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Keep going, folks! We can live on blaming? 啥民主政治是責任政治﹖

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Keep going,  my American folks!  We can live on blaming, can't we?

What a Chaos!  Suppose a Democracy Is a Politics of "Responsibility"?  But, to whom we are going to hold responsible for what happened?  What do you reach your verdict?  And how?  Are you facing a situation like those Chinese in Taiwan, Are you facing a situation like those Chinese in Taiwan, who are the best American political followers/ idols/ copycats in the under-developed countries.

(NOTE:: Sorry I know, they prefer the noun "emerging" countries now to the " backward" before WWII or the "developing" one, popular after WWII.  In Chinese, emerging means “崛起” that gives them the same encouraging psychological effect as Mao's “超英趕美,” i.e. "Leap forward to pass USA and Britian.   Even those words mean the same thing in content, different terms make people feel so good and different.  Better than the phrase "Japan's #1,"  it is enough for some Chinese to brag themselve as "the leading engine" as the only savior for the global economic growth in the near past and to believe in so-called "de-coupling" theory recently.) 

Republic of China on Taiwan was a follower of our American political experience and America has been their role model in the route of modernization, if not Americanization.  And NOW, time is changed,  USA becomes a follower of Taiwan political turmoil experience and Taiwan, a front runner to lead America to ruin her glory?  Who is the leader?  Or a statesman willing to take his responsibility while our system allows him to easily find a scapegoat to blame, with confusion, as opposed to British Parliamentary System?

In the past 20 years, Taiwan has done quite enough negative "blaming" to such a point that they are destroying so-called "the Taiwan Miracle" of economic achievement. They are losing their worldwide productive advantage and letting the government functions idle or in an "invisible non-existence" to produce no positive impact on people's daily life? 

Instead of creative and productive activities of cooperation to better their systems, Taiwanese have wasted their energy on all kinds of passive accusations balking against each other.  Anything went wrong, no problem at all.  Just like our affluent lady Pelosi in the picture, point your finger out and blame the other no matter which party is the ruling party, as we have heard "class hate" talking arising in internet forum (Of course, some people called it "class envy" to beautify its meaning while it has the same social disorder as "hate crime" in terms of races.)  

It is very funny or absurd to hear GWB called the recent developments as "Democracy of Taiwan advanced."

Are we the Americans heading the same Taiwanese episode, even it seems unavoidable for Obama and Pelosi to "jump-start" our recession into OoP Depression (an acronym: Oops, Obama-Pelosi Depression)? 

Isn't it a very good question for us to think deeply? 


Government Bailouts...
Good for America?

PersonalLiberty.com, America's #1 news site for independent minded individuals is conducting an urgent economic poll. We want to know if you think the government bailouts will be good for America and help rescue our country's housing market, stock market and ailing financial system.

The results of the poll will be available to you after you submit your vote and we'll also share the poll results with major media outlets across the country.  Thousands will vote, so take a moment right now to stand up and be counted... your opinion matters!

Vote today!

1)Who is most to blame for America's current economic crisis?
Democrats and US Congress
The Bush Administration
Wall Street
Banks and sub-prime lenders
Real estate and mortgage professionals
Home buyers
2)Do you agree government bailouts are the answer to America's financial crisis?
3)Do you believe the American taxpayers should have to foot the bill for our financial systems mistakes?
Yes, we have to or we'll end up in a prolonged recession or worse a depression.
No, America is too far in debt already.
Absolutely not, the American people should never be responsible for bailing out the private sector.
4)Do you believe the government bailouts will ultimately rescue our country's financial system?
5)Do you believe Barack Obama was the best choice to handle the country's future economic policy?


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