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2009/04/02 01:22:23 瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0



Here comes your stimulus bonus, Big guy play petty money (尚未發行)
時事評論財經 2009/04/01 02:52 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|
事情本非一定要如何﹕開放心胸﹐加上學識﹐不井蛙自限﹐海闊天亦空。 (尚未發行)
時事評論財經 2009/03/27 12:06 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|
時事評論財經 2009/01/26 00:44 |瀏覽 248|回應 0|推薦 1|引用
What a nice word: "unexpected" (尚未發行)
時事評論財經 2009/03/18 05:49 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|






註﹕昨夜﹐與大婆言﹐理論的建構﹐主要立基於二﹕用語的定義及推理的基本假設。自然科學容易推論實驗﹐找出相當正確不移的定律﹔社會論點就常淪為公說婆見﹐瞎子摸象﹔蓋人文現象涉及人﹐就個人至微言觸及心靈﹐大而言﹐政府政策一易﹐可讓一切改變﹐滿臉得志變黯黑得痔﹐痛苦欲上吊(您一定觀察到病垃圾在過去一﹑二年﹐搞過多少次這種週五的輸贏翻盤易位﹔多少取捨權(option )﹐從行使斬大利猛賺﹐一夕因而變成不行使的癈紙大賠。) 

唉﹗人是渺小的﹐所見當有所本﹐但社會有萬千因素﹐無人能全然掌控﹐斷言一切﹐如孔明三分天下(註﹕也只是短期策valid 而已)﹔而今﹐現代活動更比中古時代迅變﹐人只能就能知﹐作出可控風險(controlled risk)的投資﹔想求股市所言『押十勝八』已不易﹐夫復能期永遠萬無一失﹖





**** Encolsed here the article "文武貞觀之治﹐非施小術而成" ****

What's Freedom(2): Keep Eyes Open and Don't Shut Choice Out! (edit/delete)

What's Freedom(1): Keep Eyes Open and Don't Shut Choice Out! (edit/delete)

Special Features: Here Comes Your Stimulus Bonus- CNNMoney.com

President Obama has promised to plump paychecks -- and he'll be starting soon. Find out how much workers can expect and learn whether or not you qualify.

(NOTE: How much is the money Obama talking about?  Find it out.  I am a poor guy, but I have never bothered about $1,000 purchase, even it is a impulsive.  I give out $30 to anyone in my neighborhood without hesitation or consideration.   To me, that action won't cast me a leg or arm.  No harm at all.  But what is big or small?  See, I can't even think of buying a property with starting bid price of $100 million or willing to be forfeited $1 million depost as those big lady or guys (Apartment Buyers Abandoning 6-Figure Deposits.)  To some one, $1 million is just like $1 in my pocket as those big VIPs talk about $1 Trillion without raising their eyelids. 

So, big or small is a question of relativity.  Now we have one BIG Big guy who is so proud of talking to give us a petty money every month. 

He is so kind to give us more monthly allowance.  That's right, $15 to $30 a month on your paycheck.  Great!  Who is He?  That's our President who has a good mind as a detailed maid to "well-manage" our household. 

Thank you, God! Can you give him just a little bit of mind to know "governing" strategy by looking at LP, i.e. Lager Picture and find out the total burden of our people to release the pain--- Please see this article after I pointed out nobody discuss the heavy tax wedge against American people: I cross it out because, after I post a draft, I am unable to locate the article I read a few days ago.  I will post it here if I find it.) 

Tue, 3/31/09, Perry wrote:

From: Perry P***
Subject: Re: Fw: "Texas Land Contract of $60,000"
To: etahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 2:39 PM

et writes: Texas Land Contract of $60,000 for Sale

Hi! Ed: This has to be a problem on my end and I still cannot access the photos but no matter as all doublewides look pretty much the same. Still did not get the 2nd note details either tho'.
How would you feel about an offer for PART of your note i.e. You keep the April and May 2009 payments of $644.76 each. We buy the next 117 payments and you keep the balloon payment of $30,000+.  We'd offer you $**,000 cash for the June 2009 pmt. onward and you would collect the balloon payment in 9 yrs.+. Let me know. Thank You. Perry

Thank you, Perry, In 9+ years, $644.76X118= $76081.68 For that cash flow, you are willing to pay a lot of money.

Hmmm, if your return rate is 22%, you'll be happy to pay me $34,562.87 for 118 payments. So you'd like to pay me $**,000 (plus closing costs.) That's too kind offer per my investment goal. I would get you much better return if we could work out a master plan I proposed to you.

Now, for me to get your money, is it simple and easy? No future liability?  If I need CASH in an emergency and have no other alternative. Yes, not bad a deal ! But, do I have other choice?

Hmmm, let me think about it. Yes, I do need some more cash than what I have in my pocket, if I will go for my purchase of next home in Arizona.

Any freedom out there for me to choose?

(1) Go to my credit card. Just one phone set everything. Great way to get money I need!  I have to pay 3% of transfer fee, i.e. about $1,020 in advance and then be billed about $450-650 per month in the first year (even the promotional interest rate is 4.99%, but there is a 1-2% principle pay back.) Hmmm, that is just about giving my note as a pledge to pay.  In the case, I am still possible to have some money of $100-200 left to me every month. $200 X 118= $23,600.  So in effect I get only **,000 from you, let don't mention my payment to credit card is gradually reduced every month along the line.  Is it worthy for me to be bother to create a legal entanglement, if not a trouble, in the future?  Hmmm, I am a lazy guy and want to do things simple and naturally.

(2) Go to my friendly banker's office to sip a cup of coffee and ask her give me a personal (signature) loan without any document, in the worst case pledging my note as a security collateral?

(3) My banker friend used to tell me "no problem to give you $100,000 loan at any time, just ask." Time changes as Chase bank recalled one of my credit credit cards of $35,000 line of credit, due to 2 year "inactive." (Don't blame Chase, it is very difficult for them to keep that line for me since they are short of cash liquidity.) If she is not so friendly as she used to be, what I could sweet the deal? Hmmm, maybe I have to threw in my new house as security in addition?

(4) Call my "Big Brother" Eugene and his lovely wife, the richest friends to me, to ask their favor as I did last time in May 1997.  They didn't want to charge me interest as my lady Ambassor friend Marieta 十二期同榜廖夫人高大使青雲and her husband gave me a loan of $35,000 without security in 1988 (瘳兄嫂連借據都免﹐但太公拿錢後堅持給扺押權狀﹐正直人還是有天佑﹐否則就更『妻』慘喔; but I insisted.  I got a hard money loan of 12%, interest only, no any junk fee in advance.

I refinanced my purchase and only paid them 3 monthly interest payments and I made a "negative down" deal, better than Robert Allen's "zero down." At end, I put an additional $34,000 in my pocket and better, it is tax-free until today.  (NOTE: I mentioned this case in my AR previous articles.  May I ask how much is my return rate after the deal finalized?)

But I have never asked help from anyone, including them, since then. Even Sharon and Eugene still keep asking me FREE legal advice from California, I've never initiated a phone call to them? About 8 months ago, I advised them to post a "foreclosure" against themselves in order to solve a property title cloud after their mom passed away 7 years ago, without will.  Their attorney who suggested to go to a probate court switched to my strategy even he said "crazy" at the first hearing of my idea. But I succeed in convincing him to finally say "capital idea" in legal practice. Now they completed the volunteer "foreclosure" themselves and have a clean title.

However, I do have a big problem in asking a favor from anyone. That's against my Principle I said to myself at the time I retired: "Never ask any financial or money help from others, from now on."

Well, I am an easy and lazy guy, sell partial note is not my top priority. That creates too complicate legal situation to my simple mind, if not to those Obama‘s guys. I would much appreciated it if you could have us had a straight sale.

Do I have any other alternatives?  Sure, I believe I do in this democratic society, not like those Obama's guys or politicians. 

*** *** ***

NOTE: After I checked into it,  I came up an idea to better my seller financing to cope with Obama's home buyer's $8,000 tax refundable credit*.  Do you know what it is?  The Oop Depression tax credit plan has been estimated to cost our government revenue about $39 billion.  Mind you that there is no ceiling cap limit set on this tax credit for our Federal budget, unlike California which has a budget limit of $100 million. 

Based on the current law and Chinese philosophy of 上有政策下有對策, It would be very easy for me to legally  incur at least 10 times the projected revenue loss to $390 billion** if I could be in charge of a small size charity foundation.  My plan would be function like another subprime loan to the poor for an affordable housing, without its bubble effects.

What's my plan in my mind?  Give you guys a hint.  There is a Chinese saying: 朝三暮四”i.e. even a monkey knows some basic laws of economics in face of his master/ government game play.)

*  The credit does not require repayment.  Most of the mechanics of the credit will be the
same as under the 2008 rules:  the credit will be claimed on a tax return to reduce the purchaser's income tax liabilityIf any credit amount remains unused, then the unused amount will be refunded as a check to the purchaser.

** Estimated cost: $39 billion.How stimulus can help your wallet


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Don't Waste Time: Let me know if you are still interested


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$60,000 Land Contract

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 12:51 PM
Name: k
Subject: $60,000 Land Contract, 1st Position
Date: 04/01/2009
Message: I buy notes. Do you have any currently for sale? ****@yahoo.com 
Great! you buy notes. A right place for you.
Are you a principal or broker?  If you are just a "birddog," please save us time since I am not in a situation to sell my note at so big a discount that you are not going to have a decent "flipping" profit.
Let me know if you are still interested.
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