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『禮教吃人』(4): Sarah Palin 您在搞啥東東﹖

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634,297 Points 34 Featured Posts Localism Sponsor Outside Blog Hit Router

What does Sarah Palin have to do with any of that? 

Lane Bailey -
141,670 Points 4 Featured Posts Hit Router

I don't get it ...

Will Nesbitt -



Lane and/or Will:

Sorry, I jumped so fast.

Check out from your library the book "Predator State" written by the liberal James Galbraith. Also read Jude Wanniski's book "The way the world works: How economies fail and succeed."

Maybe you will see how wrong James is about "conservative" or "Reagonomics" since he can not say GWB is a real conservative striving for a conservative cause but a ruling gangster performing a predator politics, not rested on "royalty to the country" or "conscience of the people's welfare", but to the greed of big rich CEO.

As James put it, the bottom line is: there were no right conservative policy or forces like Jude in power in those 8 years under GWB administration. Why James blame it when it is not the thing, but a fake imitation, and while there is a whole bunch of predators in DC or New York no matter what the symble they put on themselves (even Hiliary Clinton is just a phony liberal by James)?

Regardless whatever arguements James said, there is ONE fact or truth by Roy Smith that James can't deny it.  We Americans have created more wealth after Reagan took over the power than ever before, in the past 30 years.  So there are some good questions for us to ask ourselves:

1) What went wrong while we are witnessing American poverty is deepening and so wide-spread when we created prosperity so huge that a hundred times more than the past;

2) Did we make our society more equal by our political, social, economic, or financial systems?

I have been supporting Sarah since she surfaced up on national planet. Very recently it appears that she dislikes the term "retarded" against White house Chief staff. It surprised me as I watched the Californian famous lady "human right" attorney Red put the label "sex discriminators" on those businessmen who imprint Tiger Wood's mistresses faces on Golf balls (NOTE: I am 100% for "Made in USA." If I put American flag on gulf ball to let people hit it, do you think you can accuse me of committing "treason" ? Yes, MS. Red could do that in her shallow perspective.) Are we going to have mass censorship like China in the age of Cultural revolution? What's the big deal for us to ask our society to change "salesman" into " salesperson"?

So my basic position is what Sarah is going to restore the Right movement by declaring some clear-cut vital policy for our people to initially and easily understand what "a big government" went wrong and to strive for what is good to the country from our root. She has to stand up for the average citizen as President Reagan to against the model of "CEO rule of USA". Therefore, it is so urgent to tell people what the fundamental thoughts of her belief are. She has no time in dancing with the "symptoms," but to point out what the causes she is going to cure are.

Looking at Sarah's play in trivia like "retarded" game (Yes, we use "you're retarded" when you are late for the class. What's wrong with that? Are we going to change it into "you are HANDICAPPED"?) I felt sorry for her. Time is running short for those more important.

Sarah, you do have the Charisma character as Ronald had for people to love. Don't spoil it. You have to go back to the right track of road, please.


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