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今日紐約股市續昨日﹐又再大漲三百六十二點﹐兩天內共漲八趴近九百點。很好﹐大家高興了吧﹗ 布希﹑病拉圾﹑破而遜﹐均可獲共產黨五星獎章﹗蓋搗毀自由資本主義市場機制﹐史無前例﹐連共產黨徒都非佩服不可。 在歷史上﹐股市有這種大漲的光輝記錄不多﹔恐怕只有一九二九年經濟大蕭條後﹐十月最後兩天有這樣連漲十九趴﹑三天內共漲二十九趴的記錄。 好了﹗接下來﹐在三十年代﹐股市表現如何﹖當然﹐您大概猜得到﹐那三天二十九趴後﹐股市在『市場看不見的手』﹐自然運作下﹐一直跌﹐直直落﹐半年就跌掉八十六趴喔﹗ 布希在AIG八百五十億紓困案《計估算﹐只要七百五十億﹐扣除紐約州長同意運用AIG子公司的兩百億﹐就只需五百五十億﹐要五毛給一塊﹐真有夠伊娘列凱子的慷慨》﹐大幅給補助後﹐應該適可而止﹐讓市場自然運息﹐不如此而為﹐反下猛藥﹐為資本家服務﹐誠畫蛇添足。 以史為鑑﹐是傳統哲學式觀事法之一﹐但並非今日科學實証的法則。固然﹐歷史不會重演﹐但會唱同樣的調﹐這種可能性是存在的﹔咱們就瞧下週股市回趺﹐歷史會不會再現吧﹗ 用歷史觀察﹐政府的政治力干涉﹐在一定的範圍﹐有相當的作用《如以國土言﹐在自己的主權內》﹐但仍有其極限。涉及各國的互動﹐而具全球性質的經濟﹐就可以說難有成效﹔歷史上從未有過強權﹐能以經濟封鎖﹐達到所要的結果﹔就是如日中天的法國拿破崙﹐都沒有辦法辦到。 再依據其他各種可能的角度觀﹐雖然布希數月來採取相當非正常政策﹐特別是這兩天的口頭宣示﹐替經濟活動﹐注入太多的不確定因素﹐增加投資人觀望及市場停滯的可能性﹐市場已注定更難有正常而有序。《有空﹐太公會進一步分析。現在﹐諸君若是閒閒﹐自己想想﹐太公在說啥﹖別老是當鴨子要人填。就給個引子﹐何謂經濟學的『誘因』﹖》 這些馬戲團式的政治表演﹐正如吃鴉片止疼﹐只有口惠的一時興奮而已﹐無助健康。例如﹐上月通過的『房市救急』法《預定在下個月實施》﹐尚未執行﹐現在就已經破功﹐就別把世界熱錢操控者當傻瓜吧﹗ 太公很肯定的說﹐布希政府的措施﹐採取『掩耳盜鈴』﹑『爛瘡猛噴香水』取向﹐避開對症下藥﹐是完全符合美式『淺碟民主』的政治遊戲規則﹐但只會宛如二戰前英相張伯倫一樣﹐『姑息養奸』﹐救了股市大款﹐救不了一般經濟。 Classic Bear Market rally: click for ginormous chart Chart courtesy of FusionIQ, Bloomberg
C>> Best 2 day the Dow has seen since 1929 -- and how'd that work out for ya?
A 29% rally, followed by an 86% sell off . . .
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Investors pull $43B out of stock funds **** 老美首長追逐『公權』私蠻(powerful government intervention)﹐不求大眾私人(peaceful private enterprise)﹐以陽剛鬥柔柳﹐市場將更混濁﹐近日難見晴陽。 唉﹗州官瞎眼不見本(Bush still insists "the core" of problem is credit market freeze" today after Dow down another 1,200 points in the very early morning)﹐處此動盪不安﹐財富大洗牌時﹐正是安穩社會難期會有的﹕『馬有野草﹐人有橫財』的機會﹐幾家歡樂幾家愁。不期人民能有智﹐個個成英雄﹐但請自求多福有樂﹐就千萬請別盲目﹐拿香跟拜﹐那不成狗雄﹐也會倒霉有千愁喔﹗﹗ Who are the investors mentioned in the above article? Good question, right? I moved my 401K from AIG managed fund into MET when AIG showed its trouble about one month ago. Now, there is problems reported about MET and its stock plunged from $60 to $22 in a month. Well, am I an investor who is so worry to act, re-act and move fund around now and again even I don't own one share of AIG or MET? Maybe, one day I just hide my money under mattress. (NOTE: Hate being dragged around, I just quite and rest peace on my cash at night, right? Anyway, sometimes cash is the king, particularly in the time of credit crunch; who cares of the stupid worthless Wall Street paper the government wants "badly"?) If you are like me, are you considered yourself as an investor? Exactly you are no matter you are aware of or not. Why the stock market fluctuates so rapidly? I would like to invite you to consider why you will react wildly as an investor in face of the Hurricane Paulson. (NOTE: please take the following link for your reference: The dog didn't bark and decide whoever infuse the uncertainty into the market to further make it insecure?) Today in financial world, there are so many forces in charge of market movement. We can classify them as Public or civilian (private). We can do that and say institutional investors or individual investors. In the Wall Street, there are about 95% activities done by the institutional investors. Per statics, there are about 5,000 institutional investors. The individual investors in tradtional sense are only 5%. How could such 5% small individuals (take the face value at first glance, not the real market value) take such a huge amount of money (total of $63.4 billion) out of the Wall Street machine in a week? On the surface, it is a very interesting analogy. A little more than 5% of our existing housing units are sold every year. How could 5% sold units create such a disastrous turmoil to the Wall Street machine or housing market? I put up the above questions. If you can see the interactions inside the market operation, you will know why I say "to Bailout the Main Street First" is the key to solve the current problem. Do you remember that FED said earlier so often: to re-invite the private investors back into the mortgage market at the start of its meltdown? That's absolutely so right on track. Now Paulson lost his vision and Bernanke didn't remind him of the right direction. It is of no use for a sick tree to just take care of the branches and leave the root alone. 2 pennies for your thoughts, please.
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我見我思:7000億美元的豪賭 呂紹煒 中國時報 2008.09.27 由於美國內部爭議是否為搶救金融業而通過七千億美元的預算,全球金融市場也 為之上下擺盪。這筆預算,大概是除了軍事預算外,歷史上最大的單一政策預算,也堪稱一場豪賭。 但,說實話,它的正當性有問題、效果讓人懷疑。 ..... 不過,這種做法卻引發許多問題。一來,政府的買盤,頂多避免掉市場「殺盤」 造成的價格崩跌風險,但其實不能遏止資產減損。如果房貸違約持續增加,總有客觀評估這些資產減損程度的機制,這種計算,不因政府買下這些資產而能停損。二來,政府該用什麼價格買下這些資產。價格太高,明顯坑納稅人,圖利金融業者;價格太低,業者恐怕都不賣了哩。更何況,當由政府介入時,就很難有一個真正的「市場價格」。 ... 這代表什麼?代表只有賣不出的價格,沒有賣不出去的東西。那些犯了錯、瀕臨 倒閉邊緣的金融機構,只要價格殺得夠低,還是會有買家。如果價格再怎麼低都乏人問津,代表這企業已毫無價值,就關了吧!何必拿納稅人的錢去買這些企業的爛資產、讓這些爛企業再苟延殘喘呢?美國處理儲貸危機,最後把所有資產分包裹出售,價格低到如半買半送,參與此案的葛林斯潘就說「刺激買氣沒有比低價更有用」,想拾便宜貨者蜂擁而上,把價格拉高,幾個月全部資產都賣光。 所以,這次全球性的金融風暴,雖然非常恐怖,但,當你享受過雞尾酒晚宴的狂 歡,就要忍受酒醒宿醉的痛苦。從過去那麼多例子來看,市場一定有調整自瘉的能力,想用各種手段硬撐住不當的價格─如當年日本去撐股價、房價,反而拉長調整期。如果國會不通過這筆預算,短期當然對全球金融市場打擊甚大,但,中長期而言,可能才是好事哩,反而可加速金融與經濟體系的復原。等著瞧吧! 太公眉批如下﹕ 總的說﹐寫得相當好。在純經濟面觀﹐與紐約時報記者NORRIS一樣﹐有相當持平的說法。只是﹐二人皆不夠深入﹔政治經濟二者互相影響﹐二人皆未提及大賭注下政治勢力的互動動態﹐只提及理論的哲學靜態推理﹐就很讓人遺憾。在此大方案的『對奕』中﹐究竟誰是輸家﹖
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我見我思:7000億美元的豪賭 呂紹煒 中國時報 2008.09.27 由於美國內部爭議是否為搶救金融業而通過七千億美元的預算,全球金融市場也 為之上下擺盪。這筆預算,大概是除了軍事預算外,歷史上最大的單一政策預算,也堪稱一場豪賭。 但,說實話,它的正當性有問題、效果讓人懷疑。 這筆搶救金融業的預算要如何使用,仍未完全清楚,概括的說是要「承接不良資 產」─主要是承接不動產抵押貸款證券(MBS)與擔保債務債券(CDO);但,對持有不良資本的金融機構,又該如何處理?價格呢?雖然提出了「反向拍賣」的機制,但是否能反應出其價格呢? 這個機制的設計,主要似乎是考量各大金融機構手上滿手的MBS與CDO,在其根源的房貸市場出問題後,加上金融機構連鎖反應,如果任憑持有者砍出這些資產,價格會跌到讓整個金融體系的資產都大幅減損、進而引發信用嚴重緊縮,最後是整個市場的流動性出問題。因此,政府要拿納稅人的錢去承接這些資產。 不過,這種做法卻引發許多問題。一來,政府的買盤,頂多避免掉市場「殺盤」 造成的價格崩跌風險,但其實不能遏止資產減損。如果房貸違約持續增加,總有客觀評估這些資產減損程度的機制,這種計算,不因政府買下這些資產而能停損。二來,政府該用什麼價格買下這些資產。價格太高,明顯坑納稅人,圖利金融業者;價格太低,業者恐怕都不賣了哩。更何況,當由政府介入時,就很難有一個真正的「市場價格」。 回頭看過去的例子,當政府要出面收爛攤子時,絕對沒有只收下企業的不良資 產,但讓企業持續生存的例子。美國八○年代末期的儲貸危機,雖然是拿納稅人的錢去挽救危機,但,那些捅出漏子的儲貸公司,沒有例外的被清算─代表公司結束,原投資人拿不回一毛錢。當時美國政府清算了七四四家儲貸公司,花了納稅人八七○億美元。 台灣的金融重建基金,基本上也是接管、清算,政府雖然咬牙吃下銀行爛資產,但銀行股東權益也歸零,經營者還要面對司法檢驗。 因此,這個龐大的搶救金融業計劃,其正當性實在大有問題。更何況,其必要性 也讓人懷疑。近日陸續有巴菲特拿五十億美元入股高盛、中國與日本銀行有意投資大摩,已破產的雷曼,其實已有人願意購買,只因雷曼價格太硬而破局,導致雷曼宣布破產;但破產後,還是陸續有各大金融機構買下雷曼在全球各地的分支。 這代表什麼?代表只有賣不出的價格,沒有賣不出去的東西。那些犯了錯、瀕臨 倒閉邊緣的金融機構,只要價格殺得夠低,還是會有買家。如果價格再怎麼低都乏人問津,代表這企業已毫無價值,就關了吧!何必拿納稅人的錢去買這些企業的爛資產、讓這些爛企業再苟延殘喘呢?美國處理儲貸危機,最後把所有資產分包裹出售,價格低到如半買半送,參與此案的葛林斯潘就說「刺激買氣沒有比低價更有用」,想拾便宜貨者蜂擁而上,把價格拉高,幾個月全部資產都賣光。 所以,這次全球性的金融風暴,雖然非常恐怖,但,當你享受過雞尾酒晚宴的狂 歡,就要忍受酒醒宿醉的痛苦。從過去那麼多例子來看,市場一定有調整自瘉的能力,想用各種手段硬撐住不當的價格─如當年日本去撐股價、房價,反而拉長調整期。如果國會不通過這筆預算,短期當然對全球金融市場打擊甚大,但,中長期而言,可能才是好事哩,反而可加速金融與經濟體系的復原。等著瞧吧!
What's Next After No Bush Trash "Rescue" Plan!!! (edit/delete) God Damn Good! The Main Street won! Allow me to salute those 226 plus Congressmen who refused the plan! Remember it is the darkest before dawn. Let us stand firm on our feet and clean up the Paulson junks. Oh, don't forget it will be due soon for us to cast a vote this coming November. Make sure to check the voting record of our Congress. Make sure who is for the plan, particularly who is the congressman voting for it after it is clear that enough votes is there to defeat the bill. I would not vote for those who were so blind and unrealistic to hog the fat cats to "waste" their votes on the wrong side. Certainly, on this coming Wedesday let's watch who are those senators so determindedly against Mr. Joe on the Main Street. Hope this time, we can see clearly and definitely vote some of those cat's toys out! Also, let's expect the nature functions of economy will resume without further government interruption, including speeding up distressed property management such as "short sale" or "REO." Don't act as Mr. Paulson to not seriously, if not recklessly or corruptedly, give out 3 page plan sketch to our Congress. Learn a lesson from him. (NOTE: the definition of "Corrupted" here means the way someone has for the interests of a few people, not for the general public.) For the opportunities to come and make great money while some bankers are failing (Note: trust me, it is not "everyone" as GWB said), be WELL prepared to be busy and hand out a serious, professional market report to your clients and investors who are a Main Street streetwise average Joe, certainly not a Wall Street dummy in terms of spending money and asset management. Treasurys add to gains after House rejects rescue package
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Treasurys added to gains Monday after initial indications that the U.S. House of Representatives surprisingly voted Monday against a proposal to prop up financial institutions being dragged down by losses on non-performing debt.
September 29 House votes against $700 billion rescue package
Dow falls 500 (NOTE: It is 700 down now. Don't be scared and stand up for the truth and democracy! The stock market will be right bounced back very soon.) |
Enough Is Enough, No Hell Is Waiting for Us
Day 5:驗証太公預期﹐拜拜﹗
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Day 5:本欄至此驗証太公預期﹐美股本週總結﹐計下滑二趴。按計劃﹐一切帳目清結完畢﹐就此﹐離開聯網。何日再返﹐至少一個月吧﹗ 謝謝各位大德﹐好好自重﹐照顧自己﹐才能再圖其他。拜拜﹗ 註﹕跟雞鴨的帳﹐就算他們大智若愚﹐太公小草大愚若智﹐他們統統有理正確﹐太公無理放屁﹐多所得罪﹐請大市大人心有中國古德﹕不與小人計較﹐寬心放下。 太公近三年﹐回饋師長﹐精忠國家﹐卻不能讓國人舉一反一﹐自是無能螳臂﹐也得承認本事只是如此丁點大﹐雖然有憾﹐也算無愧盡心啦﹗ September 26, 2008 7:16 P.M.ET
Is Paulson a Block Buster? 一元貨再度賤價賣三分﹐真夠伊娘列有油水﹖
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附上太公在老美網站貼文裡一段附註﹐批評布希方案 (Note: I believe there is in deed no legitimacy and emergency for such a Paulson's plan. It is very questionable why we need the Paulson plan and what is the motive for him to bring it to us. Need proof for it? For a recent example, please look at what just happen to Washington Mutual who has $310 billion asset and $190 billion deposit. OTS took it over last night in an unusually urgent speed.(some called it "breathtaking." Even Alan Fishman, who took over the title of chairman of WaMu 16 days ago, was knocked off while he is on an airplane from DC back to Seattle. Why is it so urgent? Don't ask me,I didn't care Mr. Fishman's JP Morgan working history . Just look around who is benefited from it? The same steal for them: 3 cents for a dollar deal, again? Damn good God deal! Oh, my God! Great, as Bill Clinton said, "I envy" them.) But read in between of what OTS Chief said. He said, "there is no cost to FDIC or taxpayers and create a seamless transaction to all the concerned." What he meant? All the financial students predicted that FDIC would have a loss of about $90 billion and quickly run out of its fund because WaMu would cost at least ten times what Indymac did. In fact, It seems nothing happen even the biggest thrift of our country failed. NO, no big deal. No turmoil like bank run after the seizure. Sun still comes up, the Wall Street is running (no crash or collapse). And hard to believe, stock price is rising up this morning. It is totally contrary to all the scary episode described by those reports. Looking at the cool WaMu realities, in particular, with bad news in general economy, Paulson's action is freaking enough to me. Who decided WaMu is failed as they did in Indymac case? Oh, It is purely an Administrative discretion to act very agressively to meet an urgent need to protect the public. In other words, it is the Treasury or Mr. Paulson. Yes, nobody can go ask a court of law to review the seizure decision as Henry Paulson wanted for the $700 billion in his 3 page proposal.)
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Day 4: Dow | 11,022.06 | +196.89 | +1.82% | |
一大早﹐伊娘列﹗一大堆喜雀﹐大放利多﹐說兩黨已達成原則協議﹐抵押權整救七千億草案形成﹐可望本週通過﹐股市應聲大漲大漲﹔到下午﹐傳言還是滿天飛。總之﹐是一股雞鴨氣﹐在昨夜布希告人民演說後﹐跟著大吵﹐興風作浪﹔整天就是在某種期望中渡過﹐用主觀的政治希望觀﹐不是用理性的思維炒作﹐更忽視經濟新知。 哈﹗很少看到老美第一大 Savings 銀行華惠將破產﹐股票大跌創下新低一元六角﹐全國失業率達七年來最高﹐一月內近四十六萬人失業(全美目前總失業人口﹐約四百萬多人)﹐上月房屋銷售量﹐亦創下十七年來最低記錄﹔GE也公佈今年前景黯淡。伊娘列﹗這些今天呈現的事據﹐沒人肯多花心去研析基本面﹐很好﹗技術面的情緒﹐發揮意志力的作用﹐操控投資熱情﹐很像聯網的氣氛喔﹗ NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks surged Thursday on reports that lawmakers were close to an agreement on a rescue package for the financial sector, helping overtake grim economic data, including a slump in new-home sales. NEW YORK (AP) -- Financial markets grew more upbeat Thursday as political leaders said they struck an agreement in principle on a massive spending plan to revive the crippled financial system. The Dow Jones industrial average jumped about 200 points on optimism about the bailout, and demand for safe-haven assets remained high but eased slightly as some investors placed bets that a deal would help unclog credit markets. *** *** *** 在股市以上漲一九六點收市後﹐伊娘列﹗馬上一大堆利空消息﹐開始呈現。描述政治實情的馬後砲﹐好像今晨的美景希望﹐又成海市蜃樓一場空。唉﹗熱情衝動後的投資人﹐今晚要如何傷腦筋﹐對今日投注﹐加以自我合理化呢﹖這不是太公的事喔﹗ 怎麼﹐在民主黨細節修正﹐布希有所讓步﹐原則上要配合通過本法案時﹐卻傳出有國會共和黨人﹐堅持反對自己的阿扁。那是誰啊﹖是支持馬坎的一派。當然﹐民主黨說布希提出此案﹐是暗助馬坎﹔隨便青菜《台語》說說﹐就別當真。 破筍的方案在上週四提出後﹐馬坎與奧婆馬迄今仍未就該案本質上『是否必需』﹐以及『贊成或反對』兩題﹐作出明確表態。所以﹐馬坎究竟是智是愚﹐成不成宋公楚瑜﹐還是要看看這批反布希共和黨人﹐究竟能代表多少馬坎的態度喔﹗ No deal reached at White House, officials say WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Sen. Chris Dodd, the top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee, said Thursday that bipartisan meeting with President Bush at the White House on the mortgage rescue plan was nothing short of a disaster. In an interview on the CNN cable news network, Dodd described a meeting in which Democrats were blindsided by a new core mortgage proposal from House Republicans, with the tacit backing of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. "I am not going to sign on to something I just saw this afternoon," he said. Dodd said Republicans and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had to decide what they wanted to support. The whole meeting "looked like a rescue plan for John McCain," Dodd said. He said he was simply going to pretend that the meeting had never happened.
Dodd says White House meeting was a disaster By Greg Robb Last update: 5:27 p.m. EDT Sept. 25, 2008 WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- President Bush was unable to seal a deal between Republicans and Democrats on his $700 billion mortgage rescue plan, officials said. "It was not a negotiating session," said House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer. The two presidential candidates, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barak Obama, attended the meeting but left the White House without talking to reporters. A revolt among House Republicans appears to have emerged as the key stumbling block. Hoyer said that some plans have recently been put on the table that even Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson hasn't seen. "On our side, there is a consensus on how to go forward, we'll have to see if that consensus can grow," Hoyer said. It was up to Bush to talk to Republicans, he added. |
By JENNIFER LOVEN and JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writers 13 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Urgent efforts to lash together a $700 billion rescue plan for the national economy appeared to be stalling Thursday night, hours after key lawmakers had declared they had reached a deal. But conservatives were still in revolt, balking at the astonishing price tag of the proposal and the hand of government that it would place on private markets. Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, emerged from the White House meeting to say the announced agreement "is obviously no agreement." One group of House GOP lawmakers circulated an alternative that would put much less focus on a government takeover of failing institutions' sour assets. This proposal would have the government provide insurance to companies that agree to hold frozen assets, rather than have the U.S. purchase the assets. McCain hoped voters would believe that he rose above politics to wade into successful, nitty-gritty dealmaking at a time of urgent crisis, but he risked being seen instead as either overly impulsive or politically craven, or both. Obama saw a chance to appear presidential and fit for duty, but was also caught off guard strategically by McCain's surprising gamble in saying he was suspending his campaigning and asking to delay Friday night's debate to focus on the crisis.
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Day 3:
House approves $630B spending bill! 什麼﹖喔喔﹗一午覺醒來﹐通過啦﹖破而遜要的是七千億﹐只打個九折﹐就迅速過關啊﹖ Dow10,825.17-28.28 Oil$105.73-$0.88 |
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Day two: 股市金融風暴﹐其病因真的如美國財長破而遜所言﹐在於資金凍結﹐流動不通﹐極待政府七千億﹐打通水管﹖他真是不愧一生在華爾街混啊﹗病垃圾等人﹐更要脅國會﹐非儘速七天通過不可﹐否則大災難將至。 唉﹗看今日老美破而遜與病垃圾的表現﹐讓太公想起中國古訓『大禹治水』。他們真的是頭腦醬缸﹐思路僵屍﹐更甚大禹之父鯀。一股腦槳﹐只想拉抬房價股價﹐讓五年來人為炒高的天價﹐不能自然滑落﹐學鯀硬撐反抗水之就下﹐也想隻手撐住天之既蹋乎﹖ 就縮小討論層面﹐純說股市吧﹗事情本不會至此﹐奈何庸才當道施政﹐越想堵住自然﹐就弄得更糟喔﹗以七千億美元﹐送給今日華爾街惹出大禍的肥貓﹐理由竟然是不給這錢﹐這些肥貓就沒錢﹐可以放貨﹐整個金融体會瓦解。難道全美國人民﹐都已經是華爾街的人質﹐非受制於人不可﹖ 上個月布希還說老美經濟﹐基本上很好(the economy is basically sound)。 話音還未盡﹔這些華爾街眷養金融高官﹐就改口說一切都壞啦﹖如果現在說的話﹐才是真的﹐則今日華爾街賭場機器﹐好像真的被玩壞啦﹗《太公不如此想﹐百足之虫﹐不會那麼容易死的。看那兩隻Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley上週末﹐把其法律定位﹐自投資銀行﹐改為商銀母控﹐花招還在百出喔》 既然﹐情形如高官說的『壞透』啦﹐一切就靠聯邦資金﹐才能救難﹐這是最後的武器。事果如此﹐老美有句俚語﹕If it isn't broke, don't fix replace it.那就大破大立﹐汰舊腐﹐換新血吧﹗ 你們是想維護舊友親朋既得利益﹐還是懶惰害怕﹖不能自己開一家嶄新的中央銀行《如今年七月十一日﹐FDIC接收私人IMB﹐就在次生意日﹐就地取材﹐開張一家純政府經營的嶄新Indymac Federal Bank ﹔或學大蕭條時代籌立﹑今日尚存的十二家房貨銀行》﹐自己進行放貸﹐打通資金遲滯﹐而一定非要假手他人﹐用你他媽的政府經費乎﹖ 各位高官﹐都是財經專家﹑國家公僕﹐有必要把人民血汗錢﹐交給他人(還是那些犯錯肇禍﹐把自己公司都搞垮的笨蛋)﹐去打通水管﹐才能讓資金融通嗎﹖ 這些老美昏官庸吏﹐你在騙肖耶﹗腦子打結﹐只想救心中美人﹐有『華爾街肥貓單戀症』啊﹗如果如此﹐請現在身擁四億美元資產的財政部長破而遜先生﹐在要求納稅人之前﹐先身先士卒﹐作個『散財毀家』的好榜樣。 伊娘列﹗就是腦槳豆奶化﹐遇事不會往另一個方向想想啊﹖ 註﹕依太公估計﹐今日股市似應反彈﹐至少止跌﹔唉﹗國會拒絕學中共『人大』﹐不肯當橡皮圖章﹐表現超激烈哦﹗ 再註﹕昨夜觀前總統柯靈頓在ABC﹐對此際老美財經的評論﹐以及老美公視台﹐親聞普林斯頓大學布蘭德教授及華郵記老波斯坦﹐對破而遜大方案的評擊﹐太公不得不佩服布蘭德的才學﹐及柯靈頓的智慧。當然﹐他們似仍受主持人羅斯狹隘的框架主導﹐環繞病垃圾所提主議題的發言﹐並未就其他層面去思考﹐提出見解﹐非常可惜。 他們有很多智言﹐讓太公感觸很多﹐但也不想在此多言﹐反正寫了﹐雞鴨也看不懂﹔就只提柯靈頓所言一句﹕『處此局勢﹐這是最偉大的機會﹐讓人可以服務國家﹐貢獻人民﹐我很羨慕嫉妒下任的總統(有此良機)。』唉﹗伊娘列﹐台灣也處在這等局勢﹐誰又會讓太公羡慕呢﹖ 面對中華民國艱困之時﹐是該如雷根總統說的﹕『要嘗試新的不同途徑』﹐只是﹐在聯網上﹐只見雞鳴狗盜﹐士人無恥﹐根本連自己的國家是什麼﹐也不如赤子有心﹐新的途徑﹐似是放棄中華民國﹐當起敗家子﹖ 太公又夫復何言。
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Day One: 玩死兔﹐會死
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Day one: Two Ends in a row in the Monday. Really ends? Drop 373 Points. Well, still better than what I can imagine. 今天股市表現﹐石油曾大漲二十五美元﹐終於十六﹐一天大漲十七趴﹐伊娘列﹗夠狠辣﹔但確實﹐還是比我想像中的景況﹐還要好太多。 十八年前﹐馬克思的共產主義﹐隨著蘇聯瓦解﹐走到末路。今天﹐史密斯的資本主義﹐是否隨著華爾街崩盤﹐也走到末路﹖太公不作如是觀。 只是有一些人和事﹐是絕對完蛋﹐如同推銷『一國兩制』《1C2S》的人﹐正在『玩死兔﹐會死』《請把1C2S用英﹑台語發音﹐就得前面中文正譯。喔﹖有疑問﹐何謂1C2S﹖笨喔﹗One Country, Two System 簡寫。慬了﹖》﹐就別這樣沒學術水準﹐過度簡化的泛而推之﹐說一切通通都完蛋啦。 一天﹐就把把資本主義的兩個蛋都玩完了﹖那兩個都閹割了﹐那有後勁各領風騷數十年﹖下面這兩位洋和尚愛說笑啦。事情有如此嚴重嗎﹖ 但看有人能在美國當獨裁者的機會﹐有多大﹖咱們小草﹐就騎馬走著瞧吧﹗ Investment banks' model has collapsed in the U.S., felled by the credit crisis they helped create. Yet this may be the beginning of leaner times for the surviving firms.
MARKET SNAPSHOT Stocks sink as market weighs bailout Dow slides 372 points; surprise $16 surge in oil adds to bearish toneBy Nick Godt, MarketWatch Last update: 4:33 p.m. EDT Sept. 22, 2008 NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Stocks fell Sector: N/A Industry: N/A Uncertainty over plan to sweep up "toxic" assets from banks is too much for the markets; financial stocks in particular give up nearly 8%. (Please note: This article told us something in some perspective. But considered the length of it, it couldn't tell us all with a big picture.)
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