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本欄原名『嗯嗯﹐老狗沒新﹖只有腐朽﹖』﹐上貼一日﹐現在加註感想修正﹐改文章名如上。 從破筍『上山』到『下海』﹐盼國人有啟示﹐能息爭救祖國 | 瀏覽3|回應0|推薦0 |
| 2008/10/14 22:27:59 | | 呵呵呵﹗上週末有個8G大拜拜﹐在華府召開喔。國人看到這一次的會議﹐情形如何﹖有何感想﹖ 對﹗表面如從前﹐還是一團和氣﹐八國聯軍誓師﹐團結一致﹐作秀打氣﹐力戰世界金融危困﹔但是﹐太公雖人在德州﹐沒享用派對一點紅酒醉﹐依然是屁後有真言吐。 錯﹗這一次的8G會議﹐實在不像以前的台灣國建會﹐政治大拜拜喔﹗開會時﹐一定很熱鬧﹔太公可以想像﹕老美被批鬥得狗血濆頭﹐歐日七國用力﹐勢如破筍﹐直搗北京頤和圓﹐讓義和團潰不成軍。喔喔﹖弄錯啦﹐是勢如破『竹』﹐直搗華府『華爾街團』﹐才對﹗ 所以啦﹗從會議頭﹐您看到破筍一再堅持所提的計劃﹐是購買爛貸款呆帳之類的壞頭寸(bad assets)﹐可曾有提過什麼『購買銀行equity﹐合夥入股經營』嗎﹖【在開會前兩天﹐本來大家猜測悶葫蘆﹐也只有約二成專家認為﹐有可能破筍會買銀行的股權﹐但是隔天﹐馬上就被潑一盆冷水﹐又只好猜說﹐破筍不可能如此作為。當然﹐到現在也沒人說﹐是布希政府當凱子﹐給錢作equity investment。】 可是﹐經濟信息﹐瞬間萬變。嘿嘿嘿﹗到會議快尾聲﹐週日卻傳出破筍要『購買銀行權益』﹐這代表著一個很大的思想取向變化﹐是從量變到質變。 不僅在法律上﹐從借貸性債權債務(loan)關係﹐突變成合夥經營(equity sharing)的質變﹐是從凱子花錢耍闊﹐到銳變成『認真將本做生意』粗淺自由市場機制﹔在社會涵義上﹐從給救濟﹐施『不公之捨』的抽象社會福利(entitlement)﹐到改成有『以工代賑』意涵﹑追求社會正義(social justice) 的巨變。 換言之﹐今日破筍的政策取向﹐似乎放棄『純施惠友儕﹐猛錦上添花』的鴨霸玩私想法﹐改採歐洲八﹑九十年代較老臣持重的『天下為公』思路【太公前有文﹐點到北歐的銀行國有化公營化】。何以破筍今有悟焉﹖這絕非開會時美人醇酒能成﹐非像太公在聯網般﹐給當頭捧賀﹐不可及也。 哈哈﹗昨日股市大漲近千﹐太公心理有數﹐給太婆『暫緩購屋』建議﹔今晨一看太公八大秘書作記﹐送來的說帖﹐馬上讓太公腦子有一個形象升起。伊娘列﹗老美有一電視節目﹐叫什麼『狂人電視』(Mad TV)﹔經常有政治諷剌﹐一再請奧婆馬及馬坎(當然是假人偶象)上台﹐唉﹗馬坎那副老態﹐像古時的卡通﹐動作僵硬傀儡狀﹐迎上太公眼前。 人家都能抓住時代脈動﹐奧婆馬能投人民所好﹐提出五點『新』經濟計劃【唉﹗在太公看﹐新個屁啊﹗】﹐以順導之﹐以爭取民心﹔我所尊敬的馬坎﹐您慢一天提策略﹐拿香跟拜﹐失去先機﹐就不說也罷了﹐但見您老卻仍就依然﹐再那兒拾起破筍這兩天放棄的骨頭﹕購買銀行的呆帳劣貸証券【請見下面引用文﹕ Buy Mortgage】﹐再精心畫符﹐在人民眼鼻上﹐也是陳腐。 唉﹗老狗學不了新技巧﹐只會打口號“Country First”乎﹖【別誤會﹗這話不是衝著老馬先生的競選標語﹐也不是針對小馬老弟﹐而是主要在說太公自己喔﹗唐詰呵德﹐老是中華民國。是不是該學奧婆馬甜言蜜語﹐也來個『我們要求變』的競選標語﹐才能獲得電小二加持﹐一分鐘聯網人推薦上千哪﹖嗯嗯﹐老狗沒新﹖只有腐朽味﹖】 GOP contender will announce a new economic plan that addresses housing and tax rules.October 14, 2008: 9:09 AM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Sen. John McCain will outline new economic proposals on Tuesday at a rally in suburban Philadelphia, his campaign announced. The plan - entitled "The Pension and Family Security Plan" - will "help those who are currently hurting the most" from the ongoing economic crisis, "including workers, homeowners, and seniors," according to his campaign. The new plan builds on McCain's "American Homeownership Resurgence Plan" that was introduced last week. The campaign said that proposal called for using $300 billion of the $700 billion financial bailout package to keep Americans in their homes, stop declining housing values, and stabilize the financial markets. In a one-on-one interview Monday with CNN's Dana Bash, the Arizona Republican said, "I have a positive plan; we'll bring the economy back." The plan calls for lower taxes on seniors tapping their retirement accounts, suspending tax rules that force seniors to sell their stocks in the midst of this financial crisis, and accelerating tax write-offs for those forced to sell stocks at a loss in the current market. Capital gains It also calls for reducing capital gains taxes for 2009 and 2010 to raise the incentive to save and invest; purchasing mortgages directly from homeowners and mortgage services, which will be replaced by manageable and fixed rate mortgages; and eliminating taxes on unemployment benefits. McCain's announcement comes one day after his rival, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, announced his own proposals, which his campaign termed an "economic rescue plan for the middle class." McCain gave CNN a hint of the new plan in Monday's interview. When asked if he was going to offer anything new in terms of economic proposals this week, McCain answered by saying, "I'll let you know tomorrow." But McCain has his work cut out for him when it comes to the economy. The most recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll suggests Americans think Obama would do a better job than McCain when it comes to the economy. Of those polled, 57% said Obama would do a better job dealing with the economy, with 37% saying McCain would do best.  | Which banks may get the most under the Paulson plan: |
Citigroup J.P. Morgan Bank of America Merrill Lynch | $25 billion $25 billion $12.5 billion $12.5 billion |
| | Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley State Street Bank Bank of New York | $10 billion $10 billion $3 billion $3 billion |
Retirement, tax policies unveiled a day before final presidential debateSpeaking at a town hall meeting in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, McCain, R-Ariz., proposed to tax withdrawals from individual retirement accounts and 401(k) plans at the lowest rate of 10% this year and in 2009. McCain also called for reducing the maximum tax rate on long-term capital gains to 7.5% in 2009 and 2010 and for exempting unemployment benefits from taxation. The new proposals came as the Republican contender trails his Democratic challenger in the polls. With less than a month to go until Election Day, McCain is behind Obama by about 7 percentage points in the latest average of polls from RealClearPolitics. McCain pummeled Obama's policies in his speech on Tuesday, telling a cheering crowd that Obama's tax plans would turn a recession into a depression. "Senator Obama is going to raise your taxes," McCain told the crowd in Pennsylvania's Montgomery County. McCain's proposals are aimed at helping workers, homeowners and seniors who are hurting as a result of the financial crisis, the Arizona Republican's campaign said. Read more. On Wall Street, stocks tilted solidly lower Tuesday afternoon as cheer over the government's plan to invest billions of dollars in banks gave way to worries about the economy, denting shares in the consumer-discretionary and technology sectors. See Market Snapshot. Obama introduced new policies of his own Monday, including allowing people to withdraw up to $10,000 from their retirement accounts without a tax penalty for two years and a partial moratorium on foreclosures. Tuesday morning, a spokesman for the Obama campaign called McCain's latest policy ideas "a day late and 101 million middle-class families short." "His plan continues to provide no tax relief at all to 101 million hardworking families, including 97% of senior citizens, and it does nothing to cut taxes for small businesses or give them access to credit," spokesman Bill Burton said in an emailed statement to reporters. McCain and Obama are scheduled to debate for the third and final time Wednesday evening. The debate is scheduled for 9 p.m. EDT at Hofstra University in New York. The scheduled topics are the economy and domestic policy |
| 註﹕本欄文﹐其實最重要的﹐是一段根本沒有提到﹐毫不彰顯的引用聯結Why it's stimulus time again。(請原諒太公有私心﹐原想傳授藏私留一手)從這個聯結﹐馬坎理應可以提出相當漂亮的簡單方案﹐來個『一石兩鳥』﹐從根本上解決問題。太公要請問﹕國人能看得出其中奧妙嗎﹖(太公不想吹牛﹐在原文中只提『暫緩購屋』﹐其實早就告訴太婆﹐股票仍然要大跌回八千五百點之下。蓋老美仙丹﹐以粗淺經濟學觀﹐仍捨本逐末﹐非大長今之方劑也。) 太公就給三個個引子﹕ 一﹐今春﹐布希發紅包﹐四月底起﹐人人有意外六百美元退稅款﹐以因應經濟消退﹐剌激復蘇﹐乃係當時布希﹑笨垃圾主流思想﹐簡稱為 Stimulus Plan。對吧﹖ 二﹐星期一股市大漲近千﹐昨天又有人再重提出此聯結﹐至少是有隱憂未除﹐對吧﹖ 三﹑今晨股市因零售市場蕭條﹐又再大跌四百二點﹔至少証明太公觀察﹕老美用的是退燒劑﹐藥效一過﹐發燒高熱再回。這又何謂也﹖自己想吧﹐至少您該知道﹐尚未有治本之方也。 再註﹕唉﹗沒錯吧﹖老狗學不了新技﹐對吧﹖老美就是要把一切﹐搞得很複雜﹐馬坎先生不會簡單明白﹐不能一句話﹐像中共佔據大陸那樣喊出『窮人翻身』﹐就讓人人大悟﹐心嚮往之嗎﹖ 馬坎拿香跟拜﹐全盤戰略大輸。距大選雖有三週﹐但戰略上要出奇策﹐讓奧婆馬下盤不穩﹐一擊七吋而躺平﹐最佳良機﹐在明晚的全國辯論﹐卻似乎只勝下一天。除非賓拉登給個幫忙﹐再襲紐約九一一﹐或馬坎能見此文Why it's stimulus time again而有頓悟﹐馬坎坐失江山﹐大勢已鐵定。 看來﹐天宿命定﹐讓太公就保有二十年記錄﹕從未在美國投票吧。 三註﹕每件事﹐皆可以有不少角度﹐去觀察﹑認知﹑有悟﹐如同一顆寶石﹐專家要深思鑽研﹐觀察各界面﹐提出接觸解決(approach)點﹐刻劃刀一下﹐方能讓原石璞玉﹐成梨形﹑翠玉形﹑圓形﹐有最大經濟效益﹑顯現最完美的藝術品。 同理﹐破筍從『渡人上岸』﹐演變成『自己下海』﹐姑不論其成敗﹐這在思維上﹐代表著他在處理事物上﹐有角度的絕對大變化﹔在學術上言﹐是研究法(approach)的根本大轉變。 再同理﹐聯網人觀察政治現象﹐有左中右毒﹐對中國兩岸﹐至少有統獨兩極﹐對我心愛的中華民國﹐冷漠或鄙棄之。換言之﹐以立場態度決定對錯正邪。這種處置方式﹐亦可謂某種心態﹐或某種既定的接觸解決法(approach)。 太公知道再如何苦口婆心﹐也改變不了國人眼界﹐救不了國人一心要『飲鴆止渴』的決心﹐但是最後還是多一嘴﹐看看國人所瞧不起的番洋人破筍﹐從置身在外﹐『救友上岸』﹐到自己下海﹐『菩薩入地嶽』的決事方法﹐請國人捫心自問﹕就只有兩條路﹐放在整個偉大的中國人民面前﹕玩死兔會死的『一國兩制』﹐或台灣獨立﹖除此之外﹐沒有第三條路﹐可以和平奮鬥救中國乎﹖ |
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Prof. Zweig has a "Check" plan
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Guest Blogger: Michael Zweig's Proposal for Economic Stimulus Send checks to people. The first stimulus package earlier this year sent money to almost everyone, including people at the upper end of the income distribution, who tend to save the money. Instead, the government should now send an average $2,000 check to each of the 55 million households in the bottom half of the income distribution, (NOTE: I believe it is not good enough or sufficient to do the job by giving out 2,000. The best for it is to create the same short effect, say, a few months, as the "tax rebate" did by Bush last Spring.) those making less than $50,000 a year. These families will spend the money they receive, simultaneously relieving their own economic needs and stimulating the new production and employment required to meet their new demand for goods and services.
**** A totalitarian or communist regime makes its mandates based on the few "elites" in which an order is given from the top to the bottom. Is it true a democracy has its policies coming the opposite way, from the bottom to top? Here Prof. Zweig has a "Check" plan that designs to directly give money to those "invisible" bottom household. I have never read his books and don't know if I agree with his plans or viewpoints. I may not like his "class" orientation. But, clearly, I have to agree that we have some agreed perspective on American society. At one point, we happen to share the same conclusion: give money DIRECTLY to the most needed working class or the most less-fortunate poor (I hate to use "forgotten" or "distressed" ) to revitalize American economy. To stop the recent crisis immediately and to help cure the whole system in the forseeable future, it is the most effective mean under the current situation, I believe. ---This is what I felt after it is reported this morning that GWB plans to have a world summit to solve the crisis. What a waste it is for him to do as he has done to give us Paulson's plan! **** **** E T | 25 min ago Wow! Joe Can't Spend Money? Only the Big Cats Can. Other things being equal, there is no more additional risk for your "check" plan than the $700 billion law in terms of MacroEconomy. Let's give all the money of $700 billion directly to the bottom half as I proposed months ago. Yes, even I don't like the idea of "government intervention". I mean we give $20,000 every household who makes the bottom 80%+/- or $100,000 in America. |
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三十分鐘前﹐FM 91.3報導﹐老美財長總算公開承認﹐在處理金融風暴時﹐過去犯下很大錯誤。 他們把葛老交下來的經濟﹐搞得一塌糊塗﹐究竟有何錯﹖文字媒体﹐迄今未有此一報導﹔但是太公相信﹐他絕不會具体說明﹐而打啞謎。 國人就別迷糊﹐答案就在我言﹕『寵供非需』這四個字﹔國人自已先想﹐有空﹐太公再細述之。 About half hour ago this morning, my local FM 91.3 "AP radio news" reported that Paulson FINALLY confessed they made mistakes which lead to the recent financial crisis. So don't blame the old guy Mr. Alan Greenspan. Paulson said "I am sorry." But exactly what the mistakes Bush Administration made? At the moment, I can't find any paper report on internet. But, I don't expect any detail will be provided by Paulson. However, I am sure that Paulson knows now that they forgot the basic of the science of Economics. There are always two sides of an activity: supply and demand. They used to look highly at "supply" side, such as supply of credit of business (so-called "liquidity"). They look down at "demand" side from the bottom. History tells us that's exactly the major mistake for a communist economy to fail. Now they finally realized what went wrong. Lucky we are, it is not too late. Paulson is getting back to the right track, even somehow not exactly to the point. It will help! So my fellow agent, do expect the influx of a lot of new REO coming up unto the market and prepare yourself to sell and make money. ps. Paulson regrets mistakes on economy WASHINGTON - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on Thursday expressed regret for the many errors made that led to the biggest financial crisis in seven decades, but he insisted the administration is pursuing the correct course now to end the debacle.
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10 minutes ago, I listened to my local FM 91.30 reporting the top news as follows: After today's DOW down 700 points, some VIP (maybe Senator Schumer, Chairman of banking committee) FINALLY came up and said, "It is of no use. We have to give money directly to the consumers. They don't see the benefits of all the plans. They need money: car loan, student loan." Finally, I hope, some VIP can see the points I made in my "AIP" (American Insurgence Plan). It is simple to be understand and acceptable by every average Joe as my initial "Cash Distribution Plan": to give $700 billion directly to the people. At the first it gives "presidential pardon" to every American people for some mistakes he made in the past, then it will help the economic booming by creating an effective market demand (or consumer spending) to help the retailers, at least this coming holidays, and with rosy business data it will turn around to help the banking system, at the end in the near future. That's why I said Paulson has done the opposite way and he was wrong in dealing with the situation. Who could miss the point: to be handed a big free amount of CASH, without any pay back obligation. Yes, money to you directly from U. S. Uncle Sam. Sounds so "Loud and Clearly" to everybody. Why those politicians mess it up with so complicated tax credit or deduction plans that an average Joe hardly understand. We will see those terms of Mars out of McCain and Obama tonight and to be broadcasted into air to vaporize with a lot confusion and anxiety that surely create no help to U.S. economy at all (no transparency or fairness exists). Gee, after Paulson changed his policy orientation or problem-solving approach, now FINALLY some VIP are getting serious message to see the issue to the point: the root of recent economic chaos as I, a VSP, previously said? I hope they can see how easy and simple the solution is and glad to find the lights at the end of financial mess tunnel.
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註﹕本主欄文﹐其實最重要的﹐是一段根本沒有提到﹐毫不彰顯的引用聯結 Why it's stimulus time again。 請原諒太公有私心﹐原想傳授藏私留一手﹐國人看出奧妙嗎﹖今春﹐布希發紅包﹐四月底起﹐人人有意外六百美元退稅款﹐以因應經濟消退﹐剌激復蘇﹐乃係當時布希﹑笨垃圾主流思想﹐簡稱為 Stimulus Plan。對吧﹖今天又有人再重提﹐這何謂也﹖自己想吧。
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