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已經出局了, 還是被爆婚外情!


這比那群無病呻吟的人, 整天拿宋楚瑜做文章, 還要無聊!

狗崽人民, 鼓勵狗崽政治, 狗仔隊才能橫行!

美國帥哥已經出局了, 還是被爆婚外情.

In this Jan. 11, 2008, file photo, Democratic presidential hopeful, ...Former U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate and former Senator ...

Rielle Hunter is seen in this October 25, 2004 file photo at ...

Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate and former Senator ...

Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards faces ...

In this Jan. 11, 2008, file photo, Democratic presidential hopeful, former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., leaves Town Hall Penn Center in St. Helena Island, S.C., after a campaign event. Edwards on Friday, Aug. 8, 2008, admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer.  (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Edwards admits having affair, says he's ashamed

AP - 18 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - John Edwards says he made a serious error in judgment when he had an affair and is ashamed of his conduct. In a statement, the former Democratic presidential candidate also said he informed his wife about his affair with 42-year-old Rielle Hunter in 2006 and has asked her forgiveness.

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Who cares? Are you still in ancient China?
    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 推薦1


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What's the big deal?

Do you see a socially acceptable "marriage" norm or system in our Chinese traditional sense exists in America?   Clearly, there is no such thing as Confucious' "marriage" around me. If you do, watch your illusion.   Well, we Americans called it "woman liberation" that ruin the traditional FAMILY foundation.  (Note:  Meifeng will be more than delighted to hear my position on this man-woman issue.  But I will try to avoid talking too much in order to stay out of "trouble.")

If you don't believe me, please go to watch TV shows like "divorce court" or "people's court," then Judge Judy or Hatchet will give you a very crystal clear picture on this broken American dream of "marriage."  Or go rent a move titled "neighbors." you won't commit a crime to take action against someone who just comes to your door steps to ask your wife go out for a very "good" evening and your wife agrees.  Simply nothing you can do about it. 

Who cares? It wouldn't hurt his popularity if he run.

No need to mention about Gay or Lesbian marriage that is so so so modern and popular trend everywhere in USA.   But just in case, remind you that we do have "tax penalty" against those people who get "marriage certificate",  but not for a so-called "living together" style "actual marriage."

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