共和黨大會, 本是推選總統候選人的造勢大會.
奧八碼有克林頓造勢, 聲勢如日中天, 滿口空言, 也沒人在乎!
麥肯取消共和黨大會, 跟馬英九取消參加龍舟比賽一樣.
差別是: 麥肯取消共和黨大會, 大家都省錢省事.
麥芽糖對於布希父子, 是滿肚子勞騷, 沒有好話.
對於共和黨, 是半信半疑.
沒有政黨屬性的麥芽糖, 是標準的獨立選民, 完全看候選人.
奧八碼滿口空言, 麥肯雖老, 人是君子!
McCain orders convention changes because of storm By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer 9 minutes ago
ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain tore up the script for his Republican National Convention on Sunday as Hurricane Gustav churned toward New Orleans. "We have to go from a party event to a call to the nation for action," he declared.
咱們必須停止造勢, 該去做正經事(準備應變災難)了!
AP Photo: Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-AZ., announces there will be changes to the Republican...

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