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A letter to Senator John McCain (edit/delete)

Wow! Joe Can't Spend Money? Only the Big Cats Can.

McCain bailout: New and workable, or desperate?

 McCain's proposal, which he calls the American Homeownership Resurgence Plan, would mandate it.

Consumers pay down debt for first time in 10 years  Outstanding debt falls by record $7.5 billion in August, Fed says.  (NOTE: To my surprise, this is the first sign to show us that U. S. economy may follow the so-called "Balance Sheet Recession" happen in Japan 18 years ago.  If it is the case, problem is no body wants to borrow money to expand his business or upgrade life style, not credit availability or financial freeze. )

My Honorable Senator McCain:

Let's do the American Insurgence (not Resurgence) Plan as what has happening in Iraq or Mao tse-tung did in battlefield, My dearest McCcain.  As a conservative capitalist as you are, the last thing I like to see is for you to lose the game. 

Please figure out a simple and workable plan as I put into my "AIP" above (Please take a note: It is not AIG who is just given additional fund of $37.8 billion after they got $86 billion and enjoyed a luxury weekend in California.)   

Go to the basic of business.  Do it simple, you will meet the minds of the root of our country.  American people will easily understand what you say and know you mean business:  to directly help the poor folks without complexity and bureaucracy.   Then, you can knock Obama off the balance and get the economic agenda back at your hands to the advantage of you.

Please I beg you do something real, efficient and effective to the cause of problems for the America.

God bless you! 

ps. The AIP makes sense if you consider:

       1. The $700 billion will equally distribute to every family in America.  No bureaucracy red tape involved.  No discrimination allowed to differentiate those CEOs or the invisible poor folks. 

       2. It is the basic and revolutionary theory of John M. Keynes that there was no self-correcting property in the market system to keep capitalism growing and that government spending might be an esssential economic policy for a depressed capitalism trying to recover its vitality.  

Now it is the time to stimulate our system which is clogged, freeze or "dead".   Yes, the most important economic sector is industrial factories or manufactures at the time Keynes imported the idea.  So, the "new deal" basically worked on manufacturing the major infrastructure.  But, our society evolved into a service industry for 52 years.  Time is changed. Situation is relatively total different since then.  We have to do something in service sectors, not just infrastructure.

      3. What is the most important sector in our service-oriented society.  Yes, I don't blame you to first think of the banking system since it is so important.  But, to deeply think, is it really the most important force for our market or economy?  

After WWII,  the world resurgence has been counted on the Bretton Woods system until 1970'.  In fact, the system and the world finance are largely based on American consumer's spending or consumption to create the wealth in Europe or other emerging countries.  It is safe for me to say it is the major engine for the world today.

Given the fact that 80% of U. S. economic production or activities comes from American consumer spending, it should rank the number 1 factor to  our economy or the world prosperity.  Let me put it this way, there is no place for the Wall Street financial machine to operate smoothly without American consumers.  Conversely, our ancestors still can do business without the Wall Street.

Recently, we read so many reports regarding the retail projection.   Almost everyone says bad holiday sales expected.  Where those consumers go?  Why they don't spend money?  Instead, they are trying to pay back their debts.  Saving is a good deed, but at this difficult time it is probably not so good.   It is an alternative to help the economy for GWB to ask his fellow citizens to spend "tax rebate" when he gave it out last Spring.   It works for a while, but the amount of rebate is too small to do the job.

Take a look at Japan where depression prolong for 20 years since everyone wants to keep his balance sheet look good and try to conserve cash.  No one wants paper, credit or expansion.  Even the Japanese government or banks charges no interest, they can't make lending. 

To bailout the main street first to revive our consumer spending is the key to save the financial system, not the opposite.  Paulson's folks believe to bailout the wall street first.  That is the reason why they keep doing something without results and still see negative reactions of stock market.  Their wishes to keep real estate price so high to be unaffordable to business or Mr. Joe is NOT the right medicine. It is a poison.

When we create and expand American consumer's ability to spend money overnight to improve business climate, at least have rosy holidays for our retailers, we certainly have to better our skills to fix, regulate and overhaul the financial system.

McCain bailout: New and workable, or desperate?
McCain's proposal, which he calls the American Homeownership Resurgence Plan, would mandate it.
The McCain camp has estimated the cost of his proposal at roughly $300 billion. But Guy Cecala, chief executive and publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance Publications, said it would more than likely be double that.
Losses on troubled properties equal roughly $100,000 to $125,000 per house, and there are roughly 5 million homes with problem loans, according to Cecala. That amounts to as much as $600 billion the government would have to take on.

Creating such a mechanism to individually process this many loans would be a logistical nightmare for a bureaucracy such as the FHA, according to A.W. Pickel, president of mortgage broker Lender One Financial in Lenexa, Kan., and former president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. "It would be a Herculean effort for a nonbureaucracy," Pickel said.
He added that the underlying problem is affordability. Until that issue is addressed, it will be tough to get the housing market in order.
"The merry-go-round had to stop," he said. "Prices won't go up forever."


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【一】太公南投鄉下草民﹐台灣土狗一隻。雖然老蓋仙﹐很愛蓋﹔但是整天只有放『不響』的屁而已﹐沒有影響的﹔絕對沒有gail 天真秀氣﹐有哭有響﹐更沒歪人的歪聲大躁音。





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GAIL在 2004年, 向凱利投書, 欲訴子彈門之冤.


共業者, 眾人之業也.

老丐忙得不可開交, 無暇來說美國宋連扁之事.

天意, 共業!


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Real Homes of Genius: 751 Square Foot Home in Norwalk Half Off and Still Over Priced. And the Worst Housing Idea Yet.

Comment by E T MyAvatars 0.2

October 9th, 2008 at 7:21 am

I am very disappointed at Senator McCain and Gov. Palin even I was supportive to them. It is platform without any for him to have his "American Homeownership Resurgence Plan."  Seems no any merit in it in terms of transparency, social justice, wealth equality, you name it?  It really comes out of McCain, my hero with strong personality and determination to first serve his country? 

The last thing I want is to see McCain lose the election. What can I say to help them understand the situation when I see it is a big mistake they did? I have never written a letter to a presidential candidate. But, I have to release what I feel now.

Enclosed here is a link: A letter to Senator John McCain

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It is so strange that recently nobody is willing to post a comment on my 4 artcles talking about "economic bailout" as opposed to the popularity I used to have in this website. 

It seems to me that nobody believe my seriousness in posting my funny "Cash Distribution" plan for its simplicity or stupidity on face.

It seems that people thought that I am too dumb and naive to waste their time to make a comment.  They believe to solve a complex problem is to order a very fancy and expensive drug.  The cold fever won't leave us by just using Aspirin. 

It seems that I am making things so simple.  It does not fit in the delicate complexity of mind a well-educated modern man supposed to have.

I have thinking it over and over.  Am I so stupid?   Look at Dr. HB's long article linked above.  I admire him for his detailed explanation to target the problem.  But, it takes too much time for us to read and think and there is no resolution from him.

Is there a simplified way to address the best solution to my fellow Americans?  Simple and easy, no need for you guys to take time to think armed with professional economic knowledge?  And you will cry out a big "YES" naturally with your instincts?

Oh, I got a rough clue.  Let me figure it out. 

For now, just click the following link to enjoy Paris Hilton's "bailout" ideas in her campaign for our President.  (NOTE: Certainly, she is well prepared her inauguration very soon.  Even it is just a "fake" one, I wish her a great success in solving our problems with the internet style: politicians sell dog food, because his poppies ask for it.) 



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