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臺灣派駐美國的處長, 相當於外交大使, 被美國的情報單位 FBI 逮捕.

不管美國說詞如何, 這是: "兩國相爭, 不斬來使" 美國的做為, 臺灣應該要有反應才是.


要高調反應? 以眼還眼, 以牙還牙, 也把美國的大使關起來?

要全民同仇敵愾, 像運動會的襪子事件, 全國支持, 打官司, 臉書聯署?

還是要冷處理? 像李登輝那麼樣賣臺灣, 說釣魚台列島是日本人的, 說美國乾爹打我們的官員, 我們活該?

還是像臺灣之子阿扁, 人前高喊: "龜兒子才受這窩囊氣!" 然後當龜孫子, 阿Q, 乖乖的忍氣吞聲?


我們民間會怎麼想? 如何回應?


是福不是禍, 是禍躲不過!

老丐擦亮眼睛, 準備看國內同胞的反應, 與政府的措施!

我駐美處長劉姍姍涉虐傭 遭FBI逮補









【2011/11/12 聯合報】http://udn.com/

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印度以牙還牙: 驅逐美外交官!


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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

外交官遭美驅逐 印度以牙還牙


This was a BIG favor to the Indian. She didn't have to go to jail!



Indians DO know how to negotiate!



【2014/01/11 聯合報】http://udn.com/

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢


劉姍姍事件印度版, 比較嚴重: 涉及非法簽證, 被捕不說, 還搜身.

印度叫死了. CNN也報導: 印度的重量, 比臺灣大多.

但是: 外交人員違法, 美國照辦!

Arrest, strip-search of Indian diplomat in New York triggers uproar

By Tom Watkins and Josh Levs, CNN
updated 11:26 PM EST, Wed December 18, 2013
Watch this video

India outraged over diplomat's arrest

  • Kerry calls India's national security adviser, expresses "regret"
  • President Obama has been briefed on the situation
  • India's deputy consul general was detained and strip-searched
  • She's accused of visa fraud involving underpaying a housekeeper

(CNN) -- The prosecutor in the U.S. government's case against an Indian diplomat charged in New York with visa fraud related to her treatment of her housekeeper expressed dismay Wednesday over the direction the case has taken.

"There has been much misinformation and factual inaccuracy in the reporting on the charges against Devyani Khobragade," said U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara about India's 39-year-old deputy consul general for political, economic, commercial and women's affairs, who was arrested December 12 in New York by federal agents. "It is important to correct these inaccuracies because they are misleading people and creating an inflammatory atmosphere on an unfounded basis."

He was referring to reporting about Khobragade's arrest outside her daughter's school, her detention in a cell with other women and her having been subjected to a strip search -- all of which raised diplomatic hackles in New Delhi.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called the diplomat's treatment "deplorable;" Indian National Security Adviser Shiv Shankar Menon called it "barbaric," CNN sister network IBN reported.

U.S. 'regrets' diplomat's strip search
Indian diplomat's maid paid $3 an hour
U.S. strip searches Indian diplomat
Indian diplomat's arrest sparks reprisals

Indian officials summoned U.S. Ambassador Nancy Powell, took away U.S. diplomats' identification cards that gave them diplomatic benefits and removed security barriers outside the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.

But Bharara said Khobragade's treatment was justified. He cited an 11-page complaint that alleged she had promised in the visa application under which her housekeeper moved from India to the United States to pay her at least $9.75 per hour, the minimum wage in New York, and to require that she work no more than 40 hours per week.

But the complaint alleges that Khobragade then had the housekeeper, who has been identified as Sangeeta Richard, sign a second contract, which paid her less than $3.31 per hour and required that she work much longer hours.

The second contract, which was not to be revealed to the U.S. government, "deleted the required language protecting the victim from other forms of exploitation and abuse" and also deleted language that said Khobragade agreed to abide by U.S. laws, he said.

Khobragade is charged with one count of visa fraud -- which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison -- and one count of making false statements -- which carries a maximum sentence of five years.

Khobragade's lawyer, Daniel Arshack, said the allegations were unsubstantiated. "When the facts are looked at, it's perfectly clear that Dr. Khobragade did nothing wrong," he told CNN's "Piers Morgan." "She paid her worker exactly what she was supposed to pay her and the government has simply made a whole series of spectacular blunders, which has enroiled (sic) them into quite a remarkable diplomatic kerfuffle."

He added that the housekeeper was paid "well above the minimum wage," and that his client had -- at the housekeeper's request -- sent a portion of that money to the housekeeper's husband each month in India. "The balance of her pay was paid to her in the United States -- all of it," he said.

Arshack accused the U.S. government of having treated his client "like an ordinary U.S. citizen charged with a crime. The fact is she isn't an ordinary U.S. citizen. She's a diplomat with immunity."

Citizens of India express their outrage

Concern over the treatment by U.S. authorities of Khobragade, not her alleged treatment of her housekeeper, has sparked outrage.

On Tuesday, outside the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, demonstrators seething over what they considered to be humiliating treatment of the Indian diplomat, carried signs protesting the U.S. handling of the matter. "If USA will not respect Indians, then Americans will not be respected in India also," read one.

In his statement, Bharara noted that Khobragade was charged not only with trying to evade U.S. law intended to protect domestic employees of diplomats and consular workers from exploitation, but also with causing the victim and her spouse "to attest to false documents and be a part of her scheme to lie to U.S. government officials."

He bemoaned that public outrage was focusing not on Khobragade's alleged treatment of the housekeeper and her spouse, but on the U.S. government's treatment of the diplomat.

"Is it for U.S. prosecutors to look the other way, ignore the law and the civil rights of victims (again, here an Indian national), or is it the responsibility of the diplomats and consular officers and their government to make sure the law is observed?" he asked rhetorically.

Bharara defended the handling of the arrest and custody, though his office was not involved. "Khobragade was accorded courtesies well beyond what other defendants, most of whom are American citizens, are accorded," he said. "She was not, as has been incorrectly reported, arrested in front of her children. The agents arrested her in the most discreet way possible, and unlike most defendants, she was not then handcuffed or restrained."

In addition, she was allowed to keep her phone and make calls to arrange personal matters, including child care, he said.

"Because it was cold outside, the agents let her make those calls from their car and even brought her coffee and offered to get her food. It is true that she was fully searched by a female deputy marshal -- in a private setting -- when she was brought into the U.S. Marshals' custody, but this is standard practice for every defendant, rich or poor, American or not, in order to make sure that no prisoner keeps anything on his person that could harm anyone, including himself. This is in the interests of everyone's safety."

Bharara acknowledged that the alleged victim's family has been brought to the United States, but said that that happened after a legal process was initiated in India in an attempt to silence her and compel her to return to India.

An injunction was issued in September by the Delhi High Court seeking to stop Richard from "instituting any actions or proceedings against Dr. Khobragade outside India on the terms or conditions of her employment," the Indian Embassy said last week in a statement.

It said the U.S. government had been asked to find her "and facilitate the service of an arrest warrant, issued by the Metropolitan Magistrate of the South District Court in New Delhi."

Bharara said it had been necessary to bring Richard's family to the United States.

"This office and the Justice Department are compelled to make sure that victims, witnesses and their families are safe and secure while cases are pending," he said.

Complaints reach the highest levels

Still, the complaints from the Indian government, a close U.S. ally, have reached the highest authorities.

President Barack Obama has been briefed on the issue, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

And the top U.S. diplomat, Secretary of State John Kerry, called Indian National Security Adviser Menon on Wednesday and tried to smooth over the ruffled feathers.

"As a father of two daughters about the same age as Devyani Khobragade, the secretary empathizes with the sensitivities we are hearing from India about the events that unfolded after Ms. Khobragade's arrest, and in his conversation with National Security Adviser Menon he expressed his regret, as well as his concern that we not allow this unfortunate public issue to hurt our close and vital relationship with India," the State Department said.

Asked whether Kerry's regret was about what happened in New York or the response to it in India, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said, "Regret on the situation at large, I would say both, honestly. He certainly expressed regret about what happened with this case at large, sort of how this has all played out."

Harf said appropriate procedures appeared to have been followed in the arrest by U.S. marshals, but that conditions surrounding Khobragade's processing would be examined "to ensure that all appropriate procedures were followed and every opportunity for courtesy was extended."

Still, the charges stand.

Harf also said that Khobragade enjoys "consular immunity," a limited diplomatic immunity related to her official duties. Under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, consular officials can be arrested for acts committed outside official job functions.

The State Department said Khobragade's consular immunity does not cover the charges she faces.

Indian officials, too, appeared to be intent on keeping the diplomatic eruption from escalating. "Let me assure you that there is no change in the security situation as regards to any diplomats in India, including U.S. diplomats," said Syed Akbaruddin, a spokesman for India's External Affairs Ministry.

He said U.S. officials shouldn't read too much into the removal of cement barriers in front of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.

"India is fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of all diplomats in Delhi and elsewhere. So, please do not have any doubts on that score; we will provide full safety and security within the confines of India law."

Dana Sussman, a lawyer for the housekeeper, said Richard had tried to improve her situation by dealing directly with Khobragade, but the attempts were unsuccessful.

The issue goes beyond a labor dispute for Richard and others in similar positions. "Our clients who work as domestic workers are living in the home with their employers," she said. "So, if they leave, they not only leave their legal status, they leave their only source of income, they leave the only home that they've known in a foreign country."

She said Richard has no passport, is living with friends and has been granted temporary legal status that allows her to remain and work in the United States until the matter is resolved.

Richard herself has brought no claim against Khobragade and has no plans to do so, she said.

A source who has spoken with Richard said she is in her early 40s and had worked previously with other diplomatic families in India.

CNN's Jethro Mullen, Deborah Feyerick, Elise Labott, Harmeet Shah Singh and Susan Candiotti contributed to this report.

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外交人員違法 與民同罪!



日本外交人員違法, 也被起訴啦:

打老婆在日本是家常便飯, 在美國就要關監獄啦!

日駐美副領事 在美家暴遭訴

圖/擷自tv asahi網站




【2012/05/09 聯合報】http://udn.com/

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文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢

這篇社論, 正確描述臺灣社會, 類似文化大革命式的鬥爭!

冷眼集/劉已認罪 外交部止血應更快







全文網址: 冷眼集/劉已認罪 外交部止血應更快 | 政治 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT1/6907071.shtml#ixzz1mds8V58v 
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  • 2012-02-04 16:41
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中央社】




     「我駐美堪薩斯城(Kansas City)台北經濟文化辦事處處長劉姍姍,在去年11月,因涉嫌契約詐欺及虐待菲傭而遭美國聯邦調查局(FBI)逮捕拘留,並穿囚服、戴腳鐐手銬出庭應訊,引發我駐美官員豁免權適用之爭議,朝野喧騰一時。

     不久,劉姍姍尋求認罪協商(plea bargaining),已在上周五(27日)經密蘇里州(Missouri)聯邦地方法院法官接受,判決劉姍姍賠償8萬餘美元,並遣配出境(deportation),近日內將由美方人員押解回台。劉姍姍回台後,將接受我檢調、監察院的調查,整起案件境外部分至今可以說是即將告一段落。

     筆者曾在去年5月就國際貨幣基金會(IMF)執行長卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)捲入性侵疑雲一事,撰文闡述外交豁免權(diplomatic immunity)與功能性豁免權(functional immunity)之區隔,如今欲藉劉案所涉中美之間豁免權的爭議,進一步為文予以釐清。

     1979年中美斷交後,雙方外交人員不再享有外交豁免權。斷交後,美方成立在台協會(AIT),我則設立北美事務協調委員會,不過,這兩機構並非大使館,也不是外交機構,故無外交豁免權。為此,兩機構在1980年簽訂《北美事務協調委員會與美國在台協會間特權、免稅暨豁免協定》(Agreement on Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities Between the Coordination Council for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan),規定雙方人員享有功能性豁免權,也就是只有在執行公務時,才能免受駐地法律的約束。

     惟功能性豁免權與外交豁免權不同,外交豁免權是絕對的,且包括其家屬,外交官即使所犯屬重大刑案,駐在國亦無審判權;但解決途徑有二:一、宣布對方為「不受歡迎人物」 (persona non grata),驅逐出境並請派遣國政府自行處理;二、透過外交管道要求派遣國正式捨棄此一外交官的豁免權,交由駐在國政府審判。前者常發生,後者也有例子,惟不多見。







     曾有人質疑,既然目前台美關係緊密友好,為何不見美國行政機關介入劉案?蓋美國是三權分立國家,檢察官固屬行政權,法院則屬司法權,與一般行政權互不隸屬,即使是美國總統也無法干涉法院審判或判決。在美國或其他英美法系國家,行政機關能做的,除檢察官代表政府外,其他行政機關遇事僅能以「法庭之友」(amicus curiae)身分向法庭提出意見,但仍取決於法官是否採納。


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全文網址: 外交部:劉姍姍返國後接受調查 | 要聞 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS1/6865542.shtml#ixzz1klesCZHm 
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外交部害怕的"受盡屈辱", 成為事實!

劉姍姍案宣判 判賠並接受遞解出境


密蘇里州西區聯邦法院於美中時間27日上午10時(台北28日零時),針對劉姍姍與辯護律師沃肯(JamesWirken)去年11月18日提出的認罪協議召開最後的判決聽證庭(Sentencing Hearing)。

法官凱斯(David Gregory Kays)依判決前調查報告(Pre-Sentence Investigation Report)的建議,接受協議內容並決定劉姍姍即時遣返。



緩刑觀護員(Probation Officer)於去年12月底提出判決前調查報告,院方與辯方對內容與判決建議均未有異議,全案於27日宣判。


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今天, 美國有名的賓州州立大學, 教練性侵案開庭.

被告選擇放棄聽證, 媒體大譁.

這位眾目所視的白人老教練此舉, 與劉姍姍的放棄聽證, 可有雷同之處?

Sandusky waives preliminary hearing @ Good Morning America - 3 hrs ago

Jerry Sandusky waives hearing, suggests victims may have colluded More »

Jerry Sandusky Waives Hearing, Suggests Victims May Have Colluded

Former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky abruptly waived his right to a preliminary hearing on child sex abuse charges today and his attorney suggested the 10 alleged victims may have colluded for financial gain.

Eight of the 10 victims were believed ready to testify againstSandusky, 67, at a preliminary hearing this morning on charges that he sexually abused them over a 15 year period. The hearing was meant to determine whether there was enough evidence to proceed to trial, but Sandusky opted to waive the preliminary hearing and go straight to trial.

Sandusky paused outside the courthouse as he left to say, "We fully intend to put together the best possible defense that we can do, to stay the course, to fight for four quarters."

As Sandusky left, he ignored a reporter's shouted question, "Sandusky, do you still maintain your innocence?" His lawyer Joe Amendola answered for him, replying, "Yes."

Sandusky's last minute decision to waive the hearing surprised lawyers for the 10 young men, but Sandusky and Amendola made it clear they were not backing down.

"We're ready to defend, we always have been ready to defend. There will be no plea deal," Amendola said. "This will be a fight to the death, the fight of Jerry Sandusky's life."

Amendola said that he and Karl Rominger, a prominent Pennsylvania defense attorney who is now co-counsel on the case, decided Monday night that it was not in their best interest to go through with the hearing because prosecutors made clear they would not allow him to question the credibility of the accusers and witnesses.

By skipping the preliminary hearing "we eliminated the rehashing of the allegations in the presentment without the opportunity to attack the credibility of the witnesses," Amendola said.

Arraignment was set for Jan. 11, but Amendola said Sandusky has already entered a not guilty plea. He remains under house arrest on $250,000 bail and must wear an ankle monitor.

The lawyer made it clear that "we're attacking these cases one at a time," and said he could think of "nine million reasons, (the amount of) Second Mile's assets, and countless millions from the deep pockets of Penn State" why someone would claim to be a sex abuse victim.

The Second Mile is a charity founded by Sandusky where he met many of the alleged victims.

"What better motivation can there be than money, the financial gain that could come from saying, 'I'm a victim?'" Amendola asked.

He also suggested that the accusers may have engaged in "some sort of collusion.. We know several.... knew each other."

Amendola said that possibility would be "aggressively investigated" and said he would ask the court for phone records to see if accusers called one another.

Prosecutors welcomed Sandusky's decision to waive the preliminary hearing. "The waiver means that the victims in this case, although they were ready, will not have to testify and will not be cross examined at this time," he said.

Since the alleged victims will still testify at the trial, it "avoids having to testify a second time."

Michael Boni, a lawyer for a man identified in the grand jury report as Victim 1 said he had dinner Monday night with the client and his mother.

"I knew how stressful this day would be for him. I can imagine this is terrific for my client knowing that they don't have to relive the horror up on the witness stand," Boni said.

"I think he would like justice served in the way least stressful and that means not having to testify," the lawyer said.

Boni also said, "I hope this means that a plea deal is down the road."

Lawyer Ben Andreozzi, however, read an angry statement from his client, identified in the grand jury report as Victim 4.

"This is the most difficult time of my life. I can't put into words how unbearable this has been all my life, both physically and mentally. I cant believe they put us through this until the last second," he wrote.

He vowed, however, "I will still stand my ground and speak the truth," and underlined the word truth several times.

Amendola said he hopes a trial date can be set for the summer or fall of 2012.

Several of Sandusky's six adopted children and his wife, Dottie, were among the 20 supporters who joined him in the courtroom.

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本案純屬違約, 無關菲傭人權, 卻是侵犯劉的人權.2011/11/28 11:27照起訴書與協議: 唯一罪名是違約. 


FBI 動手抓人, 不經過聽證, 卻是侵犯劉的人權!

出處:劉姍姍v.s.人權-2 - 范蘭欽的部落格 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/gocrane/5875705#ixzz1ey4Cu0ss

此案乃劉自己的疏忽 不可責怪辦事處其他被詢人員2011/11/28 11:36所謂的屬下做證, 絕非配合 FBI , 陷害劉處長. 

事情在於: 美國調查劉所雇用外籍員工逃逸, 有非法居留問題, 約談員工. 

員工只知道帳目, 不知道劉報導申請管家文件內容(即合約), 因而讓美國調查單位得到矛盾資料, 認定劉的罪狀. 

外交部不應該回來以後, 苛責被詢問的員工. 

不過, 這恐怕是無法避免的發展. 

老丐也在調查, 卻真的沒空寫出來自己發現的案情!

出處:劉姍姍v.s.外交部-3g - 范蘭欽的部落格 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/gocrane/5878638#reply_list#ixzz1ey44utJ3

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時報周刊: 外交部盲目力挺騎虎難下
    回應給: Snoopy 633上兵乏謀,次乏交(burtpeng) 推薦0


  • 2011-11-25 
  • 第1761期

盲目力挺騎虎難下 外交部還有多少個劉姍姍?

  • 報導/林庭瑤 攝影/中時報系資料庫 編輯╱李秋絨











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