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有人願學孔明﹐領軍令狀『草船借箭』﹐一年內解決全美『經濟大蕭條』嗎﹖ (尚未發行)

時事評論財經 2009/02/25 00:41 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|引用 0


Give me just a tiny part of so-called Bush's TARP of $700 billions, or Obama's Revitalization (TARP II) of $800 Billions; or the coming next $400 Billions Spending legislation proposed by those DEM Congressmen. Say, just give me $200 million of fund. Let's see who is in much better position to IMMEDIATELY revitalize the economy. No mistake made here, it is a M(illions) instead of their B(illions.)

Who is right? Who is wrong?  看誰煩惱『揚湯止沸』一週造箭十萬支﹖看誰怡然『吃報紙看茶』釜底去抽薪﹖看誰陽剛雙節棍﹐過硬強力堵洪﹖看誰四兩太極﹐輕輕柔情可順水﹖


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Ed, I would think you could appreciate this little diddy!!!


caren *** realty, Ohino
FEB 24
11:26am • #1


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2009/03/10 03:00 【不平則鳴】 死道友不死貧道的美國李遠哲: 華倫八肥
2009/02/25 10:43 【曾太公落美洲】 高高洋狗對上低低土狗
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老丐打這個啞謎, 看太公是否有這個默契?
有沒有默契事小, 如果個說各話, 多談論幾下, 就互相瞭解了.
就怕像歪人文巧華舌者流: 把你的文章刪了, 他們就不出洋相了?

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DAVID XIANG LIN LI----一個人的死亡和公司生存曲線 2007/03/18 11:58 P.M.

李祥林,42 歲,來自中國的金融碩士,如何在十年內幫助華爾街從無到有,創造了一個2萬億美元的市場(這句話在去年仍出之華語論壇﹐對世界金融崩盤﹐是不是很有諷剌味呢﹖)。這唐山大兄讓世界的錢『從無到有』﹐又成『從有到無』﹐甚至又回三十年代的『經濟大蕭條』。伊娘列﹗果然厲害﹔比聯網上那些伊娘列西瓜偎大邊﹐天天用統計數字﹐看衰小台灣的歪市長流﹐玩數字魔術﹐也是有本事多多矣﹗

武鬥不如文攻﹕嘿嘿嘿﹗原來一切還是中國人厲害﹐搞得世界金融起海嘯﹖ (尚未發行)
時事評論財經 2009/02/27 11:08 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0

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Thank you, Caren,

I love the diddy.  What a creative imagination!

Here in return, I try to change the title and subtitle of an Inman News article

Lenders see holes in Obama refi plan Mortgage bankers say many won't qualify

and posted them onto a Chinese web-blog.  Hope you like them.

Here we go:

1) For the title:

Talking Without Thinking: Lenders see holes in Obama refi plan (尚未發行)
 時事評論財經2009/02/25 08:33

So sorry, they are VIP, living up in the Madoff's penthouse in New York or Washington D. C.   They don't know there are so many potholes in the street of D. C. that nobody can believe it is the street of the most powerful Capital of the most Rich country. They keep talking without the cautious attention to step into a pothole.
Sorry again, maybe both of us are the near-sighted who can see only a mile in the front and an inch deep in the ground.  I am a VSP, living down here in Texas colonia and surrounded by the poor.  I don't know what a Wall Street fat cat wants, but the needs of the invisible ones.
So, sorry we are different.  They have the power given by our power machine to change the game rules; but don't worry I have God's love and blessings to cope with the reality to be the best fittest.  We are on the same boat!  God blesses them too.

2) For the subtitle:

Mortgage bankers say many won't qualify.   Oh! No, it should be bankers say many loopholes to decline.

They can swing from "No loan is too bad to reject" (remember 3 years ago, it was report a Australian CAT was approved for a credit card?) into "No loan is even good to lend" NOW.  Don't believe me?  Go out to get a 5% interest loan, so claimed, from your friendly bankers NOW; you will know there is no such low rate mortgage exists without our Government guarantee.  
They have their excuses to demand 25% down payment or 720 FICO.  Tell me how many people in that category like me, even you have 20% down and 700 FICO, i.e. in the top 20% EXCELLENT class?  It's not illegal.   So, "many won't qualify" shall be changed into "few qualify."  But, that's too pessimistic and negative. 
I like positive and active to be with the idea "Yes, there are abundant loopholes available."  If our banker friend has to keep cash in their vault and don't want to be forced to lend, think about freedom.  Say to yourself "live and let live" and you will be much happier.  I know those financial fat cats are much smarter than those 9-5 high-ranking public employees, in terms of taking care of the #1.  They are profit-oriented capitalists, not those non-profit bureaucrats.
Fully understandable, no complaint anyway.

*** ***

See we are so different!

The VIP have their top priority: Bankers. 

As to me, a VSP, I have my bottom line: the grass roots of our American society.

Well, they are up there in the sky (or sick) branches; I am down here to the core roots.

Well, they want to inflate ABS value and keep housing price flying up through TARP for them to play with as a toy game;  I just want housing price falling down to earth like the dust rests fast and in peace to be a shelter affordable to our Main Street Mr. Joe and to be a solid ground for a new growth of our national economy.

House: $/Sq. Ft. More Info

94801 house median price per square foot

Summary Data

  House CondoTotal
Total Homes for Sale26426290
For Sale By Owner202
Bank- & MLS-listed Foreclosures1429151
Median List Price$99K$186K$100K
Median Sold Price*$90K$205K$92K
Median List Price/Sq. Ft.$90$141$92
Median Sold Price/Sq. Ft.*$81$163$83
Median Days on Redfin*76.58277
% Homes with Price Reductions*50.9%60.9%51.6%
Median # Reductions*212
Median Total % Reduction*27.5%16.0%25.2%
% Sale to List Price*96.5%-96.7%

*Based on homes sold or taken off market in the last 90 days

Well, they want to use government intervention to ease the gravity to
increase the value, if any, of Trouble Asset (the first two letter of
TARP.)  I prefer to let the nature run its course, continue the driving
inertia of the above curve in the case mentioned and finally and
naturally go to an equilibrium, even the speed of falling has increased.

Well, they love to play a role as my rich grandpa did to my junior
uncle: give monthly petty allowance to subsidize those misfortune in
order to show they are "Big Brothers" with huge capability and so
persistent charitable mindness.  I will take a total different approach
to trust our people by giving them a lump sum of money, at least enough
down payment, to do whatever they want. I mean I will try give them a
"free and clear" permanent housing, if possible, instead of helping
them pay rent. 

For example, in the case I referred to, that means I will give the
poor a house of $25,000 immediately, not trying to keep the bubbled
price of $338,000 sky high and then try to "reduce" the principal or to
"modify" the terms of loan in the name of my "mercy."  In other words,
I will let them have no problem to go fishing, not give them a fish by
so-called "charity" or "government welfare plans" when they cry out of
hunger.   Please, with your deep kind thoughts, take a good look at the
article: Homelessness Official Wins Praise With Focus on Permanent Housing

Well, they love to show you that they are working hard every day to
deserve the salary and hope; I am just a lazy guy who don't want to be
a stock day-trader, did I say that before? 

So to speak, different people, different position. I understand. 

the fed
Bernanke: Fix banks first
(NOTE: Here "fix" shall be changed into "FEED")
Fed chief says government's top priority is restoring financial stability to the system
and that next year could be one for recovery.
19 banks eligible for common infusion
Banks must give Fed notice of dividends

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太公乃周瑜之才, 果然抓住重點!
至於那些您指名, 在聯網掌船的烏鴉, 真是蔣幹者流, 誰請了他們, 誰倒楣!
就看鐵馬華舌, 宋營抽煙斗的和一群散鯊, 義和團的歪大師兄, 全是一群在聯鎖船上等待燒死的酒囊飯袋!
還有那阿立刻死, 擺出一副經濟學叫獸的嘴臉, 經濟大蕭條都是他們這幫烏鴉, 喊出來的不吉利! 跟那兩隻雌雄同體的雞, 都是走狗級的網工, 沒品的人渣!
沒錯! 麥芽糖罵他們!

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死豬不怕滾水燙, 麥芽糖就領你的軍令狀!
反正早就被小二和群網工圍堵打壓, 在聯網行情, 不可能更低. 怕誰?
美國浪費成性, 現在叫苦連天, 就是因為揮霍過度.
麥芽糖的草船, 就攻美國的信用制度. 保證草人滿載而歸!

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