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Re: Fwd: Re: 3**** Drive & 1**** Drive, ******

Friday, April 10, 2009 1:39 PM

From: Shanna " View contact details

To: ET

Thank you for your blog site! It is very interesting!

We would love to learn from you if you can fit us in before you leave...

Please let me know if you would be able to meet. Would April 18th work okay for you?

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, ET wrote:

From: ET
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: 3**** Drive & 1**** Drive,
To: s@.com
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 2:49 PM

Well, I retired at my will when I was 55 of age. I have nothing to do almost everyday.

So you and your husband are welcome to listen to an old dog preaching when nobody wants to listen.

I have a web blog.   If you like, just log in to see what I am talking about. Browse it at your leisure: 

et@.com http://*******.com/texas. If you don't like what I said, then you can save travel time

of one hour, not to bother wasting your time on me.

--- On Friday, April 10, 2009 12:42 PM
From: Shanna
Wow!  Las Vegas and Phoenix!  I hate to see you leave, but I know that you will enjoy the new challenge.  We would love to be able to meet with you before you leave!

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, ET

From: ET
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: 3****Drive & 1**** Drive,


Sorry, there is a typo. I sold it for a contract price of $85,000. Now, you know how much my gross profit or return rate, right? 500+%. right?

Say hello to the lucky guy, your husband and I will be more than happy to tell you what you want to know if I know.

In fact, I am making offers to buy Las Vegas or Phoenix properties now. I will close my real estate operations in Texas and leave here with my profit by the end of April, even they are very profitable now and in the future.

Buying the 290 is just my desire or impulsive drive to help Pat get a home she loves. Sorry, I really hate to see poor folks unable to buy their dream home for lack of "seed" money when they burn their rent money. I will stay here until the purchase completed if situation needs.


--- On Fri, 4/10/09, Shanna <@.com> wrote:

Thank you so much for offering to mentor me! If you don't mind, I would like my husband and I to come meet with you some time so you can give us some advise on how we go about it. Would you possibly be free on April 18th? Also, what is your phone number and I will have Robin call you. You made a great sell on your house! Thanks, again!

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, E T wrote:

........ I believe, I would be able to get $8,000, guaranteed by Uncle Sam, as her down payment within 6 months or 1 year if I could sell it to her. But she is a little late since I just accepted an offer. She loves this neighborhood so that makes me think about going to buy the 290 and immediately sell it to her to help her in some way. In fact, I have 2 potential buyers like her line up wanting to buy any property I have.

Well, hope your friend R****** is a seasoned agent and good in persoanlity as you are. I am waiting for her help. First of all, I need the 209 **** information from her ASAP. BTW, the property may be still under Southwest Assets Management.

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, Shanna <@.com> wrote:

From: Shanna <@.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: 3 ****Drive & 1***Drive,

Hello! It's great to hear from you!

I am currently not selling real estate at this time, but I can refer you to a real estate agent that I worked with for a few years that still is very active in foreclosures. Her name is R*** **** and her phone number is *********. I will give her a call and let her know that you will be in contact with her.

Also, I’m very glad that you emailed because my husband and I are beginning to look at foreclosures to buy right now and I was just telling him about you the other day about you and how you really seem to have the insight on finding the right deals. Would you be interested in letting us come along with you one day and see exactly how you do things on the investment side of things? Since I’ve done the real estate end, I think I have a pretty good eye for good deals, but I would love for you to teach me the the investment/money side of things. I know that this would take some of your time, so please feel free to let me know if you don’t think you would be able to. I really appreciate it!

--- On Fri, 4/10/09, E T wrote:

From: ET
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: 3*** Drive & 1*** Drive,
To: "Shanna"
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009, 11:13 AM

Hi! Shanna,

How are you?

It's been awhile since we worked together to buy ****. I have the property sold recently. Thank you for your help.

I am looking at 290 ******* drive that in my neighborhood. It is a REO with 3 bed room 2 bath, smaller cute house and has been sitting there over 10 months. It seems now listed under Margaretta at your brokerage.

Just thinking you may find more information for me to consider buying that house by paying the same all cash offer as we did before.

Give me your 2 pennies.



--- On Mon, 1/29, Shanna <@.com> wrote:

From: Shanna <@.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: 3**** Drive & 1**** Drive,
To: "E T"
Date: Monday, January

They accepted the counteroffer for $16,000 at 3****.  We are still waiting to hear on 1****.

ET wrote:


My counter offer for 3***** is $16,000.

For 1*****, allow me to counter for $18,800.

Please get back to me ASAP because my offers will be expired in 2 days, right?

Thank you for your efforts,



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