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美國的猶他州, 今天由五名神槍手組成的行刑團, 處決死刑犯.

猶他州在美國, 是個道德標準比較高的州. 但是, 因為是摩門教居住地, 一夫多妻制度的幾次案例, 在美國是遭受歧視的州.

以州政府角度, 雖然很不願意使用槍決方式處死這名犯人. 但是, 尊重基本人權, 犯人自己選擇這樣子的方式, 以還自己殺人罪無可綸的業.

這是美國最高法院, 1976年 恢復死刑以來, 第三個執行的案例.

犯人冷血槍殺兩人, 罪有應得!

一般執行死刑, 多是針筒注射. 這位犯人, 在法令規定針筒注射之前, 所以有權利選擇. 而他選擇一報還一報的刑罰, 也有點天網恢恢的意義.

五名槍手, 四顆子彈, 倒數到二的時候, 就有槍手按捺不住, 馬上四槍全打在心臟, 兩分鐘以後, 法醫宣佈死亡, 血液還沒有停止流出.

The execution chamber at the Utah State Prison ...

麥芽糖中學的好友 父親是警察 也曾經執行槍斃 親眼目睹 犯人在行刑之後 屍體跳動四十分鐘 所以國際流行針筒注射 更流行取消死刑

麥芽糖無意加入廢死的爭論, 卻想介紹美國這個特例: 殺人償命, 是多數人的看法. 世間凶殺案, 是否都能夠如此還受害人公道?

五槍四彈, 是保護這個資訊發達時代的行刑人員: 兇手的家人, 也許會尋仇. 這個措施, 倒是給廢死者一個好爭論的項目.

道之以政, 齊之以刑, 民免而無恥!

也許, 周公襄政, 四十年不用刑罰, 真是種奇蹟!

地藏王菩薩曾經問佛祖世尊: 地獄刑罰如此殘酷可怕, 地獄卻擠得滿滿. 為什麼人不學習小心謹慎, 總是犯錯, 要下地獄受苦償還罪孽?

麥芽糖沒有答案. 也不想展開任何爭論. 只是今天美國的猶他州 開槍行刑, 在這門可羅雀, 高處耐寒的丐邦, 留下個紀錄. 如果有任何網友, 有任何思想與收穫, 就不浪費聯網大方地提供這個免費平臺.

Utah firing squad executes convicted killer

Murderer executed by firing squad in UtahAFP/HO/UTAH DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS/File – Convicted murderer, Ronnie Lee Gardner (pictured), has executed by a firing squad in Utah despite a flurry …

DRAPER, Utah – A death row inmate who had used a gun to fatally shoot two men suffered the same fate Friday morning as he was executed by a team of marksmen — the first time Utah used the firingsquad to carry out a death sentence in 14 years.

A barrage of bullets tore into Ronnie Lee Gardner's chest where a target was pinned over his heart. Two minutes later an ashen Gardner, blood pooling in his dark blue jumpsuit, was pronounced dead at 12:17 a.m.

He was the third man to die by firing squad since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976.

Unlike Gary Gilmore, who famously uttered the last words "Let's do it" on Jan. 17, 1977, Gardner could muster few words before a black hood was fastened over his head. Asked if he had anything to say during the two minutes afforded him, Gardner said simply, "I do not, no."

The five executioners, certified police officers who volunteered for the task and remain anonymous, stood about 25 feet away, behind a wall cut with a gunport, and were armed with matching .30-caliber Winchester rifles. One was loaded with a blank so no one knows who fired the fatal shot. Sandbags stacked behind Gardner's chair kept the bullets from ricocheting around the cinderblock room.

Utah Department of Corrections Director Thomas Patterson said the countdown cadence went "5-4-3..." with the shooters starting to fire at the count of 2.

Gardner's arm tensed and jerked back when he was hit. As the medical examiner checked for vital signs the hood was pulled back, revealing that Gardner's head was tilted back and to the right, his mouth slightly open.

"I don't agree with what he done or what they done but I'm relieved he's free," said Gardner's brother, Randy Gardner, after the execution. "He's had a rough life. He's been incarcerated and in chains his whole damn life, now he's free. I'm happy he's free, just sad the way he went."

The execution was witnessed by media representatives who are separated from witnesses for the victims or the condemned in rooms on opposite ends of the execution chamber behind reflective glass so they can't be seen.

Gardner walked willingly to his execution, a stark contrast to the fatal escape attempt he undertook 25 years ago that resulted in his death sentence.

Gardner was sentenced to death after being convicted of murder in 1985 for the fatal courthouse shooting of attorney Michael Burdell during a failed escape attempt. Gardner was at the Salt Lake City court facing a murder charge in the shooting death of a bartender, Melvyn Otterstrom when he took a gun smuggled into him and he shot Burdell in the face as the attorney hid behind a door in the chaotic courthouse.

The execution process was set in motion in March when the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request from Gardner's attorney to review the case. On April 23, state court Judge Robin Reese signed a warrant ordering the state to carry out the death sentence.

At that hearing, Gardner politely declared, "I would like the firing squad, please."

He told his lawyer he did it because he preferred to die that way. Gardner was allowed to choose between the firing squad and lethal injection because he was sentenced to death before Utah eliminated the firing squad as an option in 2004. State officials did not like the negative publicity fire squad executions generated.

Gardner, 49, chose his manner of death and then worked furiously with his lawyers to prevent it. They filed petitions with state and federal courts, asked a Utah parole board to commute his sentence to life in prisonwithout parole, and finally unsuccessfully appealed to Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Gardner's attorneys argued the jury that sentenced him to death in 1985 heard no mitigating evidence that might have led them to instead impose a life sentence. Gardner's life was marked by early drug addiction,physical and sexual abuse and possible brain damage, court records show.

They also argued he could not get a "fair and impartial hearing" before Utah's Board of P

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(中央社記者蕭博文台北27日電)近期發生數起分屍案,社會出現執行死刑聲音。法務部長邱太三今天說,絕不要在憤怒時做倉促決定,假設分屍凶嫌該死,該執行的也應是這些人,而非與這些案件無關的其他死囚。 | 重點新聞

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CNN把德州叫做: 死刑州. 嘲笑他們把死刑用藥用光, 無法執行的窘態!

Death penalty states scramble for lethal injection drugs

By Ross Levitt and Deborah Feyerick, CNN
updated 1:44 PM EST, Sat November 16, 2013
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