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2255 B***n Ave (尚未發行)
時事評論財經 2008/08/22 05:24 |瀏覽 1|回應 0|推薦 0|引用 0

Dear Hank,

Thank you for forwarding the promotional email to me.  Its idea is very good, but they have not done it well.   If they could have the idea I put in my "America Poor Folk's Egold,"  they would be able to it much better to the poor and the nation.  

The promoters pick up a foreclosure, fix it up and sell.  They are doing the same thing as I once did in the past years, except they have manpower and money to advertise on internet.   Per their website, they claimed that they have markets nationwide, it is very clear to me that they are focusing on the state of Indiana at this moment.

Are they giving you the value?  Look at what area they are working on.  Take their property at 1237 S. Ohio, Kokomo, IN as an example.  Probably all their properties are in a depressed market.  In this neighborhood, almost everybody is asking less than $30K for his properties.  How could they put the 1237 Ohio a price tag of $57K and reduce it to $49K?  

In the month of Novembe 2007, there were about 50 properties scheduled to be auctioned off in the City.  What do you think?  At least I will have a doubt: people are leaving, not moving in.  Is there anybody want to pay their claimed rent of $600 a month to live in? 

Well, if we have fund or manpower, we can do a lot better.  There are ample opportunity to buy better properties in USA.   Even in California, the great chance is right coming up over there.  A lot of properties are selling at least 50% off its peak.  It is very common that California properties are currently asking 20 cents for a dollar, compared to its 2006 price.  Absolutely not like those past 4 years, there is a boat of opportunity coming to California.  You can make a lot of money at your doorstep.

Why do you want to go to Indiana or any place on where, as I know, you've never put your foot? 

Everyday I run into dozens of bargains in real estate without walking out of my house.  If you are not confined yourself to a specific area or a particular house, you can find a lot of bargains in California if you treat your purchase as an investment, not a home for you to retire at this moment.   It is very hard for you not to see the opportunity at the fire sale.  

There is no shortage of them in any county of America.  Just tell me where you want to go, I can locate it for you very easily.   Say, yesterday, there is a Florida property foreclosed for $133K.  The banker put it on market for $75K, then reduced to $69K and now you can have it for $35K.  It is surrounded by $180K properties.  If we buy it and fix it up, can we ask for $120K and sell it for $100K?  You bet,  

Maybe you forgot our real estate lessons out of our 20 year experience.  We can make all the needed remodeling or renovation, but we can't change the community and its outside surroundings.  Remember it is the number 1 rule in real estate.


****** Ave, ******, FL 3****
2BR, 2BA, 1083SF - Lot/Acres:10001
Leading Bidder: Bid Now

Contact: Christina *****, 


For the above Florida property foreclose court lawsuite:

H-27-CA-2007-515 Deutsche Bank National Trust v Jesse Wern ******Ave. Spring Hill, Fl 34606. H-27-CA-2007-515. Deutsche Bank National Trust. v Jesse Wern. $133029

******Ave, *******, FL 3***** , $75000 2 beds 2 baths (Note: this is the property foreclosed for $133029.  I believe it was the initial asking price of $75K.  Now you can get it for $35K.  What a discount!)   

Sheriff's Sales for Kokomo, Indiana November 14, 2007

1. 1225 East Taylor, Kokomo, Indiana 2. 1037 Springwater Road, Kokomo, Indiana 3. 1807 North Delphos, Kokomo, Indiana 4. 5837 Council Ring Boulevard, Kokomo, Indiana 5. 5565 West 200 North, Kokomo, Indiana 6. 1237 South Ohio, Kokomo, Indiana 7. 1705 Cadillac Drive West, Kokomo, Indiana 8. 3075 West 450 North, Kokomo, Indiana 9. 2862 Beachwalk Lane, Kokomo, Indiana 10.1135 South Ohio, Kokomo, Indiana 11.318 West Jefferson, Kokomo, Indiana 12.1606 North Lindsay, Kokomo, Indiana 13.1020 West Taylor, Kokomo, Indiana 14.1236 East Taylor, Kokomo, Indiana 15.1512 Bradley Road, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED 16.941 East Center Road, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED 17.9235 West 00 North South, Kokomo, Indiana 18.401 East Vaile Avenue, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED 19.4240 South 800 East, Greentown, Indiana 20.1021 East Wheeler, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED 21.4209 South Dixon Road, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED 22.150 West Lions, Russiaville, Indiana 23.215 Wickersham Drive East, Kokomo, Indiana 24.3662 West 400 South, Kokomo, Indiana 25.2143 South 1000 East, Greentown, Indiana CANCELLED 26.917 West North, Kokomo, Indiana 27.523 Santa Fe Boulevard, Kokomo, Indiana CANCELLED   


The recent speech made by the mayor of Kokomo is quoted here:

As you all know, our city is facing a potential financial shortfall that could have a real and lasting impact on the services we provide to you every day.

The worst of these problems are still looming, on a very-close horizon.

But even our 2008 budget creates significant challenges for our city.

Our city's General Fund - our main operating account - will require us to take almost $400,000 out of our already-low cash reserves.

After this happens, those cash reserves will have just $460,000 remaining.

This money is supposed to serve as a cushion against unforeseen events. Independent Credit Rating Agencies, such as Standard and Poor's, say that this cushion should be about 15 percent of your annual revenue to be considered "strong."

If you have 5 to 15 percent, that's considered "adequate."

By contrast, we will have just 1.2 percent.


-- On Thu, 8/21/08, Hank **** <@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Hank <****@yahoo.com>
To: "Ed" <@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 11:41 PM

Hi ET,   Look at this. It's not bad, isn't it?   Hank

--- On Wed, 8/20/08, Bill  wrote:
From: Bill***
To: ***@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 7:08 AM

You have received an e-mail because you are a real estate professional or associated with a real estate professional and have made your e-mail address publicly available through various sources available to the public for the purpose of receiving communication regarding the real estate industry.

CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US by e-mail, or call ***-***-7700 anytime.
We value your time - UNSUBSCRIBE via our form. Responding to this e-mail will NOT unsubscribe you.



Great cash flow investment properties in Indiana.  Homes range from $35,000 to $40,000 full Purchase Price, this is not a down payment.  Rents range from $550 to $650 per month.  These properties are located in Kokomo, just north of Indianapolis, Indiana.  We have property managers, contractors and lenders in place.  These homes make great rentals and have new paint, carpet and wood floors.

  Please CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US by e-mail,
or call ***-***-7777 or ***-***-7700 anytime.

We have a lender who can provide financing with either 10% or 20% down payment with very low interest rates, even as an investment property.  This is an opportunity to leverage the property and still have CASH FLOW.

These homes are brought to you by Positive Cash Flow Homes.  We specialize in finding great cash flow properties throughout the Country.




Please CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US by e-mail, or call ***-***-7700 anytime. 
We value your time - UNSUBSCRIBE via our form.


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2008/08/24 10:26 【曾太公落美洲】 慘慘慘﹗加州地產﹐有變現率﹐低至值百換一﹖




Enclosed here are two responses in my American city:

To Betty:

Today I spent some time to check the neighborhood around 1237 S. Ohio, Kokomo, IN. 

No surprise to me.  It is in the hub of the lowest priced community in Kokomo. It was rated one star in the five star spectrum (Five is the highest prestigious). 

Last week, the ABC show "Extreme Makeover" gave us a exciting story telling us the dream of the Martinez's family:  to move in a slum and try to transform it into a nice community, if not a heaven.  Without the kindness of "community sense" and the miracle (money?) given by Sears, Martinezs have no way to be successful in fulfilling their dreams, except crying.

Why I set up **** group in this forum?  Because I have the same dream to help the poor as Martinezs.  However, I am very realistic to know it would be "extreme" difficult to do it by myself, if not impossible.  I couldn't expect myself so lucky as Garold Martinez's family in New Mexico.  Some young guys in "Extreme Makeover" will come out of the TV box to rescue. 

Okay, I admit, I am not only a chicken but a lazy one.   As a small investor with limited resource.  I will avoid the area like plaque.  Could you or any local agent confirm my finding on the community?


08/25/2008 11:38 PMby ET                               EditDelete


My emails with the indiana property promoter who is located in Arizona:

Dear P****n:  

Thank you for your response.  

Could you be kind to post your answers on the ** forum since there are some discussion where we need answers to the points of our questions?  Hope you can see it is a good marketing opportunity to convince those bloggers and me that you do have a great product.  If you are successful in so doing, consider your properties sold out.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon; and having my knowledge improved by a seasoned investor like you.

Thank you very much.  


--- On Wed, 8/27/08, <p@p************s.com> wrote:

From: p*****@p*******.com <p*****n@p************s.com>
Subject: Indiana Homes
To: @yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 12:39 PM

Ed,   Good Afternoon!   Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond to our flyer regarding P***********Homes.  I tried to call you and got your voicemail.  I just wanted to touch base and see if I can answer any questions for you regarding these properties.  You can visit our website at http://www.p**********s.com for a list of the current properties for sale with photos.  Call me at (***) ***-**00 at your earliest convenience and I can give you all the information on these investment opportunities.     P**** P*********s 


08/27/2008 02:57 PMby ET                                   EditDelete

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An Update: 與老美理性論事




You have a lot of good information here and much of it is true about Kokomo. However, your comment about the house on S Ohio and that most of the house for sale in the neighborhood are priced at $30K is somewhat misleading.

Over the past 12 months, the average sale price of rehabbed/good condition homes in that area (< .5miles) was $52,556 vs average asking price of $55,104 or 95%! (that is for 26 sales)

Currently there are 41 active listings in that same area ranging in price from $25K to $93.9K with the average listing price of $50,387 and a median of $49,000. Of those 41 homes, 34 % are priced less than $40K. 15% are priced over $60K and the remainder (51%) are priced from $40-60K.

As I said, you made some good points in your posting. Is this a wise investment for an investor? Maybe not! Is it a wise purchase for a first-timer or an down-sized? Could be!

Rental homes are in great demand in Kokomo! Unfortunately, out of area investors often find themselves out of luck because:

  1. local investors snap-up the best buys when they hit the market
  2. investors working with a local realtor have an inside track
  3. they believe the hype they read on craiglists, ebay, or in mailings such as the one you received

I get a dozen or so inquiries a month from out of area investors who have heard about really cheap properties in Kokomo. Most of them have the idea they can buy a $10K property and maybe slap a coat of paint on it and rent it out or flip it! NO! A $10K property is priced that way for one of two reasons - either condition or location! And locals won't touch it!

Anyone considering investing in Kokomo needs to find a good, honest realtor who will tell it like it is and watch the market for the good deals! And you need to be in a position to act immediately! 

One other thing, I don't mean to have 6 agents watching the market for you! If you want the best deals and the most honest information, you need to hook up with THE agent you have the most confidence in assisting you in meeting your goals.

08/22/2008 03:49 PM by Betty Byrnes (ERA REALTORS)

To Betty:

Thank you for your reply.

Certainly I know the difference between Generalization and Exception.  Also, I know the disparity between Theory and Reality.  That's why my professers tought me, to find a truth, we have to verify a social situation after logical reasoning.    

Thank you for confirming the generalization of a GOOD investment does apply to this promotional case in KoKomo while providing a better understanding of local market in the city. 

I haven't heard any city by the name of "Kokomo" until I received the email from my old buddy/ partner/ appraiser.   The most closer name I can think of is "Kokoman."   But that is a soysouce brand.  

I admitted that I knew nothing about the city "Kokomo" at all.  And thank you for "correcting" me about some details of it again.   Everyday media give us all kinds of general info about real estate to "mislead" the public.  When the media says the housing market is going down, the public will be lead to think it is depressed everywhere

It is not the case, in reality.  We have more than ten thousands housing markets exist in America.  Every local market moves as different as a stock fluctuates in the wave of thousands stocks in the sea of Wall Street.  Even most general indices head to the same direction, this stock may act totally "insane."

Also, everybody has his own opinion that deserves my respect unless there is a reason for me to act differently.  As it was said, every lady has a lover no matter how ugly or beautiful she looks; every property has its owner/ buyer.   

My article is based on my viewpoint: an investor is NOT a home buyer.   They have totally different views.   In short, there is no room for an investor to do business as a buyer falling in love with a "home sweet home." 

My guideline for my investment as I put in my profile is very simple since I am a lazy guy. 

BTW, I agree with you, a honest and experienced local agent is a plus for home-buying or investment in a particular local market.


08/23/2008 11:38 AM by ET  

****** Ave, ******, FL 3****
2BR, 2BA, 1083SF - Lot/Acres:10001
Leading Bidder: Bid Now

Contact: Christina *****, 


For the above Florida property foreclose court lawsuite:

H-27-CA-2007-515 D******* Bank National Trust v ***** Wern ******Ave. *****l, Fl 3****. H-27-CA-2007-515. D******* Bank National Trust. v J*** Wern. $133029

The auction for this Florida SFR is ended.  There is only one bidder making the minimum bid of $32,500.  Can the bidder get it? 

Is it possible for you to get it for less?   Yes, it could be done.  Sure, there are so many factors not under your control.   However, it depends how fast you act, as Betty said in her reply above; and how good you know to perfectly do it.

by ET  

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老丐改一字, 來說明美國和扁府的情況.

老丐自稱擺餅攤, 乃是遁詞.

在美國賣燒餅, 能養家活口嗎?


聯網某些網友, 就拿此做文章, 人身攻擊麥芽糖. 是否麥芽糖有先見知明, 沒有曝光自己的生意?

小二好像公佈處置某些到別人生活環境與工作場所踢館鬧場的網友, 他們如果來鬧, 麥芽糖的生意, 還能做嗎?

同行倒閉了許多家, 老丐見風轉舵, 又吉人天助, 所以還混得可以!


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Dear Hank,

Just as I guessed, the city is losing its population.

Population (year 2000): 46,113. Estimated population in July 2006: 45,923 (-0.4% change)

How about its housing sale volume? Currently as of 08-22-2008 there are 1,254 real estate listings found in the city, per realtor.com http://www.realtor.com/search/searchresults.aspx?loc=Kokomo%2c+Indiana

How low low price the current housing market?  So many property are asking below $10,000. 

1226 N Apperson

Kokomo, IN 46901 Save Listing Photo of 1226 N Apperson - Kokomo, IN 46901 $8,500

2 Bed, 1 Bath, 884 Sq Ft on 0.07 Acres (3,049 Sq Ft Lot) Property Type: Single Family Home 

523 S Washington
Kokomo, IN 46901 Save Listing Photo of 523 S Washington - Kokomo, IN 46901 $7,500

2,300 Sq Ft on 0.19 Acres (8,276 Sq Ft Lot) Property Type: Multi-Family Home  

Take a look at http://www.realtor.com/search/searchresults.aspx?loc=Kokomo%2c+Indiana&sid=a694ab7804064b8e84c947cf33422f36&pg=126&fhpg=0

Assumed the following chart is correct, what is rate of LPR in the city now?  How many years it will take us to consume this huge inventory?  

Last, how about the monthly rent?  Okay, you will say, "no problem, I will hold on and just count on income 'rent', not the appreciation of property."  Here is a piece of rent info in the City for your reference:

Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units in 2000: $436

Median gross rent in Kokomo, IN in 2000: $498

And the holding costs of the property, (i.e., tax and insurance) is about $300 per month in 2000.  You tell me how you can have a positve cash flow and make money out ot it, please.


Kokomo,IN real estate house value index trend

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Don't complain, get even.

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阿扁愛臺灣, 愛得瑞士存款大增.

布希愛伊拉克, 錢尼一人包盡美國和伊拉克的公帑.


當今聖上在當小王子的時候, 他大哥就靠 Saving & Loan, 虧了美國十億.

現在放出謠言, 嚇死老百姓, 繼續撈. 厚!

亂世佳人裡的男主角, 就是發國難財.

事在人為: 臺灣很多人燒碳, 阿扁可是發了. 光是瑞士存款, 就遠勝過宋子文用飛機運到美國的黃金!

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