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美國水滸傳: 洛杉磯離職警員「對警界全面宣戰」 Rainbo of LAPD?

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洛杉磯前警察已殺三人 誓言要殺40警


洛杉磯市警局離職警員唐諾(Christopher Jordan Dorner)涉嫌在3日射殺華裔女子關寶珠及其未婚夫勞倫斯(Keith Lawrence)後潛逃,洛杉磯警方6日深夜緊急通緝後,唐諾7日再下殺手,槍殺三名警員,造成一死兩重傷。南加州各地如今草木皆兵,警方7日晚包圍洛杉磯郊區唐諾可能藏身的大熊山區,布下天羅地網全面緝凶。


與擔任校警的未婚夫一起遭槍殺的華裔籃球女教練關寶珠(Monica Quan),父親關按勝(Randy Quan)是廣東移民第二代,曾任洛杉磯市警察局警官,後來取得法律學位並擔任律師。關按勝在導致唐諾被開除的調查聽證案中擔任唐諾的律師,卻被他列入復仇名單,28歲的女兒關寶珠和27歲的準女婿勞倫斯無辜遇害。






【2013/02/09 聯合報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 洛杉磯前警察已殺三人 誓言要殺40警 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7694569.shtml#ixzz2KR7zAIa1 
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殺手的告白…名譽受損 殺人是必要之惡








【2013/02/09 聯合報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 殺手的告白…名譽受損 殺人是必要之惡 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7694574.shtml#ixzz2KR3q50fK 
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擔心喪失包括健保和退休俸等軍人相關福利, 美國海軍海豹決定站出來公開個人身份


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狙殺賓拉登 海豹英雄自曝惹議

狙殺蓋達首腦賓拉登的美國海軍海豹部隊第6分隊隊員身份揭露,他是38歲的歐尼爾(Rob O'Neill)。圖擷自Daily Mail每日郵報(11/05)

狙殺蓋達首腦賓拉登的美國海軍海豹部隊第6分隊隊員身份揭露,他是38歲的歐尼爾(Rob O'Neill)。他決定自曝身份的決定,引發海豹部隊總部和國防部憤怒

英國「每日郵報」網站(MailOnline)報導,歐尼爾完成超過400次戰鬥任務,殺死30多個目標人物,列名美國海軍海豹部隊(US Navy SEALs)受勳最多的一員。


報導指出,歐尼爾決定站出來公開個人身份,是因為在服役16年後提早4年退伍擔心喪失包括健保和退休俸等軍人相關福利。他本月稍晚將接受福斯新聞網(Fox News)訪問。

歐尼爾和父親湯姆.歐尼爾(Tom O'Neill)都不擔心姓名一經公開,可能遭聖戰激進組織攻擊。湯姆.歐尼爾甚至說:「我會在前門畫個大記號,然後說,來找我們吧。」



歐尼爾決定公開說明引發巨大爭議。海豹部隊士官長瑪家拉希(Michael Magaraci)和海軍少將指揮官羅賽(Brian Losey)清楚指出,保密守誓一直是海豹部隊最重要的信條之一


【2014/11/06 中央社】http://udn.com/

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

闖進監獄槍殺四犯人 印尼特種部隊的報復?

  • 2013-03-23 15:28
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/謝佐人】






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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

警方找到美國林沖, 圍捕, 又喪失兩名幹員.

最後, 一場大火落幕.

洛成警局, 臉上無光不說, 雖然凸槌媒體搶報新聞.

全世界對於洛成警局, 都打上了個大問號!


真正導致事件的原凶, 卻躲在警局後面, 把警局的名譽墊背!

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洛杉磯警局: 啟動調查, 開除文件!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢


已經有幾條命了, 把門戶清理乾淨再講話吧!

LAPD manhunt: Chief Charlie Beck says will reopen case that fired Christopher Dorner (document)

1 of 2

Damian Dovarganes/AP

Los Angeles police Chief Charlie Beck, right, comments on fired officer, Christopher Dorner, Dorner's multiple weapons, including an assault rifle, during a news conference at the LAPD headquarters in Los Angeles Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013. Police launched a massive manhunt for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of going on a killing spree, slaying a couple over the weekend, opening fire on two Los Angeles officers early Thursday and then ambushing two other police officers, killing one. At left, Assistant Chief Sandy Jo MacArthur.

Update 5:45 p.m.: Los Angeles police say they will reopen the disciplinary proceedings that led to the firing of Christopher Dorner, a former officer who's wanted in three killings over the past several days.

Cmdr. Andrew Smith said Saturday that the department will reopen the investigation that apparently has led Dorner to seek revenge against former LAPD colleagues who he believed cost him his law enforcement career.

Dorner alleged in an online manifesto that he was wrongly fired for reporting that his training officer used excessive force.

Police Chief Charlie Beck tells KCBS-TV the department will thoroughly re-examine Dorner's allegation to ensure the public that the LAPD is fair and transparent. He says if Dorner wants to surrender, the LAPD will "be happy to hear what he has to say." (Read the entire statement below. Story continues beneath window.)

Chief Beck's Statement Regarding Dorner

The LAPD also announced that it was establishing a task force specifically charged with finding Dorner. The agencies involved include the Irvine and Riverside police departments, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and other allied agencies, the LAPD announced Saturday night.
"The Dorner Task Force has combined investigative resources that will lead to the capture of Christopher Dorner," the LAPD said in a written statement. "Authorities are urging the public to provide information that will assist in locating Dorner as soon as possible."
The department asked for tips to be called into (213) 486-6860.

Previously: More than 100 officers fanned out again at daybreak Saturday in the snow-covered San Bernardino Mountains, resuming the search for the former Los Angeles police officer suspected of going on a deadly rampage to get back at those he blamed for ending his career.

Authorities hope clearer skies will allow aircraft to help them in the manhunt for Christopher Dorner, which entered its fourth day Saturday.

Relentless snowfall on Friday grounded helicopters with heat-sensing technology and hampered their effort to find Dorner, whose burned-out pickup truck was found a day earlier in this ski resort town.

SWAT teams in camouflage scoured the mountains and went door-to-door examining vacant cabins, aware to the reality they could be walking into a trap set by the well-trained former Navy reservist who knows their tactics and strategies as well as they do.

"He can be behind every tree," said T. Gregory Hall, a retired tactical supervisor for a special emergency response team for the Pennsylvania State Police. "He can try to draw them into an ambush area where he backtracks."

Timeline: The search for Christopher Dorner

As authorities weathered heavy snow and freezing temperatures in the mountains, thousands of heavily armed police remained on the lookout throughout California, Nevada, Arizona and northern Mexico for a suspect bent on revenge and willing to die.

Police said officers still were guarding more than 40 people mentioned as targets in a rant they said Dorner posted on Facebook. He vowed to use "every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance and survival training I've been given" to bring "warfare" to the LAPD and its families.

The manhunt had Southern California residents on edge. Unconfirmed sightings were reported near Barstow, about 60 miles north of the mountain search, and in downtown Los Angeles.

Some law enforcement officials said he appeared to be everywhere and nowhere, and speculated that he was trying to spread out their resources.

For the time being, their focus was on the mountains 80 miles east of Los Angeles - a snowy wilderness, filled with thick forests and jagged peaks, that creates peril as much for Dorner as the officers hunting him.

The small army hunting him has the advantage of strength in numbers and access to resources, such as special weapons, to bring him in.

In his online rant, Dorner baited authorities.

"Any threat assessments you generate will be useless," it read. "I have the strength and benefits of being unpredictable, unconventional, and unforgiving."

Without the numbers that authorities have, Dorner holds one advantage: the element of surprise.

Authorities said they do not know how long Dorner had been planning the rampage or why he drove to the San Bernardino Mountains. Property records show his mother owns undeveloped land nearby, but a search of the area found no sign of him.

It was not clear if he had provisions, clothing or weapons stockpiled in the area. Even with training, days of cold and snow can be punishing.

"Unless he is an expert in living in the California mountains in this time of year, he is going to be hurting," said former Navy SEAL Clint Sparks, who now works in tactical training and security. "Cold is a huge stress factor. ... Not everybody is survivor-man."

Jamie Usera, an attorney in Salem, Ore., who befriended Dorner when they were students and football teammates at Southern Utah University, said he introduced him to the outdoors. Originally from Alaska, Usera said, he taught Dorner about hunting and other outdoor activities.

"Of all the people I hung out with in college, he is the last guy I would have expected to be in this kind of situation," Usera, who had lost touch with Dorner is recent years, told the Los Angeles Times.

Others saw Dorner differently. Court documents obtained by The Associated Press on Friday show an ex-girlfriend of Dorner's called him "severely emotionally and mentally disturbed" after the two split in 2006.

Dorner served in the Navy, earning a rifle marksman ribbon and pistol expert medal. He was assigned to a naval undersea warfare unit and various aviation training units, according to military records. He took leave from the LAPD for a six-month deployment to Bahrain in 2006 and 2007.

Last Friday was his last day with the Navy and also the day CNN's Anderson Cooper received a package that contained a note on it that read, in part, "I never lied." A coin riddled with bullet holes that former Chief William Bratton gave out as a souvenir was also in the package.

Police said it was a sign of planning by Dorner before the killing began.

On Sunday, police say Dorner shot and killed a couple in a parking garage at their condominium in Irvine. The woman was the daughter of a retired police captain who had represented Dorner in the disciplinary proceedings that led to his firing.

Dorner wrote in his manifesto that he believed the retired captain had represented the interests of the department over his.

Hours after authorities identified Dorner as a suspect in the double murder, police believe Dorner shot and grazed an LAPD officer in Corona and then used a rifle to ambush two Riverside police officers early Thursday, killing one and seriously wounding the other.

The incident led police to believe he was armed with multiple weapons, including an assault-type rifle. That detail concerned officers whose bullet-proof vests can be penetrated by such high-powered weapons, said LAPD Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese.

As a result, all LAPD officers have been required to work in pairs to ensure "a greater likelihood of coming out on top if there is an ambush," Albanese said. "We have no officers alone right now."

Full Christopher Dorner coverage:
Timeline: The search for Christopher Dorner
Monica Quan to be honored at today's Cal State Fullerton game
Cop named in manifesto hunkers down as police search for Dorner 
Some cheer on fugitive Christopher Dorner with anti-cop, gun control, race agendas
Profiles of wanted murder suspect Christopher Dorner, shooting victims

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洛杉磯烏龍警察: 開槍誤傷送報母女




洛城警局, 加油!



涉嫌殺害三人的洛杉磯市離職警員唐諾(Christopher Dorner)八日行蹤依舊成謎,南加州各地草木皆兵,包括洛杉磯市雙塔監獄、河濱縣部分學校、滑雪場、聖地牙哥等地,先後傳出唐諾出沒消息,警方持續搜索並無所獲,還開槍誤傷洛杉磯時報的送報母女。










【2013/02/10 聯合報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 洛城前警察殺人案/警開槍誤傷送報母女 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7695000.shtml#ixzz2KVsE2tkv 
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