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2009/03/17 23:15:57 瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0

Housing starts surge 22% in Feb. on apartment building

By Rex Nutting
Last update: 8:30 a.m. EDT March 17, 2009

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Boosted by an 82% increase in construction of apartment buildings, U.S. housing starts surged 22% in February to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 583,000, the Commerce Department estimated Tuesday. It was the first increase in eight months. Construction of new housing units had plunged 38% in the previous three months before February's unexpected jump. Economists had forecast a further drop to 456,000, despite an expected surge in multifamily construction. Building permits, which are less volatile than the starts data, rose 3% in February to a 547,000 annual rate. Permits for single-family units rose 11% to a 373,000 rate, the largest percentage gain in 18 years. End of Story

*** My Two Pennies ***

What a good morning!  Great news hit me once I waked up.  That is what I want to hear so desperately since I am in housing business.  But,...  Let me clear my thoughts a little bit more at this early morning.

Look how much a share of Citi increased last week? 

As of March 9, it was $1.  Next business day, news reported a great wonderful news.  It gain big and increased very sharply.  Really there is no lie; it is true: a big jump!

How big it is?  A big Sixty Seven percent increase in one day!  It is a good news everybody want to hear.  Have you heard a day jump of 67% in the history of Citi. 


Well, form another perspective, let's change the way to ask how much it increased in terms of dollar amount?   Sorry, it is not even qualified as One dollar, it is only 67 cents in fact.   Then, how many times in the past you could find a share of Citi increased more than $1 in a day? 

In those good old days, who is going to scream out "Citi jumps 67 cents!" as a big surprise or glorious rally?   Probably you will say: "what's the big deal for cents?"

As of this morning, March 17, Citi has accumulated 138% increase in 5 business days.  Everyone would drop his mouth if Citi could have this GREAT JUMP percentage when Citi carried $50 a share before October 2008.  That's just 6 months ago, who cares about this stock price up 67 cents or $1.38?

Well, some people are out to orchistrate an aroma of hope spreading optimism on the outlook of our economy as putting a big red lipstick "rising star" on Mao's Communists regime in the early 1950'.  Sure, we need a cheerleader to light us up in a difficult time or when we are down.

Great! we do need that kind of sentiment not only for the stock market but also for housing market.  Now someone is up!  But we have to be very realistic to avoid getting hurt as those Chinese people expecting a good days to come when they put their hope on the so-called "New China."

So get serious and go make a reality check:

How much inventory do we have now in US housing market? 

Isn't it just like we read a report that we have the biggest inventory in history last night? 

Could those huge amount of surplus disappear overnight, i.e. sold in just a few days or weeks? 

Why all the big guys won't release their REO holdings fast enough to list them on the MLS service as the head of RTC suggested? 

(NOTE: No, the new REO infusion to the listing seems idle to me, if not a total halt.  While we have had a big long time increase of foreclosure activity recently, we don't see much new REO listings, except a few banks such as W*** bank who are in normal or aggressive (anxious) mood.   Those old listings remain its price sky up for 6 months without a bit reduction in some areas.  There are something that can't be understood by a capitalist's economic theory of free market.)

Why they allow those REO piled up in their books, i.e. letting those "perishable" goods sit on street in vacant condition with minimum of tender loving care.  They are left alone to be deteriorated and ruined by nature (NOTE: I found some REO properties sit there with no "sale" sign for more than 500 days) or losing their true"market" value day by day. let alone a waste losing value in our national wealth book?  

Why our government authorities loose up their normal regulation on the ratio how much a banker could take in its REO on its book?  Is it a low as our FED interest rate?  That would explain why it has been getting more difficult to do a "short sale" for an agent?

Is there a plot or factor for all of those VIP to work together to stop housing falling and keep pumping air to keep US housing flying in the sky not like Harry Truman said "let the dust rest"?

If you are serious enough, you would laugh out loud at people who are so angering at "AIG's distribution on bonus or compensation."  Why?  they have focused (or been switched) on something cost them just $1 and make their President Obama swear to "block" the loophole (NOTE: Since those money went into cat's pocket and we are ruled by law or contract, how could we expect Obama do something about it legally to get our money back?)   They didn't pay attention on two or three news reports in the past 3 days telling us there is $999 at big risk.  Probably someone don't want us to face the $999 reality and would like keep us shopping for trivia items at a 99 cent store.

If you don't see this mentality of "penny wise; pond stupid," allow me give a hint "CDS" which bites the biggest chunck of AIG payout.   Still can't see it?   Okay, google in the term on internet.  See what it is and what is going on in the near eyesight on LP (the WHOLE LARGER picture.)  Based on what you could find, judge them yourself if the 18 month recession could be over as Fed chief Bernanke said.

No matter what, keep in your mind the saying "Figures don't lie; people figs."    


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2009/03/21 01:13 【曾太公落美洲】 總算有人看到九牛重心﹐但為何會採這樣的愚民策略﹖
最新號外World Bank cuts China's 2009 GDP estimate to 6.5%
    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 推薦0




再註﹕伊娘列﹗最新消息剛號外World Bank cuts China's 2009 GDP estimate to 6.5%﹐世界銀行居然好大狗膽﹐敢無視咱們愛『三八』(八路軍﹑八面紅旗﹑葉八點)﹐肯定今年經濟成長在八趴之上﹐敢效華爾街﹐給世界經濟火車頭﹐來個『降等留級』(downgrade)處分﹐改為成長六點五。這就有請聯網歪統派﹐井蛙大肚﹐再澎風口吹力增大八成﹐像罵希特勒一樣﹐給無知外夷點丘八色﹐請他們瞧瞧『世界前三大銀行在咱家』的真功夫。太公小草是沒這能耐﹐請見諒喔﹗﹗

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就像愛臺灣一樣, 完全是操作員利己之私.
攻擊人家擁有綠卡的人, 自己的親娘, 死當美國鬼!
當初, 攻擊人家, 在美國置產, 奪得八年大位的人, 所做所為, 就是把臺灣人的錢, 海角七億!
布希父子, 還有一個衙內, 在老子當皇帝, 對不起, 總統任內, 就以虛報房貸, 搞掉十億: Billion
今日的黑總統, 現在雷厲風行. 他自己ㄟ錢吃案, 就沒有人聞問了!
人那獃, 自做孽.
歪人可笑, 他有句話倒是狗嘴吐出象牙: 奧婆媽是美國阿扁!

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依太公印象﹐聯邦迄今給AIG的紓困款﹐金額總計約一千九百億美元。這六個月來﹐由佔有官股八十趴的官派蕫事長溺滴 (Liddy )﹐撥支的大款及受款人如下表﹐約佔千元中的九百元﹔這才是老美政府想掩飾的『金融海嘯』。那裡是現在這兩天﹐總統國會記者吵成一團演大戲﹐猛對著又叫又跳的那一塊錢﹕發給主管員工紅利獎金的一億六千萬可比﹖



AIG Must Fail: run bank is not the worst, run insurance is (尚未發行)

時事評論財經 2009/03/18 09:03 |瀏覽 2|回應 0|推薦 0|引用 0

It has been said over and over that AIG represents a “systemic risk”
to the global economy. This has been used not only for AIG but for
Citigroup, and many others....

By Ch***

12:58 a.m. March 16

Payments made by AIG after September 16, 2008, the date on which AIG began receiving government assistance:

  • Societe General (FRANCE)  - $11.9  Billion
  • Deutsche Bank (GERMANY)  - $11.8 Billion
  • Goldman Sachs   - $12.9 Billion
  • Merrill Lynch  - $6.8 Billion
  • Calyon (FRANCE)  - $2.3 Billion
  • Barclays (U.K.)  - $8.5 Billion
  • UBS (Switzerland)  - $5.0 Billion
  • DZ Bank (GERMANY)  - $700 Million
  • Wachovia  - $1.5 Billion
  • Rabobank (HOLLAND)  - $800 Million
  • KFW (GERMANY)  - $500 Million
  • JP Morgan  - $400 Million
  • Banco Santander (SPAIN)  - $300 Million
  • Danske (DENMARK)  - $200 Million
  • HSBC Bank (U.K.)  - $3.5 Billion
  • Morgan Stanley   - $1.2 Billion
  • Bank of America  - $5.2 Billion
  • Bank of Montreal (CANADA)  - $1.1 Billion
  • Royal Bank of Scotland  - $700 Million
  • BNP Paribas (FRANCE)  - $4.9 Billion
  • Credit Suise (SWITZERLAND)  - $400 Million
  • ING  (HOLLAND)  - $1.5 Billion
  • Deutsche Zentral (GERMANY)  - $1.0 billion
  • Dresdner Bank (GERMANY)  - $2.6 Billion
  • Citigroup  - $2.3 Billion

What is it that the U.S. Government is so afraid of? What is systemic risk anyway?  (太公加註﹕NOTE: Run bank is not the worst, run insurance is.)

So the bailouts of AIG amounted to nothing more than a conduit for distributing tax payer funds around the world in this authors view with the threat of ’systemic failure’ only to gain public support, to justify their bailouts.





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