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George, Be a Good Boy Please!


 Congress weighs options amid signs of optimism   

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Calling it a "critical moment" for the U.S. economy, President Bush called on Congress Tuesday to regroup and act quickly on legislation to prop up the faltering financial system, one day after the House shocked Washington and the markets by rejecting a $700 billion rescue plan.

Bush: Inaction isn't option
After setback, pro-bailout lawmakers return to work on legislation to overcome hurdles.



Hi! my dear boy George (Not the famous singer),

Let's show you what impatience is. 

You should know we couldn't heal a wound and have the scar disappear overnight.  No doctor or medicine can do it except the nature.  And it takes time, not like a McDonald hamburger or an instant marriage.  

A older seasoned man knows when to act or not to act, or to hold or fold, by experience.  To act may make something even worse.  Sometimes, inaction is the best option, much better than a reckless mistake.  Now is the time for our congressman and people to rest, think and re-think.  We want to fix it right the first time when it is broken. 

We don't understand why almost everyone in Wall Street shouted out: "the stock is floored" or "the capitalism or Wall Street is ended."    When we take a 10 days time frame to gouge it, we look at the curve before and after the broader plan you boys invented on September 18.   In fact, the stock market gains more points back today.  To make Dow index even 241 points higher than the day you unveiled the plan. 



Something is so weired.  Around afternoon of September 18, the stock shot up for 800 points two days in a roll when a rumor was confirmed there was a George Boy's plan to "bailout" bad assets.  However, yesterday (Mondy) when almost everyone got an impression by your guys sayings that our Congress would pass the plan with broad agreement reached, the stock started to act so strangely.   In the very early morning, stock began to fell more than 500 points before the vote was casted, even long before the plan was defeated. 

With the same auroa of optimism, why the sentiment is so big different?   Are there some forces trying to manipulate the voting process and result?  I don't know and don't want to speculate it since there is no proof, even I noticed there is one congressman said "stock is falling, let us get the job done."

Then, today we look around to find out that American dollar is worth a lot more against Euro or Japanese dollar .  It is hard to see it so strong recently, am I right?  





$1 is worth...
0.7117 Euro106.14 ¥en

So, George, take it easy and relax.  It is something a lot different from your field trip to Disneyland for a roller coaster.  In Disneyland, you don't even need a 3 pages plan sketch prepared by Hank Paulson.  All you need is to prepare yourself to cry out.   But I am sure you learn how to sit tight there, right? 

There is a saying "don't fix it if it is not broken."  Okay, you guys claimed it was too bad as a dead meat.   Being a responsible adult, we don't want to act like a lemon car dealer in recklessness.   It has to be serious in business.  So, The most important for us is not to act like a lemon car dealer to treat his customers.  We need a quiet and peaceful climate to listen, observe, verify and analyse what the reality, causes or consequence are and to figure out what options we may have.  

Please don't just cry out your noisy voice all day long to terrify everyone, okay? 

Now, it is the best time for my dear George to sit tight on the corner chair facing the wall to think too.  If you are naive and don't want to use your brain, just be quiet and patient staying there.  At least, allow us listen to what the next presidential hopefuls have to say please. 

Thank you my dear for your cooperation!   You're our good boy now, and I promise you I will buy you a Klondike later. 

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