Yes, MaCain did a good job; however, why he didn't get it right from the biginning.
The best statement in this debate is: "If you want to run against Bush, you should have run four years ago!"
Sure enough, Obamakeep labeling McCain to Bush. This is dirty and empty! He kept saying this is 21 first century - his change is empty and can not be excuted; however, it is just like the "Love Taiwan" and "Pin economic".
Unfortunately, McCain wasn't able to knock out Obama like Kennedy or Reagon did. Obama kept blah blah bah; however, his grabbing the stage and kept his mouth running works with people with less intelliggance.
McCaine nailed Obama twice: on ACORN and John Lewis.
Obama shagged both by lying and blah blah blah; however, anybody look at the fact knows that McCain got him:
ACORN is registering a football team in every state: this is election fraud! That's howObama defeated Clinton: she got more vote; however, he bought more super deligate to win! Obama said that he has notmuch to do with ACORD; however, right after debate and before debate, many people pointed out that Obama ave ACORN money: note - he gave, not receive! Those people who are using Santa Clause and Mickey Mouse as voter got paid by Obama. Just like USA is saying: Al Kaida is paying for the insurgants in Iraq to go against America!
As for John Lewis - he is such a loser who is black and is a big joke in black. he is what I remember: John supported Hillery. He even went on media accused Obama's campain using phone system to harras his voter/supporter. When Obama bought enough influance, he jumped from Clinton to Obama. What a smart ass! Now he waged his sword against McCaine and was cought by the media - apparently some dirty tricks everybody dislike.
McCaine had Obama good: the anchor asked "what are the negative things that has been running around and what do YOU say" McCain is a gentleman - he stopped the verterans against Kerry last election - I admire him for that. He just took Lewis out as example and also said: I fix every bit dirty trick first moment on every account both my and my opponest's accusation. Obama did NOTHING! So Obama said: we issued statement, blah blah blah!
Heck! This differance will not affect the election. People already made up their mind. The next three and half weeks is just going to be worse!
If American can not have the intelligance to pick a gentleman over a lyer and his blank check. it is American deserve their foolishness! Unfortunately, American did it in 2000 and 2004. I see there is not differance this round!
Sorry I had to run. Thank ET for the analysis: too late and not enough to save USA and the world - luckily the worl knows how to distance itself from the USA.
Oh: Thank you very much for the nice analysis. UDN webAdmin can only recommand those who copies from the US media - she needs constant pieces of article to fill up her front page - rather garbage than nothing. Thank you for giving out those real pearl - it take time and effortand occassion to produce pearl. She can use those glass marble to fill up her media, sometime, they even use woman breast and naked picture. that's marketing - what can a media do when their money come from how many people read their product - pronography might not be moral; but sure bring in money, right?
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