My dear fellow agents,
Who says California have budget problems? California Cities have no financial pressure at all. At least, they are in a better position than Mr. Mozilo, former CEO of Countrywide. They are even greater or more generous than Presidents Geroge Bush or Benanke to provide us a Santa Mozilo Loan.
With this kind of city programs, you can afford to buy a home up to $300,000 or more, with your one percent down payment. You can get up to 99 percent loan for your purchase. It is so great, isn't it? Maybe, you will say, "No, VA has zero down program" or "DOA has the same zero down program in remote country area." Gee, you are not so easy to be pleased!
Okay, I got it. Let's move on! You didn't see the best part of it yet. Not like those two stingy Mr. B who want you to pay back their tax credit of $7,500 and like to bite a big slice of your "future profit" through their "profit sharing" project by the so-called "Congress Rescue Bill." those Californian cities don't charge you interest or ask monthly payments. Compared to those two year no interest programs provided by furniture stores or 7 year no interest program from automakers, is it good enough to please you?
Wow, wait. Things even get much better! If you own (live in?) the house for 15 years, Guess what will happen? Your 2nd loan of $150,000 provided by the city will be forgiven. Yes, it will be totally "wiped out" (Note: don't be scared when you hear these two words. The situation is working for you, not like Indymac's stockholders being wiped out or the possible GSEs wipe out.) Literally, that means the city will give you $10,000 every year. At the end of 15 years, you don't owe nothing to the city. You own your property "free and clear," except the unpaid balance of the first loan of $150,000.
Am I kidding? No, I am not. "Read my lips" and verify it at the following attachments (Note: It contains 8 page, I just post the most important part.). It is a decent business. No trick or fine prints hidden like Alt-A loans, Option loans or any negative amortization loan.
So, hurry to get on board. Common, it is hot. But it is just new and hot out of oven. Don't look it as a hot potato. Find out if your city has this Santa Mozilo program as an early bird before time is changed or fund is crunched as subprime loans did. (Note: don't be lazy by just clicking on your city website. Go out and talk to somebody. You probably can't find it as I can't find it at the city website. Please don't tell me we have the most transparent system in the world.)

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