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美國軍售這個爛攤子! 還要買他們的破銅爛鐵嗎?

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多硯坊 (休)

先不論咱們同胞, 對於美國硬賣牛肉, 有多不爽.

光看這兩天, 美國軍售這個爛攤子的垃圾消息, 就讓人火冒三丈:

先是老舊的 F-16 A/B 小鷹戰鬥機, 我們想買雷達複眼, 讓我們的軍機, 能夠擁有千里眼. 美國漫天開價: 加裝複眼, 比他們不賣的新款小鷹 F-16 C/D 還貴! 詳見老丐罵文: 美國削凱子, 敲竹槓: F-16 雷達複眼, 漫天開價! 

就甭提: 韓國不但擁有更有威力的主力鷹式戰鬥機 F-15, 連韓國人都不想買美國的戰鬥機了. 詳見老丐的嘲諷文章: 高麗棒子: 你們皮癢啦? 不買主人美國的戰鬥機啦? 

真正讓我們氣結的, 是今天有關美國飛彈的新聞:

老丐曾經在經國號試飛的時候, 參觀當時最高機密, 最受關切的"精靈炸彈", 與"精銳飛彈"試射.

當時, 也覺得這些飛彈, 精靈炸彈, 準頭太低, 覺得不可思議.

現在年齡漸高, 在美國見多了世面.


君不見: 美國自稱最先進, 最重要的 NMD, 號稱是美國的金鍾罩, 鐵布衫, 要擋下所有來襲飛彈!


老丐所知: 這計劃的所有演習, 成績是: 麵包! 也就是零鴨蛋!

臺灣買了美國的飛彈, 一試之下, 簡直是胡說八道, 浪費民脂民膏.

責問美國售貨員, 美國還賴帳, 說他們賣的破銅爛鐵, 正常?


美國如果把這樣子的破銅爛鐵, 硬塞給臺灣. 臺灣有必要當凱子, 當傻瓜, 買這些破銅爛鐵嗎?

看看越南, 當年打退美國, 俘虜了三千架美國軍機, 號稱是僅次美蘇的第三大空軍.

現在, 他們不用美國的破銅爛鐵! 他們到南沙巡邏, 耀武揚威, 想要搶奪南沙群島, 開的是蘇俄製造的甦愷戰鬥機. 詳見老丐在媒體抄襲的:聯平操演 vs 越南蘇愷戰機巡弋南海 (麥芽糖)


別當美國的走狗, 凱子和呆瓜啦!

要買軍備, 千萬別當美國的冤大頭! 別買他們的破銅爛鐵啦!

麻雀亂飛 軍方束手無策

  • 2012-06-26 01:21
  • 中國時報
  • 【吳明杰/台北報導】







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2015/12/24 01:08 【中國論壇】 美國只是對台灣狗表示: 認命吧!
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是美軍自己的飛機, 不是賣給別人的. 結果, 還受是受不了雪的壓力!


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上周接機, 阿帕契停飛!


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Get used to it

上周才接機 阿帕契「飛安疑慮」停飛  




交機期 維修不需付錢



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美國賣阿帕契給臺灣, 為了能夠多買些蘇俄的直昇機!
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阿帕契天價賣給臺灣, 就可以買很多蘇俄的直昇機, 自己使用!

難怪臺灣的媒體, 拼命澎風. 也許也拿了美國買辦的好處!

AP Exclusive: Accusations dog Russian copter deal

AP Exclusive: Did Pentagon mislead Congress over purchase of Russian Mi-17s for Afghanistan?

Associated Press 
AP Exclusive: Accusations dog Russian copter deal

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FILE - In this July 8, 2011 file photo released by the Australian Defense Force, members of the National Interdiction Unit (NIU) and the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) await the arrival of two Mi-17 helicopters in Kandahar, Afghanistan. To outfit Afghanistan’s security forces with new helicopters, the Pentagon bypassed U.S. companies and turned instead to Moscow for dozens of Russian Mi-17 rotorcraft at a cost of more than $1 billion. Senior Pentagon officials assured skeptical members of Congress they’d made the right call, pointing repeatedly to a top-secret 2010 study they said named the Mi-17 as the superior choice. (AP Photo/Australian Defense Force, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. military officials insisted a top-secret Pentagon study proved the need to buy Russian helicopters for Afghanistan's security forces. But the study actually recommended an American-made rotorcraft, according to unclassified excerpts obtained by The Associated Press.

The excerpts show the U.S. Army's workhorse Chinook, built by Boeing Co. in Pennsylvania, was "the most cost-effective single platform type fleet for the Afghan Air Force over a 20-year" period.

The finding has triggered allegations the Defense Department misled members of Congress and improperly cut U.S. companies out of competing for a contract that has swelled to more than $1 billion.

More than two years since DOD announced it was acquiring Russian Mi-17 helicopters, a veil of secrecy still obscures the pact despite its high-dollar value, the potential for fraud and waste, and accusations the Pentagon muffled important information.

The unprecedented arms deal also serves as a reminder to a war-weary American public that Afghanistan will remain heavily dependent on U.S. financial support even after its combat troops depart.

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the Senate's No. 2 GOP leader, said DOD "repeatedly and disingenuously" used the 2010 study to justify the Russian helicopter as the superior choice for the Afghans.

Congress only recently received a copy of the document.

"So why are we buying Russian helicopters when there are American manufacturers that can meet that very same requirement?" Cornyn asked.

As recently as September, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter cited the study in a letter to House members defending the Mi-17 decision. Carter left his job last week.

Last year, Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's top acquisition official, and policy chief James Miller pointed to the study in a written response to questions posed by Cornyn.

Just a few weeks after the secret study was completed, Army Secretary John McHugh wrote in a 2011 memo "that the Mi-17 stands apart" when compared with other helicopters.

The Pentagon denies it misled Congress.

A senior department official said the study was focused on long-term requirements and not the immediate needs of the Afghan military, which were best met by the Mi-17. Also, U.S. commanders in Afghanistan wanted the Russian helicopter because it is durable, easy to operate and the Afghan forces had experience flying it, according to the official, who was not authorized to be identified as the source of the information.

The war in Afghanistan, now in its 13th year, has been full of paradoxes.

What was once President Barack Obama's "war of necessity" has become a race for the exits. Hopes of eradicating the Taliban and transforming Afghanistan into a viable state have been dialed down. U.S. combat forces are scheduled to depart by the end of next year, leaving the Afghans responsible for ensuring the country doesn't collapse into the pre-Sept. 11 chaos that made it a terrorist haven.

There's no dispute that heavy-duty helicopters capable of quickly moving Afghan troops and supplies are essential to accomplishing that mission. But the decision to acquire them from Russia has achieved the rare feat in a deeply divided Congress of finding common ground among Republicans and Democrats.

Why, lawmakers from both political parties have demanded, is the U.S. purchasing military gear from Russia? After all, Russia has sold advanced weapons to the repressive government in Syria and Iran, sheltered NSA leaker Edward Snowden and been criticized by the State Department for adopting laws that restrict human rights.

On top of all that, corruption is rampant in Russia's defense industry, heightening concerns that crooked government officials and contractors are lining their pockets with American money.

"We're not dealing with a corrupt system. Corruption is the system," said Stephen Blank, a Russia expert at the American Foreign Policy Council, a Washington think tank. "This is not a world we're familiar with."

Overall, 63 Mi-17s are being acquired through the 2011 contract. It was awarded without competition to Russia's arms export agency, Rosoboronexport, even though the Pentagon condemned the agency after Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces used Russian weapons to "murder Syrian civilians."

Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, a high-ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, said the arrangement has put American taxpayers in the intolerable position of subsidizing a company complicit in the atrocities occurring in Syria.

"The lack of straightforward information from the Pentagon on the ability of American-made helicopters to meet the mission in Afghanistan is but another factor severely undermining their credibility and justification for pursuing this sorely misguided procurement," DeLauro said.

No Pentagon official was made available to speak on the record for this story.

The AP also requested in late October that the department release unclassified portions of the 2010 study and other records supporting the decision to buy Mi-17s instead of Chinooks or other helicopters. The department provided only a one-page summary of a report that provided no new information.

Afghanistan's mountainous terrain demands a helicopter capable of operating in the most rugged conditions at altitudes well in excess of 15,000 feet. The Mi-17 met all these requirements, Carter and other U.S. military officials told lawmakers in correspondence and in testimony.

But so could the heavyweight Chinook. The Boeing helicopter is larger than its Russian counterpart, carries up to a 26,000 pound payload, which is twice as much as the Mi-17, and can operate at nearly the same high altitude.

The armed Mi-17s being purchased for Afghanistan from Rosoboronexport will replace older and less capable Mi-17s that the U.S. and other countries had purchased from brokers and contractors through the open market and then donated or loaned to the Afghans.

The fact that the Afghan forces had years of experience flying the Mi-17 figured prominently in the Pentagon's decision.

Carter and other U.S. defense officials contended that adding the Boeing helicopter to the mix would unnecessarily burden the Afghans with having to learn how to operate and maintain an unfamiliar helicopter.

The 2010 study "specifically analyzed the opportunity for DOD to provide a U.S. alternative to the Mi-17 for Afghanistan," according to the excerpts.

It outlined a transitional approach in which Chinooks being retired from the U.S. military's fleet would be available in late 2013 to be refurbished and then replace older Mi-17s in the Afghan fleet, according to the excerpts. A combination of Mi-17s and renovated Chinooks, known in the Army's nomenclature as the CH-47D, could work as well.

The 2010 study advised proceeding cautiously. Shifting too quickly away from the Mi-17s already in use could undermine progress made in training the Afghan air force, the excerpts said. But it recommended a plan for converting the Afghan forces from a "pure" Mi-17 fleet to one that uses U.S. helicopters.

The Chinook option never materialized.

An extensive analysis of both helicopters concluded that a refurbished Chinook would cost about 40 percent more overall to buy and maintain than the Mi-17, said the senior defense official.

That's hard to fathom.

Boeing executives informed congressional staff during a meeting held in late September that the cost of a refurbished CH-47D would be in the $12 million to $14 million range, according to a person knowledgeable about the discussion but not authorized to be identified as the source of the information.

That would make an overhauled Chinook $4 million to $6 million less than what the department is currently paying for Mi-17s, according to figures compiled by the Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell, the Pentagon office that fills urgent requests for equipment from battlefield commanders.

Boeing spokesman Andrew Lee referred questions about Chinook costs to the Defense Department.

The figures also show the average cost of each new Mi-17 has increased with each successive order — from $16.4 million to $18.2 million. The Pentagon has assured Congress that the prices were "fair and reasonable," and in line with what other countries have paid.

But an internal Defense Contract Audit Agency document shows that the department could not conduct a comprehensive cost comparison because Rosoboronexport wouldn't allow U.S. auditors to look at its books.

Army negotiators omitted a provision standard in government contracts that permits pricing reviews. In examining the contract, the audit agency noted that Rosoboronexport "is arguably an agent or instrumentality of a foreign government and is therefore exempt from most cost accounting standards."

Rosoboronexport's director general, Anatoly Isaykin, said in statement late last month that his agency was "completely transparent" in negotiating Mi-17 prices with the U.S. He provided no details on costs or any examples of transparency.

"In our opinion, this contract is most acceptable to the U.S. Department of Defense in terms of quality/price ratio," Isaykin said.

The roots of Rosoboronexport's involvement reach back to 2010 when the U.S. and Russia were engaged in high-stakes diplomacy aimed at fulfilling Obama's goal to reset relations between the two former Cold War foes.

Dmitry Medvedev was Russia's president, not Vladimir Putin, and the talks resulted in agreements to expand cooperation on global security issues and strengthen economic ties.

Among the breakthroughs: The U.S. terminated penalties against Rosoboronexport that the Bush White House had imposed in 2006 after the State Department determined the export agency had provided Iran and Syria sensitive military technology. The sanctions had barred the U.S. government from entering into any contracts with Rosoboronexport. Russia agreed to support a U.N. resolution to punish Iran over its nuclear program.

Headquartered in Moscow, Rosoboronexport is the only Russian agency authorized to export and import military hardware. The agency is controlled in turn by Russian Technologies, a state holding company that includes the country's top arms manufacturers. The chief executive of Russian Technologies is Sergei Chemezov, a longtime confidant of Putin, who returned to the Russian presidency last year.

U.S. officials long have known corruption in Russia's defense industry is widespread.

William Burns, then the U.S. ambassador to Russia, wrote in a 2007 classified cable later published by the Wikileaks website that "it is an open secret that the Russian defense industry is an important trough at which senior officials feed, and weapons sales continue to enrich many."

Nothing has changed, but figuring out who is personally profiting is nearly impossible, said Russia expert Clifford Gaddy.

Only a small circle of investigators close to the Kremlin know who is involved in various schemes.

"Since the information they have is one of the most powerful instruments Putin has to control the individuals who run Russia on a day-to-day basis, they protect that information," said Gaddy, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and co-author of "Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin."

With the penalties lifted against Rosoboronexport, Russia's ministry of foreign affairs wasted little time informing U.S. officials that new Mi-17s could be purchased only through the arms export agency because the helicopters were military gear intended for another country's armed forces.

After lengthy deliberations, the U.S. agreed. Pentagon officials no longer would permit third parties to acquire Mi-17s. They would deal with Rosoboronexport directly.

Last month, the Pentagon changed its mind. After re-evaluating, officials decided to cut 15 copters out of the 78 they had planned to buy from Moscow. Isaykin, Rosoboronexport's director general, said the decision won't hurt the export agency's bottom line.

"Rosoboronexport's order book is sufficient to ensure the steady utilization of Russian defense industrial complex's production capacities, especially in the helicopter sector, for the next three-four years," he said.

The move was a bittersweet victory for the program's opponents.

"There was no redeeming value, no redeeming feature to this sale," said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. "An inferior product bought with American taxpayer money from a Russian export agency that was unconscionably selling to Assad. If you made it up, no one would believe it."


Associated Press writer Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed to this report.


Follow Richard Lardner on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rplardner

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2013/05/16 19:58 【不平則鳴】 演習護漁, F-16 失事, 換坐冷板凳!


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F-16嘉義失事墜毀 飛行員跳傘獲救








 海空操演 幻象取代F-16






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臺灣冤大頭: 美國飛彈在那裡?


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老丐實在懶得再說: 早知道!

錢早就繳給美國了, 飛彈在那裡?

愛國者飛彈無彈體 軍方挨批




林郁方說,愛國者飛彈已由PAC-2 PLUS升級為愛國者三型,第二套何時可升級?愛三彈體至今尚未抵台,美方是否延誤交貨?日本至少讓民眾看到愛國者飛彈部署,安定民心,我國卻無備而來,都要打仗了,愛國者飛彈至今卻不知何時升級。



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魏世昌: 購美長程預警雷達 誰獲利?
    回應給: 吐嘈王(100858027) 推薦2


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購美長程預警雷達 誰獲利?

2013/01/23 05:38:42瀏覽4|回應0|推薦1

購美長程預警雷達 誰獲利? (醒報)


據媒體報導,美方售我的長程預警雷達,11 年間漲了100 億。100 億是個什麼樣的具體數字?是個至少可以提供全國300 萬名國中、國小學生每年100 元圖書經費,直到2046 年。


政府年年拿天文數字般的民脂民膏軍購,卻沒錢給學子編列圖書經費,又刪小學生營養奶粉1000 萬元的預算,看在大家眼裡難怪會不滿,也顯得格外諷刺。

據立委林郁方透露,雷達偵蒐角度幾乎涵蓋360 度,範圍達2000 公里以上,所以他推論雷達不但能深入中國大陸內陸,連東海釣魚台列嶼、南沙太平島,都在偵蒐範圍內,不過這推論頗令人質疑。



就算退一步說,政府每年用這麼多人民的納稅錢買軍備武器,也有責任向人民說明為什麼台灣海峽平均只有200 公里,我們卻要設置涵蓋範圍長達5000公里的長程預警雷達?我國現有的戰管雷達涵蓋範圍不就可將中國東南沿海的中國戰機動向了解得一清二楚,也對解放軍在東南部的飛彈部署有某種程度的掌握嗎?




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2008年宣布, 直升機今年(2013)開始分批陸續交機!
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美售阿帕契直升機 首批10月抵台


台灣向美國購買30架長弓阿帕契攻擊直升機(AH-64E)總金額達新台幣593億1000萬元,這批軍售是前美國總統布希(George W. Bush)政府於2008年宣布售台;直升機從今年開始將分批陸續返台,預計民國103年7月可全數交運完畢。

這項軍購案在民國99年10月29日發包,由波音公司(The Boeing Company)生產;首架AH-64E去年在美國交機,陸軍司令李翔宙上將親赴美國主持接機儀式,並且搭機試飛,國軍的種子教官與維保人員也早已抵美受訓。







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台灣「軍購」不是「軍武平衡問題」、是買保險、繳保費的「政治問題」!如果「台灣向美軍購」真能保護中華民國人民的生命財產安全,做凱子也就罷了,問題是「軍購」中飽軍火商、掮客、政治動物的私囊,跟國家安全沒有私毫關係。 我們向美採購的飛「雞」、「飛「蛋」、軍「賤」、其質與量不能發輝「阻嚇」大陸軍事犯台做用,恍論軍力「平衡」!但中華民國為何要買?因為美國像市場的大哥,中華民國像在市場角落的游擊攤販,連正式攤位都沒有,雙手奉上保護費,是最平常的事,為了國家生存,人民也還能體諒政府的忍氣吞聲。但美國收了中華民國「不列入保護名單」(南韓、日本正式受保戶)的保護費,連「正眼都不看一眼」,中華民國或台灣的政治動物可忍,中華民國或台灣的人民熟不可忍? 如果中華民國政府的政治動物,吃了秤砣鐵了心(老子放棄做老大),與中華人民共和國和平協議「改變台海現況」,使台灣海峽成為非軍事區,中華民國大幅削減軍費,中華人民共和國有什麼理由不同意?事實上,美國不會讓台灣海峽成為非軍事區,台灣終究是美國海外的「不動航母」,中華人民共和國更不會為了台灣,結束和美國還沒有達成階段性任務的同床異夢。何況中華人民共和國的軍事力量,尚不是美國對手。戰爭沒到最後關頭,兩強不會輕言戰爭。 中華民國就是在這種各懷鬼胎的夾縫中,過一天等一天,今天老美為了軍火商績、美為了選票、為了掮客、強要中華民國「變相捐款」,中華人民共和國「反對美軍售台灣」也是叫「意思」的啦!軍購的「台弊」回扣,大陸也吃得道,已被「拉法葉艦」弊案證實(湯姆生公司寄到法國勸業銀行在台分行的回扣,一部份流向大陸)。攜牲(做凱子)不到最後關頭,中華民國何必輕言攜牲(做凱子)?不買試試看?不談TIFA?不保護台灣?!那就讓不動的航母,駛向中華人民共和國得了?!美國怕不怕?怕?拿美鈔來買!中華民國怎麼淪落到花錢買乾爹?

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2012/07/02 19:13 【不平則鳴】 凱子認栽
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