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要是麥芽糖坐鎮中南海, 一定要老美現在就把所有的債務還清! 派間諜到家門口挑釁, 還敢抗議人家的護院, 執行任內責任? 老共太客氣了! 當年的蘇俄, 一飛彈就把韓航的民航機打下來, 包括美國的議員在內. 美國這種挑釁的行為, 就像聯網一些令人生厭的網工一樣: 被人唾棄, 是自然現象! 這次的行動, 發生在海上, 美國艦艇的行為, 跟海盜有何差別? 上次臺灣和日本的艦艇, 也就是玩類似的遊戲. 美國這種賊喊捉賊的技倆, 太惡劣了! 換麥芽糖主事, 活捉他幾艘, 撞沉他幾艘. 再吵, 就把希拉芮叫來: 你們美國要借中國人的錢, 就不要來門口偷看女眷換衣服, 再被抓到, 送到國際法庭, 當色情狂控訴! 聯網的義和團網工, 跟臺灣的記者一樣: 只會高喊扶清滅洋. 絕對不知道: 中美角力, 發生了這樁鬧劇! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090309/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_china_incident
US protests 'harassment' by Chinese vessels
BY PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press Writer
31 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration vowed Monday to keep up military surveillance in waters off China and protested to China about what it called harassment of an American ship doing that work last week. The Pentagon
charged that a Chinese intelligence gathering vessel and four others
"shadowed and maneuvered dangerously close" to the USNS Impeccable
surveillance ship in the South China Sea on Sunday, then threw obstacles in the water as it tried to leave.
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美國: 艦艇當時在抓老共潛艇
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呵呵! 這真是管閒事管到人家家裡去了. 美國也玩這種義和團, 關門自己爽的把戲? 誰信他們自己的內部宣傳? 奧婆媽跟布希, 有啥差別? 企!
Officials: US ship in China spat was hunting subs
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Navy ship that got into a scrape with five Chinese vessels last weekend in the South China Sea
was looking for threats such as submarines — presumably Chinese — in
waters that China claims as its own, defense officials acknowledged