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Why Michael contacted me? 

Simple, he would like to buy my Land Contract.

I have got more than 10 inquiries about the Deed in a week and one made me an offer.  Who says the market is dead or freeze?  Please take a real action to understand the difference between the "public" economy and the "private" economy.

Why I mentioned a Rolex watch in this transaction?  It is very interesting part of the fun.  I will talk to you about it later.  It is all about "creativity" on which people is talking all day long, but really do not mean it.  You can better know the meaning of it by first seeing the nature of a trade (who says we need money or cash to make a transaction?  Almost the bankers or institutional big guys eye on one thing only: Cash.  That is a tradition of modern society: No down payment, No loan; No loan, No deal; No deal, No business; No business, No profit; No profit, No stock up; No stock spike, No economy revitalization; No economic revitalization, No job; and the lists can keep go on forever.

But, are you sure about all of it and we have to go through all this? 

Wrong to me.  We don't have to act as a dog chasing his tail around, without results.

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