網站(MailOnline)報導,歐尼爾完成超過400次戰鬥任務,殺死30多個目標人物,列名美國海軍海豹部隊(US Navy SEALs)受勳最多的一員。


報導指出,歐尼爾決定站出來公開個人身份,是因為在服役16年後提早4年退伍擔心喪失包括健保和退休俸等軍人相關福利。他本月稍晚將接受福斯新聞網(Fox News)訪問。

歐尼爾和父親湯姆.歐尼爾(Tom O'Neill)都不擔心姓名一經公開,可能遭聖戰激進組織攻擊。湯姆.歐尼爾甚至說:「我會在前門畫個大記號,然後說,來找我們吧。」



歐尼爾決定公開說明引發巨大爭議。海豹部隊士官長瑪家拉希(Michael Magaraci)和海軍少將指揮官羅賽(Brian Losey)清楚指出,保密守誓一直是海豹部隊最重要的信條之一


【2014/11/06 中央社】http://udn.com/

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