WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson laid out his plans for the next stage of the financial market rescue package, announcing he has shelved a plan to buy troubled mortgage assets and is moving his attention to non-banks and consumer finance.
綜觀人類文明史﹐以經濟為核心(改天我會談談現代法制方面的複雜可怕)﹐從以貨易貨(barter)﹐到以『錢』(money)作為交易媒介﹐再演變至『信用』(credit)﹐成為現代社會最新的融通工具﹔各種現代投資術語或 vehicle ﹐會把人給弄得眼花目眩﹐其實﹐抓本就實﹐最根本的主軸﹐還是萬變不離其宗﹐一切在價值(value)。
交易(trade)﹐根本是價值的交換。現世一般草民﹐大多只涉及現金(cash)﹐給五元﹐換得一份漢堡止饑﹐也就很自然的以台幣﹑美金這些外在形式的錢幣﹐取代價值的本体﹔而現代經濟學家﹐追求科學化﹐第一步﹐當然是要有客觀可評的『數量化』(quantification )﹐演成萬事皆以『錢(貨幣)』為準則﹐政府預算如此﹐國家毛生產額等統計﹐亦然如斯。一切經濟活動及現象﹐如果不透過市場運作﹐以貨幣價格﹐展現出其價值﹐都被視為狗屁。因此﹐家庭托兒(daycare)生產出極高的國民生產額﹐但家庭主婦﹐持家相夫教子﹐就是沒有生產性﹐在國家經濟文件數字上﹐毫無價值可言。這顯然絕不符事實﹐對吧﹖
Paulson lays out rescue-plan shift to consumers
But in a striking admission, Paulson said that buying up mortgage assets "is not the most effective way" to use government funding.
"This will take weeks to design and then it will take longer to get up and going," Paulson said.
Finally some VIP in power admitted his solution on the supply side of credit has not working. For months, I keep to direct you that it is not caused by credit supply, it is the other side of the coin: demand side. You don't believe and keep to ignore me. Now, you say you will dramatically switch to "consumer." Sounds it is a new direction, but I just wonder if it is the right one for you and the public!
Common, Paulson, don't just give us your bullshit by saying what "is not" and change your tone of one-day urgency into "weeks to design", after you and Ben Bernanke spent $2 trillion on the financial sector or to bailout the Wall street fat cats. Well, Paulson, your tuition to learn basics of the science of Economy is too costly to our nation's economy.
Instead, tell us what it is the medicine and what shall or can be done to quick fix the problem.
Now, looking around at what we get. We have to "enjoy" the dumb-duck Congress under leadership of Speaker Pelosi and FDIC Chairwoman Bair in banking and housing market, it seems you guys still can't see the core problem of daily reality yet; and keep your faiths in Kevin Phillips' saying "socialism for the rich." (NOTE: Socialism is supposed for the poor, working or middle classes. It is so funny to see it be used for the rich.")
I gave up my hope to Paulson or GWB. Hopefully, everything can be reversed in 50 days, if Obama can be as wise and smart as the most Americans hope for.
PS: As said by Alex Merk, Merk Investments, "[Paulson's] been flip-flopping on every plan and it doesn't look like he has a plan." it is no plan at all. All at Paulson's hands is a "hot potato." Gee! it is great to my content since it still come up with a "P" for an idiot, even not a plan, but a potato.