I am totoally with you. Per statistics, only about 10% (note: correctly 17.8%) of American household make more than $100,000. (NOTE: top 10% earn $118K.) That's my impression. I will go check it out for you. Therefore, McCain is out of touch of the people. I don't blame him since he divorced his ill wife and married Cindy, the rich girl of rich family and has no idea of how an average Joe lives. American society is notorious in making things so complex that no simple norm or value exists. (NOTE: you may call it "fine print" to erase or take back what they promised. If you still don't see it, just look at what happen in the Wall Street the past 15 days. Ask youself if there is a good order of market for you to make "buy" or "sell"? Where is the certainty of normal rules you can have to invest prudently, let alone fairness? No wonder you see a huge swing. Who created this financial chaos or turnoil?) The system is just as a recent movie ads TV spot said: "There is only one rule for the game, that is, there is no rule." Got the idea? A civilization is based on "trust" and "confidence" that make it so different from a barbarian one. But, look around, where is the trust or confidence? Do we have a simple morality to guide our behaviors? Sorry, I have to say all the lawyers would lose their jobs if we do. Look at Japan, there is no one lawyer for a town with 50,000 population. (you can check internet by "Japanese lawyer") And look at American society, how many attorneys we have to support? Tell you that Ten Thousand Times per capita. Well, I believe in nature and "simple is beauty" that is just the opposite to the American system, no matter what it is, say, political, economic, court or financial. Bailout plan is basically a tool to serve the rich. It almost does nothing to the poor or even working class (NOTE: both two parties' candidates are talking about "middle class," but it is NOT the half bottom wroking class) . If you don't believe me, go check this link: Corporate governance takes back seat in bailouts. Why it seems most people take it for granted "two or more" low paid jobs for a person; and ignore the real voice or forget the misery of the bottome 50% American household living under poverty? Simple as Michael Zweig said, they don't have much political muscle organized as those lobbyists in DC. 誠乃咱中國人說的偷天換日﹑上有政策下有對策(正確『互動論』說法﹐應該是你有心意﹐我有辦法﹔或更正確的說﹐你有點子﹐我有痞子。)﹐苦的是一般百姓也。 ps. I found the correct data: only top 10% of all U.S. households make more than $118,000 a year: